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Posts posted by TIEIXIAIS

  1. [quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1300390770' post='2668021']
    Did you miss most of their posts and the content of their official publications before the war? I don't think they had a single newsletter that didn't focus on attacking us or a direct ally, and most were focused on us.
    MK does the same stuff and more. This is not a viable argument. You are better off with the argument that the war is just for fun.

  2. [quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1297793292' post='2634527']
    Oddly enough, I'm more worried about IRON cancelling on MHA after MHA utterly burning for IRON's sake, than I am worried about MHA doing [i]one[/i] tech deal with Gramlins.
    I doubt IRON canceling on MHA over aiding an opposing belligerent will be an issue because MHA would handle things more diplomatically than past alliances.

  3. [quote name='Weirdgus' timestamp='1297746051' post='2634064']
    Congrats on IRON's new found path of neutrality and idleness.

    I have seen this phrase quiet a bit and would like to first point out the IRONy in the use of the term neutrality, there is absolutely nothing neutral about an ODP; so, using my non-existent psycho-analysis skills I have come to the conclusion that you are envious.....How does that make you feel?

  4. [quote name='brickyard' timestamp='1296664964' post='2616262']
    IRON council members have to take an oath that they will lie to membership about 50% of things, and ignore questions about the other 50%

    I never took this oath when I was in council, must be a new one!

    [quote name='Razgriz90' timestamp='1296669753' post='2616344']
    Nice to know IRON still loves us. We've moved on and you should too.
    It is only natural that some IRONers will hold ill will towards The Last Republic, understandable, and should be expected. Although it would be convenient for them to have 'moved on' it is unlikely since a few feel betrayed and rightfully so. However I hold know ill-will towards you since I served with you when times were good. I was not around to know your exact motives for running away when things got to difficult for you so I can not make judgment on my feelings towards you.

    Good luck TLR!

  5. [quote name='scotch' timestamp='1281425824' post='2409306']
    one would think, that a person may change their posted AA on these boards to their current alliance, especially after someone makes a reference to said AA.

    Way to get off topic. Now are their any valid defenses for RoK's hollow accusations or R&R's decision to support it? Or are you going to continue throwing insults at random alliances you don't like?

  6. [quote name='scotch' timestamp='1281388540' post='2408352']
    <3 R&R. give 'em hell guys

    A reasonable alliance wouldn't declare without a CB on an entire bloc of allianes because their [s]boyfriend[/s] [s]master[/s] friend's in TOP said to. So, I fail to see how IRON's opinion counts as to the actions of a reasonable alliance.

    I'm sorry to inform you but your attempt at an insult has failed, seeing as how I'm not in IRON.

  7. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1281341662' post='2407144']
    When attacking another alliance, it is preferable to declare on as many of them as possible. If they slip into peace mode to avoid you it's generally considered to be a [i]bad move[/i]. They were looking for war, and by the looks of things they intend to win. [b]Shocking[/b], I know. After telling an alliance 'don't aid that rogue you'll be fighting us,' and then the alliance subsequently aiding them to spite you is a pretty good reason for a war~

    Also, I think you'll find they're called R&R.
    Rational people do not go to war over misunderstandings. RoK only stated, never provided them with evidence that he was a rogue. A reasonable alliance would have screen shots of their accusations and not hollow arguments.

    Edited for spelling.

  8. [quote name='Thorgrum' timestamp='1281347512' post='2407249']
    Sure lets be perfectly frank, you are wrong. Its very simple, NSO committed an act of war against Ragnarok. Again to be frank, they had the opportunity not to do so, the choice was theirs they made it and here we are. No amount of spin is going to change the fact this had literally nothing to do with NSO treaty partners, so your edits for accuracy are correct for 1/2 of your sentence. It dosent have much to do with the pissant nation, it has to do with the NSO committing an act of war.

    Want to edit it again for complete accuracy?

    The escalation of it by RoK was highly unnecessary. Lets be 'frank' NSO and it's allies have absolutely no chance in defeating your 'karma' bloc. Why would they want a war with you? RoK could have very easily continued talks with NSO and had the issue resolved in a matter of days. It was a poor show and CB on RoK'S part. I understand your unwavering will to defend it though. Nothing wrong with being stubborn, tends to happen when your leaders make a Ad Hoc Decision.

  9. [quote name='EgoFreaky' timestamp='1281337322' post='2406988']
    We're not upset, we actually completely agreed with it. So let''s get rid of one :awesome:

    Things could indeed have been discussed more.. By that time NSO would have pulled most of their nations into PM (they already started getting them into PM) making this war longer and harder then needed.

    NSO was warned, they disregarded the warning thinking RoK wouldn't go to war over a few million to a small rogue. If RoK would have backed down they could have used it as a nice new party line about how big and bad they are..

    To bad RoK didn't bluff. We consider the warning a legit one and NSO's disregard of it a valid CB. Maybe not the most spectacular one but valid none the less.

    Good luck NSO and have fun. Peace is a lie anyway.

    o/ R&R

    Being concerned about their nations going in to peace mode just fortifies that RoK was not looking for peace but for war. It's a shame an alliance I thought highly of would support this. RnR has a pretty good track record though, not to many slip ups I'm sure RnR's government will try to resolve the matter quickly.

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