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Posts posted by TIEIXIAIS

  1. I share your hope, but implying that one side is guilty while the other is not as you did already shows why this won't happen so soon.

    The governments of both sides know what severed the relations completely.

    I would say 'GGA intelligent thought' would deteriorate them the most.

    It has been over a year. Lose the hard feelings.

    0/ GGA

  2. Really? Huh, sorry, I guess I jumped to conclusions. I assumed that since the trend in this "state of non-relations" has been a whole bunch of line-drawing, one could easily mistake it for a "Cold War," if one were so inclined to use such a term -- and a positive one at that!

    But it's nice to know that you don't see this as a "Cold War," or else others might think that given the way IRON has been defending GGA throughout this thread, IRON considers GGA a satellite. Good to know you consider GGA as equals!

    Some IRON nations may dislike ODN for it's actions in the Karma war and some diplomatic moves that most would find desperate and unethical. Believe it or not ODN and her allies are not a big concern. We're not Pro-War we just got out of one.

    GGA has proven to be a very loyal and deserving ally. Just like you defended Athens(A non-ally), we are defending GGA(except GGA has done know wrong). Are you saying you see Athens as a satellite to ODN?

    IRON bashing ODNers in ODN-related threads has become very common these days I noticed.

    The ship rocks both ways.

  3. Hey now, that would violate the OUT guideline of no Orange on Orange violence. :o

    Aside from that, I don't believe anybody thought ODN would roll with Hegemony. The treaty may have existed only because it had been around for so long, nostalgia, if you will, but clearly that's not where ODN's allegiances were. I'm not going to open up the argument about ODN having ties to both sides, because, that's not what this topic is about.

    I'd just like to point out ODN used an invisible optional clause in a treaty with us before I'm sure there is one in OUT as well.

    Disclaimer: I do not represent the views of IRON membership or It's government.

  4. It was a tech raid, your post states we are crushing an entire alliance into the ground. If you think actions speak louder then words, then our actions of only 2 ground attacks and peace to any nation we tech raided should give you a contrary view to what you stated earlier.

    Try looking at there alliance NS, looks like yer crushin 'em.

  5. TOP- 7

    MHA- 6

    Sparta- 5 2

    NpO- 6

    IRON- 10

    ODN- 0

    FARK- 4

    GPA- 5

    NPO- 10

    FOK- 5

    MK- 3

    WTF- 3

    TOOL- 8

    TDO- 4

    VE- 2

    Legion- 8

    RoK- 0

    GATO- 6

    CSN- 4

    Athens- 2

    Gremlins- 8 4

    MCXA- 8

    UPN- 7

    RIA- 3

    STA- 5

    Invicta- 5

    RnR- 5

    MASH- 5

    NADC- 5

    WAPA- 5

    NV- 2

    NSO- 8

    NEW- 5

    MA- 5

    Umbrella- 8

    FAN- 10

    LoSS- 5

    TSO- 5

    NATO- 5

    Nordreich- 4

    GR- 4

    Vanguard- 5

    GOD- 5

    FoB- 5

    PC- -1

    Valhalla- 10

    GGA- 4

    TPF- 20

  6. This whole argument is pretty sad when you think about it. "RoK's original request was too high". So what? You always make your first offer too high it is negotiation 101. You need a bargaining point, if you start with what you really think you should get you will always end up with less than you think you should get.

    All of RoK's request were too high.

  7. Every butthurt hegemony member has found it their place to tell me what my alliance is fighting for. Well apparently you have no idea. Ragnarok didn't enter this war to end reps and bring white peace to CN, we didn't enter to create a level playing field, and we sure as hell didn't enter for GPA/FAN/GATO or any other past beat down. Contrary to popular belief there is no cause besides the security of our allies. We did enter because NPO $%&@ed with our friends, and we won't stand for it. The name Karma is nothing more then a cool word to use in propaganda to me.

    So you punish IRON for it. Makes sense to me! B)

  8. Fighting IRON has been the highlight of this war, well co-ordinated teams and good fighters overall. In my short time on this planet, this is the best alliance in terms of fighting that i have gone up against. No exceptions whatsoever, Nueva Vida Came close though.

    It was an honor to cross swords with IRON.

    You've never fought FAN :blush:

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