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Posts posted by HHAYD

  1. May I remind you that he is Finland, and you are HALF OF EUROPE!!!! That's like Mael invading me because he thinks that I'm going to bring down the Dragon Empire. It's just not happening.

    This would be better:

    May I remind you that he is Finland, and you are HALF OF EUROPE!!!! That's like Mael invading me because he thinks that I'm going to bring down the Dragon Empire, kept on annoying him, and accusing me of aggressive actions when I am just setting up my defenses for possible invasion. It's just not happening.
  2. Lul, you wish. :awesome:

    Planning it right now. My steps:

    1. Get navy IG and massive RP on military development once my nation hits first world.

    1. Make other RPers look like that your nation is rude.

    2. Wait for an IG war.

    3. Separate your allies from you.

    4. Pull off something that makes it look like you caused the invasion.

    5. INVADE!!!!

    Currently working on: step one.

    Or, I can simply RP dropping so many papers filled with spams to drive your citizens insane. :awesome:

  3. Molly's Goat snorts with disdain and kills all the guards. She then promptly deploys the Narnian Mark 6 Planet Killer and destroys everyone.


    Every man, woman, child, donkey, and baboon is killed in the space of 18.8 seconds.

    In the Palintine the feared Cobra Commander is heard saying, "OH SHI-!"

    In Dragonsia Maelstrom Vortex says, "Tell the kitchen to not bother with the mayo...... HOLY #%@%! What the hell is tha-!"

    Kaiser Martens is heard saying, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MY GLOBAL CONQUEST must be complete!"

    Mad Dog Bob Denard is overheard saying, "Wait.. I'm supposed to die of a hanging and not a Mark 1 Narnian Planet Killer!"

    Even this seemed to overcome the goats legendary invulnerability to guns, lasers, rail cannons, forks, knives, sharp sticks, and everything else. However, the disconnected state of the goat forms into a shimmering veil of electrons that moves as a conscious whole in such a manner that allows it to take a shimmering electron based dump on the only surviving World Peace conference flyer.

    OOC: That is a non-cannon, correct?

  4. "insect repellent" development:

    "Any progress?"

    "Project has been canceled, dip(insert cuss word) thanks to an explosion that vaporized the Mr. Koruds, the head of the military technology research."

    "Not my problem..."

    "Really? Look who was the one who "accidentally" installed the wrong OS and installed two instead of one, Window ME and Window Vista instead of the required GLS Military OSX V2.5. The combination of the OS caused the machine to be overloaded and go berserk."


    Anti aircraft gel development:

    "Project was canceled, the government pulled some major strings in getting the kid to reveal the plans for the anti-aircraft gel."

    "Darn it. Anyways, are we assigned to another project?"

    "Nope, we still have the improve the gel, or face being fired."

    "What strings did the government pull?"

    "Threatening McDonald with an "accidental" air strike."

    "Something tells me they are going to file a lawsuit."

    "They are already, complaining that the government threaten their customers."


    Current stats on the gel, classified document:

    Estimated completion: 50%

    Can it glow in the dark?: Yes

    Black?: Yes

    Mess up radio waves?: Yes

    Sticky?: Yes

    Comments: Fume is highly corrosive, can burn aluminum, plastic, and skin. Needs additional work and a new lab worker. Already lost a lab worker when he tried inhaling the fume.

  5. No fixed time scale. Don't need to argue about it because the current way works, and as long as no one tries to do something really dumb (i.e. a RP year in a RL week), then we won't need to worry about this.

    I agree with you.

  6. At night:

    "Ha, now you can't hurt us." snickered operative one as he finishes tying Robert to a chair. "Don't let the bedbugs slice you." replied Robert as operative one left the room and slammed the door shut.

    "Tied up all good?" asked operative two. "Indeed, I don't expect him to able to break the ropes." replied operative one.


    A few hours later:

    Well, Robert noticed that the chair wasn't bounded down the moment operative one left the room a few hours ago, and he took advantage of that by standing up and cutting the ropes by rubbing it against a sharp part of the concrete wall. After slicing the ropes through, he opened door and wondered who to pester tonight.

    The person who tied him up...



    "WTF was that?" groaned operative two as he woke up from the scream. At first he thought some woman was shrieking at something, but then he realized it was his partner. He got up and ran to his partner's room and opened door. To his surprise, Robert had tied up operative one and was preparing to cut his hair with an axe.

    "HOLY CRAP! DROP THAT AXE NOW!" screamed operative two. "Poor choice of words." replied Robert as he drops the axe, slicing a chunk of operative one's hair off. "JUST GET RID OF HIM NOW!!" screamed operative one. "Give me a minute." replied operative two as he drags Robert back in his "bedroom", and tied Robert to a metal pipe. He then went back into his buddy's room and said, "Just a few more days, okay?" while trying to untie the ropes.

    "A FEW MORE DAYS?! THAT KID NEARLY KILLED ME!" roared operative one. "Don't worry, you won't get hurt tomorrow. I will tell him behave." said operative two. "You don't understand do you?" replied operative one. "I do, like I said, you won't get hurt tomorrow." said operative two.

  7. Let me be clear, I hate racial superiority, I hate Nazis the KKK and all that worthless junk. That stated I voted yes.

    What? Contradiction, sure... but I think you'd be reading too much into the players by assuming that an RP'd Nazi state makes the writer a Nazi. But there are plenty of evils out there that we allow to RP and shouldn't be abolished, RPing isn't a sanctuary from the real world because everything works, it is a sanctuary because it provides silly problems that give the players a feeling of real consequence in the world (That they and they alone matter). I hate all forms of war, destruction, lies any evil thing... yet I play an evil villain and as such I recognize that villains play an important part in the RP world we live in. And while I myself do not play such a state (I play more of a mad-scientist take over the world through small organization type) I value others capable of writing a good villian plot and if they've gotten your blood boiling as they seem to have here... then they've done their art well (they've evoked emotion).

    Thus, while I would vote that we should eliminate all forms of this evil from our real world, I think it serves an important and potentially worthy adversary in the imaginary one.

    If you hate such states, these very RP'd characters give you the opportunity to hate and decimate them to your hearts content. We villains are here to simply give you an antagonist through which your characters can grow (and admittedly so that we can each explore our own shadow and light side to better understand ourselves in the process). Without you heroes our lives would be boring and the Aether Empire and the like would have already taken over the world, but without us, you'd be reduced to RPing tea parties and your RP characters would prove that you can't even imagine yourself making an impact in the world (I'd really have to pity you then... in fact I'd throw you a pity tea party :P). That stated, I hope that through your character you're able to eradicate the forces of darkness from the world, even though I play a villain, I the player am still cheering you on!

    Always returning with a new dastardly plan in the next episode


    I can't tell if you are supporting RPing racism in CNRP or not. :blink:

    Well, let me tell you what *is* full of win: in the 1980s when some of my relatives visited us from SA, I talked one of the "coloured" girls at my school to play along the part of being my GF just so I could take her home and see what kind of fireworks and !@#$ would go off with my relatives (my parents didn't care, actually thought it was amusing). At the time, I believe it was still illegal in SA for whites to have *relationships* with non-whites.

    So what happened? Did fireworks actually go off? :awesome:

  8. GLS National News Report:

    GLS military have launched an attack on TUO and Hello Kitty's HQ after the SIA (Secret Intelligence Agency) discovered the locations. Both TUO and Hello Kitty gangs had tried bringing in reinforcements, but those reinforcements were defeated quickly. Moe news will arrive.


    In TUO's HQ:

    "Um, there is a fire in the kitchen, and you know how dangerous that could be sir." reported a security guard. "Just put out the freaking fire." replied the annoyed captain.

    A few minutes later:

    "Are you sure it would work?" asked Bob the TUO sniper. "Duh, it is a win win. We toss two fire extinguishers in and they would put out the fire while we can continue shooting. Lets go." replied the security guard as he throws two chemical fire extinguishers into the fire and they both ran off. "How did you put out the fire that quick?" asked the captain. "Oh we tossed two fire extinguishers in the fire. They should put out the fire fine." replied the security guard.

    "YOU IDIOTS! THAT WOULD BE SUICIDAL!" roared the captain. "How?" asked the security guard.

    The security guard got his answer when the fire extinguishers exploded, sending debris and unlucky people flying everywhere...


    In an abandoned building, Operation Disappear:

    "Any response from the HQ?" asked the operative one. "No, because it is under attack right now." replied operative two. "Great, now I am going to have to wear a body armor and a helment while sleeping. If I die, its all your fault. Understood?" said operative one. "Nah, just tie him up and we will be fine." replied operative two.

    "When is dinner?" asked Robert. "Your dinner is a pile of ropes if you don't behave." replied operative one.

  9. "Just WTF happened?" demanded operative two as he presses a bandage onto operative one's burnt back. "He picked up a scalding hot potato, stuck it down my shirt, and mashed it by kicking at it." groaned operative one. "I didn't do anything, we were just playing around." said Robert. "HOW DO YOU CALL MASHING HOT POTATOES ONTO PEOPLE'S BACK IS A GAME?" roared operative one.

    "I am a sadist, got an issue?" replied Robert.

    "I could have sworn we kidnapped the wrong kid." mumbled operative one. "It is him, I have seen him lots of time before, but never seen him being a sadist." replied operative two.

    "I'm bored." mumbled Robert.

    "Shut up." replied operative one.

    "Make me!" shouted Robert.

    "So, any response from your ransom?" asked operative one.

    "I sent a ransom to the president demanding $10 million in exchange for his son. President Jake responded back and his message told me to pay him the $10 million ransom in exchange of giving his son back, I find it odd though." replied operative two.

    "I never heard of someone who sent a ransom to the kidnappers before. He has to be (insert cuss word) insane." said operative one.

    "Can I play with THIS?" asked Robert while picking up a knife.

    "Or his son is ultra annoying and scary..." replied operative two.

  10. It was a merger in the fact that there was a national government in place that would have superseded all local government decisions. They gave up a large portion of their sovereignty when they did that, and it got them into a war because of it. Maybe they will not be so foolish the next time.

    And yet their "national" government was weak, it didn't take any actions when the war begun. Each of the states acted on their own.

    Their forces were also not combined, which would have made it easier to coordinate. Basically the USA merger is just an alliance with a "national" government.

  11. Let me make it broader.

    "Hey guys, let's kill Xaristan."


    "uh, no, I'm fighting first"


    "Take the apple or fight"

    "I'll take the apple"



    Nah, how about this?:

    "Hey guys, let's kill Xaristan. (add in convincing reasons)"



    "WTF?! Backstab?! You didn't warn us that diplomat was a rogue!"

    "Take the apple or fight without the support of all of your buddies, get overwhelmed by the enemy's larger force, and get completely destroyed at the end"

    "I'll take the apple"


    Ah, so the true intitiator of the conflict speaks. Why did you not inform the other USA states of the diplomats rogue status? That would have cut the heart out of any war talks.

    And it would have stopped the diplomat from firing out convincing reasons why they should storm Xaristan.

  12. "two things: I give you an apple or you fight for this orange"

    "hey give me an apple"



    I don't see the logic here.

    Bad example, here is a better one:

    "two things: I give you an apple or you fight for this orange, and if you fight for the orange, I will crush you with my buddies' help and won't give you the orange."

    "hey give me an apple"


  13. There are times in this world where one must choose the lesser of two evils. The choice we were faced with was allowing the abomination that was the United States of America to continue unabated or stop it and make sure it never happened again. We chose the latter.

    Never again shall an abomination like the United States of America grace the North American continent. Mergers were once absent from the world, and then they came back again. It seems that people simply do not learn from their history. Now they have a treaty with their name on it to remind them.

    I have not dictated their actions. If they opposed, they could have refused to sign the surrender terms. However, since they have signed, they have now dictated their own actions in that area until their nation dies or my nation dies. Period. Breaking surrender terms will be considered an act of war, no matter when it happens.

    And you forced them into signing the surrender terms. You do realize that it is possible to pursue a group into something as long as you make your words convincing enough? Ever heard of propaganda?

  14. The next day, in a park:

    Operative one: "Are you sure this plan is going to work?"

    Operative two: "Duh, and you don't get to decide since you ruined our plans yesterday by shooting yourself with the dart gun."

    Operative one: "I don't think it is going to work..."

    Both operatives continue to sit in their van that was marked, "FREE CANDY!" and soon, a little kid shows up.

    Operative one: "Not him."

    Little kid: "I want candy!"

    Operative two: "GTFO! No candy for you!"

    Little kid: "But it says free candy!"

    Operative one: "We only give candies to people who we want to give to."

    Little kid: "Scammers!"

    The kid karate kicks the van, bashing out the side door and setting off the alarm.


    The kid punches operative two in the face, sending him skidding on the concrete 5 meters.

    Operative one: "Hands up or else!"

    Operative one leans out of the opened side window, pulls out his pistol and aims it at the kid.

    Little kid: "Your shoelace is untied."

    Operative one: "What?"

    Operative one looks down to see if his shoelace is untied, and gets yanked out of the van and stomped on. The kid then walks away.

    Operative two: I hate kids...


    Two hours later:

    Operative one: "My stomach hurts..."

    Operative two: "Shut up, my head feels like if someone falcon punched me in the face."

    Operative one: "Look! Our target is here, Robert."

    Robert: "Hey, nice van, did a kid bash out the door for your guys? I heard someone was bragging about how he owned two adults."

    Operative two: "You don't get to shoot him with the dart gun today."

    Operative one: "Aww, why not?"

    Operative two: "Remember yesterday?"

    Operative two leans out of the van and starts shooting at Robert. However, Robert dodges all of the darts...

    Robert: "Nice aim, try improving your accuracy at the kiddie shooting range 5 blocks down."

    Operative one: "Lets do this!"

    Both operatives jump out of the van and chases after Robert.

    Robert: "Catch me if you can!"

    Operative two: "Oh we will!"


    A few minutes later:

    Robert was still running, but the two operatives weren't doing so well. They were out of breath and had trouble keeping up. To make the mater worse, operative one hates the outdoors and operative two hasn't ran since two months ago.

    "Screw this!" screamed operative two as he reloads his dart gun and fires again. This time, it actually hits Robert, in the rear end. "Oh you little (insert cuss word) cheaters!" screamed Robert as he collapsed onto the ground.

    "Alright, now we have to carry him how far?" asked operative one. "About a mile, geez, he is heavy for a 14 year old kid." replied operative two. "That is because he is basically pure muscle, look at him." groaned operative one. "Great, carrying something that weights 150 pounds over 1 mile on a very hilly terrain is going to be fun..."


    The next day:

    "He is waking up." said operative one. "Good, I am going to go to town and write a ransom letter to the government. You keep him entertained, remember the orders?" replied operative two. "Yeah yeah, no harming the hostage unless if the hostage tries to escape." snorted operative one.

    Operative two then left the building, leaving operative one and Robert in the building. "I am bored, want to play?" asked Robert. "What is the game? Breakfast is almost ready." replied operative one. "Its called, Stick a hot potato down someone's shirt" chuckled Robert as he grabs a scalding hot potato with his bare hands, shoved it down operative one's shirt, and mashed it onto the operative one's skin with a firm kick.

    "ARGH! YOU LITTLE EVIL DEVIL! YOU ARE SO GOING TO PAY FOR THIS! ARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!" screamed operative one as he jumps into a large pot of dirty dish water to stop the burning.

    "You know, I sort of want to stay here." said Robert.

  15. OOC: Way too many german or germanic states in CNRP...Seriously.

    What is the fascination of all these people with germany? We're no better than the british or russians.


    "Singapore wonders where this sudden rise in german population comes from."

    Massive reproduction, or people pretending to be Germans.

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