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Everything posted by SodaPolPop

  1. Khyber is awesome. That's all there is to it. I got my first GoonieGooGoo today...He was cute...and nice...and-and...He was so smart...and-and-and His head was soooo big and full of delicious...BRAIIIIIINS!!!! BLAHHHH!!!
  2. Well, whatayaknow? That McGuyver trick with the gum and pliers worked! Spoiler alert: I chewed the gum and stabbed Junior Chaos with the pliers.
  3. /me pushes my big red button *CRACKLE* **FIZZ** ***PUFF OF SMOKE*** "Uhhh....Hold on...Who's got a stick of gum and some needlenose pliers?"
  4. I don't know about everybody else, but I don't really care as much about the politics here. I'm having more fun on Bob than I have in a while. The talking has been redundant on both sides of the issue for a while now. I'm really surprised to see this still getting so much...eh..."discussion" I've gotten some good licks in on my guys...Obviously, there's only so long that I can hold up and fight effectively but it's totally worth it. I'm used to fighting on no warchest, and have no attachment to my nation or it's people. They love to die for my whims, and I have many whims. So there you are...Twist it up and analyze it to death, Bob.
  5. Please do, Betty Lou. Charts and graphs are for poindexters...I prefer livers and spleens.
  6. I'm currently eating 3 Kronos and 2 Family's for breakfast. It's doubtful you'll ever see a surrender that I agree to. Keep it coming tough guy. This reminds me of fighting GDI
  7. Actually the proper analogy would be that an RLMMO member was raped without a condom and now has the clap and a fetus (named Trig) growing more and more retarded by the day. Therefore, in a fit of rage, our family members attacked anyone in sight directly affiliatied with these diseased rapists.
  8. Nothing OOC there. Don't be stupid, you don't have to preface every statement here with "And I'm talking about your nation leader" it's just assumed. Stop trying to derail things by claiming OOC attacks and using mods as weapons. Thats old school lame, right there. Not a surprise today though, TBH.
  9. Actually, you're just showing why bandwagoning is FTL. Just like you. And your face. ZING! HOCKEYPUCK!
  10. It's great to have a new nemesis...nemesees...nemesi...nemesissies...enemy. I look forward to annoying you for years to come, whoever you are, whatever your names are, whoever you are friends with.
  11. Because, that is what CN runs on. Fake indignation. So, maybe "It's a trap!"? Well, I've got news for you all...It's a TARP!
  12. I don't think we've ever been accused of being diplomats. Make it rain...Sort it out later.
  13. Great Job! Saw that he joined NSO last night, then... banned? nation destroyed? wtf? Nao who does I surposed 2 h8? WHO AM I SUPPOSED TO BUILD RAMPS FOR NOW!? Must...turn...hatred....inward!
  14. Looks like the luck of the Irish is with them! So is the luck of the Cambodian Frightmare...back for one last dance
  15. ^^This You think you are beating them but they are really beating you when you "beat" them.
  16. I hope you are asking GDI to join this meeting of the minds. That's right, folks.... Just when you thought this house was clean.... THEY'RE BAAAAACK!!!
  17. What exactly are you going to do when Hulkamania runs wild on you? And as a followup: Do you train hard, eat your vitamins, and say your prayers?
  18. Hahaha! Jofna Maybe this is King Daniel's cousin again?
  19. See, this guy knows what I'm talking about! Push out the jive; Bring in the love.
  20. Not OOC, where did I ever say OOC? You're still too dense to get it. Unfortunately, guidelines don't really allow me to explain it more clearly here. Really, you'll wait for me? You love me that much?
  21. Did you not see where I was giving money to people that were attacking? You see, just like you would have to drop a lot of expensive infra to attack me; I would have to drop a lot of expensive infra to attack him. This was a more cost-effective way of achieving goals. Not to mention that I actually have a reason beyond this forum, whereas you don't. Mines out. I walk around with it out. It might not be that big, but it's out there...in the wind, doin' stuff.
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