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Everything posted by Yuurei

  1. While I have your attention... I'd like to recommend the following announcement for your viewing pleasure: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=85247 Thank you... and Join the Terran Empire! http://s1.zetaboards.com/CN_Terran_Empire/index/
  2. Well, there was a bit of a delay due to wars and gov shuffling, but the backing was always there... Now, without further ado, it is time to make it official... [center][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20081204103943/cybernations/images/thumb/3/32/Athens_flag.jpg/220px-Athens_flag.jpg[/img][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100313100211/cybernations/images/6/6f/TTE_flag_1c.png[/img] [b][size="5"]The Athens - Terran Empire Protection Pact[/size][/b][/center] [b]Preamble.[/b] Coming together, in both friendship and brotherhood, Athens and Terran Empire (hereafter, TTE) do hereby make official this bond of trust, mutually placed. [b]Section 1.[/b] Both Athens and TTE recognize, that while the spirit of brotherhood is strong, each are separate and sovereign entities in any and all matters not outlined below. [b]Section 2.[/b] The alliance of Athens, does hereby extend protection to our friends and brothers in TTE. Athens pledges to offer both diplomatic and military aid in defense of any threats to the safety and security of our TTE brothers. As such, any unwarranted foreign attack on any nation or nations flying the alliance affiliation of , "Terran Empire," will be considered wholly to be an attack on Athens itself, and will be dealt with accordingly. [b]Section 3.[/b] Should Athens come under attack during the mutual recognition of this treaty, Athens does not hold TTE to any decree of mandatory defense. In such a situation, TTE will be permitted to make their own determination as to their course of action. [b]Section 4.[/b] TTE agrees not to enter into any binding defensive or aggressive treaty with any foreign power without the approval of Athens. TTE further agrees to notify Athens of intent to seek any friendship pacts or economic pacts with a foreign entity. Further, TTE pledges to give Athens a minimum of 24 hours notice before affixing their signatures to any foreign document. [b]Section 5.[/b] This agreement shall continue until such time as TTE feels that they are able to exist safely from foreign aggression without the backing of Athens. Both signatories do hereby agree that our intent is that the brotherhood forged through this document, continue far beyond that time. [b]Section 6.[/b] Should either signatory come to feel that the spirit of this treaty no longer exists, or become aware that the specifics of the treaty have been violated, this agreement may be canceled by notifying the other party, 72 Hours from said notification, this treaty will cease to exist. [b]Signed for Athens[/b] Archon eponymos (Sovereign) - Londo Mollari Archon basileus (Regent) - Rsoxbronco1 Archon basileus (Regent) - Reign of HavoK Strategos (MoD) - Jgoods45 Theorodokos (MoFA) - RushSykes Agoranomos (MoF) - Kazeki Dikast (MoIA) - an4rk Didact (MoRecEdu) - Medtech Choregos (MoComms) - Ruggsymuggs [b]Signed for Terran Empire[/b] Yuurei - Chancellor of Foreign Affairs, Finance Tim Burke - Chancellor of Defense Lord B - Chancellor of Internal Affairs Michaelboy88 - Chancellor of Administration
  3. Well... I was going to post a funny picture, but this forum says it cannot show images from that source... so instead I'll just tell you this bit of wisdom: [i]"There's only so much fun you can suck out of an empty parking lot."[/i] Join the Terran Empire. Do it today, and you won't have to put it off until later. http://s1.zetaboards.com/CN_Terran_Empire/index/
  4. [img]http://www.funnypictures.net.au/images/motivational-posters-stingrays-flying-out-of-the-w1.jpg[/img] Join the Terran Empire...we can protect you! http://s1.zetaboards.com/CN_Terran_Empire/index/
  5. Still growing at a steady pace... All is well in the Terran Empire. Join us and experience it for yourself. http://s1.zetaboards.com/CN_Terran_Empire/index/
  6. Congrats on the new flag... I'm jealous of your having your flag in game.
  7. I'm withdrawing my name. But on the plus side, you've been bumped.
  8. I'm sorry... I'm dropping out. decided I'm not ready for this set yet... Take me out, but consider me as a back up. if it turns out my resources are the last ones needed, I may join anyway. Sorry about this. ganadalorio remains on board tho.
  9. [img]http://chipchick.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/06/accordion.jpg[/img] Click this link and join the Terran Empire today! http://s1.zetaboards.com/CN_Terran_Empire/index/
  10. I have PM'd you in game, and will work with you to meet all your tech needs.
  11. This group is set. Spermicide, sorry but you missed the cut-off. I make these groups periodically... perhaps you can join the next one.
  12. [img]http://www.canucklehead.ca/_Media/mentallyill.jpg[/img] Terran Empire... now with nuclear weapons!
  13. [b]This is a long term deal, for people that can pay attention, and send stuff on time. If this is you, and you have 3 slots available to dedicate to this group, then please sign up.[/b] WE WILL START AS SOON AS ALL POSITIONS ARE FILLED. I will personally send an in-game notice prior to the starting update. [color=#090][b]Buyer 1[/b] sends 3 million to [b]Seller 1[/b]. [b]Buyer 2[/b] send 3 million to [b]Seller 2[/b]. [b]Buyer 3[/b] send 3 million to [b]Seller 3[/b]. [b]Seller 1[/b] sends 50 tech each to [u][b]BOTH[/b][/u] [b]Buyer 2[/b] and [b]Buyer 3[/b]. [b]Seller 2[/b] sends 50 tech each to [u][b]BOTH[/b][/u] [b]Buyer 1[/b] and [b]Buyer 3[/b]. [b]Seller 3[/b] sends 50 tech each to [u][b]BOTH[/b][/u] [b]Buyer 1[/b] and [b]Buyer 2[/b].[/color] [img]http://i545.photobucket.com/albums/hh386/ikiryoh/3x3wx8ss4.jpg[/img] [color="#0000FF"][b]APPLY USING THIS FORM:[/b][/color] [quote]Nation Ruler: Nation Name: Nation Link: Buyer or Seller: When slots available: Alliance: [/quote] [color=#090][u]Group 2[/u] Buyer 1: [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID="]Spermicide[/url] Buyer 2: [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=172427"]MrFiasco[/url] Buyer 3: [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=75961"]sssss[/url] Seller 1: [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=395628"]hickernell[/url] Seller 2: [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID="]LordHelmchen[/url] Seller 3: [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID="]GenRazack[/url] [/color] This is open to anyone of any alliance, so long as you are reliable.
  14. Some of the members have changed. Make sure you know who you are sending to and send out your aid now.
  15. And back to the funny pics... [img]http://i368.photobucket.com/albums/oo124/AkimiTwilight/Demotivational%20Posters/CapsLock.jpg[/img]
  16. Congrats to all... Until I break in RushSykes, I'll just have to keep pretending that Jgoods is still doing FA. I look forward to meeting and working with those I have not met previously. o/ Athens
  17. [img]http://www.videogamesblogger.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/supreme-commander-2-wallpaper-factions.jpg[/img] [color="#FF0000"][font="Impact"][size="6"][b]Be a part of the [url="http://s1.zetaboards.com/CN_Terran_Empire/index/"]Terran Empire[/url]...and be glorious![/b][/size][/font][/color] http://s1.zetaboards.com/CN_Terran_Empire/index/
  18. well...ok then... kind of like aretroactive white peace then
  19. [quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' date='13 April 2010 - 10:01 AM' timestamp='1271167252' post='2258667'] I do not agree with either of these two points. The logs issue has been beaten to death, so we wont talk of that, the TDO thing was no secret. The case was ADI/Warbuck wanted to push them, and push hard because of all the constant to and fro of angst between the two. That is also the first time many in Ragnarok felt that this particular protectorate was pushing our weight around as if it were their own. Also thanks for the rest of your post, i always did wonder why you left ADI. Well, now i know. [/quote] My point in mentioning those 2 items is that the log altering was a hotly contested issue, which I also do not wish to further discuss, but that I wanted to state the truth of the matter on that. For all the things that Warbuck DID do, altering the logs in question was in fact not something he did. As for the TDO issue, I stated that the plan was NOT a secret as was stated in the recent apology. We were all on high alert, and knew that war with TDO could happen at any moment should diplomacy through Rok fail. Both Rok and FEAR had publicly withdrawn from the TDO Declaration of Neutrality, and for those that couldn't figure out what that was leading up to, I pretty much blurted it out on one of those 2 threads. I figured that if we were trying to threaten them into backing off, then why beat around the bush about it. Thus to say it was a secret plan that the membership was unaware of, is completely false. We all knew about it, we all supported it in the context it had been presented to us. At the time, both Rok and FEAR supported it, so we had no reason to doubt the validity of such a CB. This also is to say that Ragnarok's leadership did indeed support the idea of going to war with TDO in support of ADI in this matter, even given the implications of aqua on aqua war that it would have created. For Ragnarok to state, after the friendship had ended, that they were not, is also false. Ragnarok was willing to do whatever it took to fully support their allies in the matter regardless of the aqua issue. [quote name='Enrage' date='13 April 2010 - 12:56 PM' timestamp='1271177798' post='2258787'] ADI has been the cover story for about the last 3 months. Shouldn't yall be tired of thrasing them by now? [/quote] The point of my posting was not to further beat on ADI, but rather to bring to light some of the unknown facts of what all went on inside of ADI during the reign of Warbuck, and also to make clear that ADI itself was never as bad as it was prtrayed, and certainly the majority of the membership is not to blame. Warbuck was a master manipulator with a massive ego. He was extrememly good at luring people in, and convincing them that he was acting in their best interests. There is no denying his recruiting abilities. The problem lay in the fact that too many people believed in him beyond his abilities as a leader, and thus did not question things as thoroughly as they should have. Most did not realize until it was too late that Warbuck was concerned with Warbuck above all else. During the early days of ADI, people such as KaitlinK, as well as gov members from MHA and FEAR kept telling Warbuck what a great leader he was. Every time someone said this kind of thing to him in IRC, he would save that log and use it as internal propaganda to convince others that he knew what was best for the alliance. As he kept hearing this more frequently, he stopped listening to any contrary advice from within the ADI gov. This lead him to act unilaterally creating the Rok incidents. Once that was posted, rather than see the fallout for the mistake it was and the potential danger he put the rest of the alliance membership in, he used the positive comments from the (anti-Rok/anti-Hoo) Hegemony alliances as proof that he was a political genius, and that was the fuel he needed to convince the alliance to give him absolute power over the alliance. Everything that happened was like a snowball effect pushing things further and further in the wrong direction and increasing both his ego and his power.
  20. [quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' date='13 April 2010 - 02:59 AM' timestamp='1271141938' post='2258462'] So what is happening with the Aqua Defense Iniative? My sources seem to tell me that [b]Warbuck fled his alliance, the alliance he created[/b], and left them in the middle of some sort of war. Is this true? [/quote] For the record, one which I'd like to clarify, Warbuck did not create ADI on his own. Nor would it have gotten to its peak through his efforts alone. While several people were involved in the initial discussions which resulted in the departure from TDO and the creation of ADI, there are 4 people who collectively made it possible, and without any one of them would have resulted in things not coming together. Those 4 people were Warbuck, JDorian, Yuurei, and Elspeth. In his own personal rise to power, Warbuck systematically discredited those who made contributions, and later blateantly took credit for the actions of others, so that he could build a cult of personality around himself, ultimately resulting in acheiving blind devotion and absolute control over the alliance. As one of the primary founders of ADI, I named the alliance, created much of the original high gov structure, wrote the DoE, and made most of the initial FA connections. JDorian did pretty much all the work on the forums. Though Elspeth wrote the original charter and other early documents, Warbuck never gave her any of the credit, and didn't even acknowledge her as a founder, even though she was there from the beginning of the creation discussions. Warbuck's primary contribution was a knack for recruiting. In fact Elspeth was one of the first people Warbuck forced out of ADI. So in simplest form, Warbuck brought the people, JDorian brought the forums, I brough the experience and connections, and Eslpeth did the writing. A few months down the road, and Warbuck is telling everyone that he did everything on his own, and that he is the greatest leader in CN history, and that since he knows best that everyone should just follow whatever he says. Stunningly, people actually did follow him, despite any and all warnings I tried my best to give. Perhaps it is partly my fault in that I tried to keep my warning behind the closed doors of the upper gov in trying not to divide the membership. When the incident between ADI and Ragnarok first occurred, I attempted to assume temporary control of the alliance in order to deal with the massive Foreign Affairs problem that Warbuck's unauthorized OWF posting had created. I was already in contact with the leadership of Ragnarok and Athens, who were willing to resolve the issue if ADI was willing to show that Warbuck was not speaking for the alliance and had acted on his own without government approval, which indeed was the case. Just the act of giving me temporary authority would have gone a long way toward preventing the collective hatred that ADI has received from much of CN since. Warbuck claimed that he already had absolute authority to act as he saw fit under the war powers act. This was false as ADI had not declared war, and thus was not in a state of war. While the high gov had voted to allow for the issuing of a DoW, it was never issued, thus Warbuck was using authority he did not have. Warbuck used this false authority for several weeks in order to increase his personal control over the alliance. Meanwhile my request for temporary authority to disarm the external situation, was regarded as a coup attempt, and resulted in a diminishing of my influence within the gov, and actually furhter rallied the rest of the gov around Warbuck. Later, when Warbuck sought to change the charter to give himself absolute power over all aspects of the alliance, I again tried to warn of the dangers of making that kind of change. I was again ignored. I again kept this behind closed doors. I should have been more publicly vocal about what this would have really meant, but at that time my own influence had largely been stripped away already. Warbuck's first act as absolute ruler was to remove me from my post as Lord of Foreign Affairs, thus removing any real influence I had left. In order to make himself seem more noble, he granted me a meaningless title as #2 of the alliance, but with no specific powers or duties, except to be there in case something happened to him. While hostility between ADI and the Ragnarok sid eof the web increased, I called in a lot of favors to try to keep ADI from getting rolled while I hoped for a chance for a change to occur. The last act of treachery I could endure came when Warbuck told me in IRC query that he had some RL issues he had to deal with and would not be able to continue to lead ADI. By charter, should he become unable to lead the alliance, power should have fallen to me, the #2 (as it was my only remaining duty and only remaining hope for the alliance I had co-founded). Howver, being the master manipulator, Warbuck had also included a contrary phrase into his new charter saying that the leader chooses his successor, and thus he named non-founder Lord Tri to take his place. I find it interesting that although, he claimed to be stepping down due to an inability to devote the time to CN, he was still always on IRC just as before. My leaving ADI was not due to Warbuck's naming of Tri as his successor, as I had already been working on creating a new alliance for about a month prior, but rather Warbuck's violation of his own charter was indeed the final knife in the back that forced me to leave earlier than I was intending. Other facts I'd like to point out: [b]The logs were NOT doctored.[/b] [b]There was no secret plot to attack TDO.[/b] I'm sure there is something in this post that will anger people on both sides of the issues, but this is an honest look at some of ADI's history from someone that was there through the rise of Warbuck and the fall of ADI. This is the truth as I saw it. I cared and still do care about what happens to ADI. It was an alliance that I had a large part in creating, and for that alone I will continue to care. Watching and knowing that Warbuck was destroying that alliance, and that most of the alliance willingly allowed him to continue to do so eventually became more than I could bear to watch. I truly hope that ADI is able to prosper once again now that the last vestiges of Warbuck's authority are finally being removed, and I hope this post brings to light that while naive, the membership of ADI was largely duped into following Warbuck down his path of reckless stupidity. ADI was never meant to be Warbuck's personal alliance, and it should not be looked at as such. Warbuck will re-roll. Of this I am certain. His ego will not allow this to be the last we have heard of him. When he returns, it will be under a different name, just as he had done before. This post is from me, and me alone, and has nothing to do with my current alliance. [font="Arial Black"][color="#FF0000"][b][size="7"]Yuurei.[/size][/b][/color][/font]Exiled Founder of ADI.
  21. Come one, come all... Join the Terran Empire. We WILL have you making money within your first week as a member. We will help you learn better ways to grow your nation. We will give you top notch protection. We WILL treat you like a brother (or sister) within our ranks. Once you are a part of us, we will make sure you feel that you are a part of us.
  22. So many thoughts to which I cannot put into words. Perhaps best left unsaid. Congrats to Nathan Grant on his appointment. I look forward to speaking with you and the rest of ADI leadership as you attempt to restore ADI's potential. My forum is still waiting to recieve your diplomat, and my door is always open should ADI ever require any honest advice or unofficial assistance from this founder who left but never stopped caring about the fate of the alliance he put so much into.
  23. I'd just like to make a simple personal announcement, and thought this the only decent place to put it. This is my 200th post on this forum...yay for me! That is all I have to say right now... Thank you. And come join the [url="http://s1.zetaboards.com/CN_Terran_Empire/index/"]Terran Empire[/url]... we'd love to have you!
  24. It's that time again... send out your aid.
  25. For me, Terran Empire is the best alliance simply because it is exactly how I wanted it to be. Now, I realize that answer alone isn't quite enough to get people to join, but it allows me the freedom to be relaxed about the whole running an alliance thing. While I do take things serious enough to not neglect my members, and I do in fact take very good care of those that have joined, I do realize that this is a game. I believe everyone in my alliance is enjoying their time in the Terran Empire, and are quite happy with their decision to join. While I do pay attention to things going on around planet Bob, I try to keep us low key enough to avoid the drama. That being said, we are not political drop-outs either. Our leadership are all veteran players who have been involved in the greater aspects of CN for a long time and are well connected enough to be as involved as we want to be. Despite being small, we have an active membership, so there is always something new to look at on the forums. I think that just by looking at our "Join us" ad, you can get a feel for who we really are. We are fun, co-operative people just trying to enjoy the game in the spirit in which it was intended to be. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=83116 I'm not interested in your money personally, but would love to be able to give it to our 3 smallest members to give them a boost in their growth efforts. About half our membership is fairly new to the game, so I spend the majority of my time in CN personally helping them learn the ways of CN so that they can make the most of their nations. All of our senior members feel this way as well. No one is lording their experience over anyone else, and though some of us have rank and some don't, we all treat each other as equals. An alliance is more than just tech deals, protection, and spam. It is our home in CN, and it should always feel like home. If this isn't what you want from an alliance, then this probably isn't the place for you. I hope to meet you, but whatever alliance you decide to join, I honestly wish you the best.
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