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Jack Shepard

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Posts posted by Jack Shepard

  1. To get the team bonus, both of you must be on the same team when the trade offer is first approved.

    Changing teams after trading doesn't give the bonus unless you resend the offer.

    One of you should cancel and resend, and then you'll be fine.

  2. Well those that are trying to help here are not admins, just fellow players trying to give the best explanation as per our understanding.

    As per my understanding of triggering Anarchy I can see this happening and it not be a bug... however if you really did lose improvements you should definitely report that one next time.

    Many ppl have differing opinions on what triggers Anarchy, and mine could be wrong, but hey, I'm trying to help... My understanding of triggering Anarchy is as follows:

    1. Go to the battle screen when you have more than 95% odds - NOTE: this needs to be done BEFORE you have exhausted your ground battles for the day, you cannot do two grounds and then go to the battle screen and expect to inflict Anarchy on your 3rd hit, this is why when you went back with >95% odds AFTER your grounds were exhausted, Anarchy wasn't triggered.

    2. Knock your opponent below 20% troop efficiency to citizen ratio, and then, while they are below that mark, hit them AGAIN to trigger Anarchy... being below the mark isn't enough, you have to hit them while they are below the mark.

    In your example, the guy had 5,690 efficiency and ~56,000, roughly a 10% ratio... at this point hitting him once more should trigger anarchy in my book.

    Now, prior to your final attack, how many troops did he have then? because thats the key number IMO.

    If he had more than 2,100 troops, then he'd have more than 11,380 troop efficiency, which would put him over 20% efficiency to citizen ratio, So, hitting him at that point would not trigger anarchy, it would knock him below a point to where Anarchy could be triggered if you were able to hit him once more.

  3. 100% sure... Otherwise people would never pay bills... you could wage wars for months without ever paying, so you need to budget and keep bills up to date if you want to make purchases or take military actions.

    You're going to either need to get some aid from your alliance to help you out, or to just dismiss your military (to lower bills) and this will mean your opponent(s) will only be able to send you a defeat alert per day, reducing the damage you can take until you can pay your bills.

  4. I've seen many ppl complaining over the past few nights during the war of being locked out at crucial times and this being detrimental to their war effort.

    We have seen admin make comments that the server is capable, the bandwidth is plentiful, and that the issue is a limit on simultaneous database connections.

    So, lets review why we have so many people on at update?

    In a 'turn based' game, update is the one time you can potentially get in two 'turns' in a row, within minutes of one another, otherwise known as the 'Quad'.

    The 'Quad', is the root of the database bottleneck, and many of the same people screaming about being locked out are the same people who shout down any suggestion to remove it.

    It is however the best way to remove the lockout.


    Put a 20hr limit on attacks from one day to the next.

    So, you do your 2 ground attacks today at 6pm, and tomorrow you can come back anytime after 2pm and do your next 2 attacks... this allows plenty of flexibility for people who can only be online at certain times of day, and doesn't constantly push the attack window back further and further like 24hrs would.

    This makes it truly a 'turn based' game, and update is reduced to nothing more than an economic barrier to collect your taxes.

    I don't expect this to be very popular of course, but it's looking to me like an either/or situation... either remove the quad, or live with the lockout.

  5. Ive seen ppl complain about this once or twice in the past... seems to only happen (and even then, rarely) if you either deploy every troop you have, or deploy right to your anarchy limit... because apparently then the universe can sneeze on you and it will send them all home to either prevent anarchy or trigger it.

    Perhaps its a rounding error I don't know, eg the screen says max deploy is 1000 but its really 999.7 and if you deploy 1000 your nation throws its hands up and says no...

    Mostly, I just tell ppl to never deploy their absolute max number, eg I round down to the nearest 100... haven't had any trouble doing that.

  6. This just happened to me - 96% odds first attack, no DA.

    Your situation is slightly different to Peggy in that your opponent has 2 guys at war with him, so the other guy could have sent a DA before you... but I'm sure you thought of that before posting...

    I dunno, Right now I'm picuring admin down in the control room with a big bag of hamster food feverishly trying to keep the Hamsters nourished enough to keep turining the wheels that drive th CN servers... :P So he may not get to this for a bit...

  7. Peggy does say in her msg it was her 1st ground today...

    In the screen shot you can see it also say its her 1st ground, at 12:17am.

    Curious to know what happened here... only thing I can possibly think of is prior to the screen shot Peggy went to the attack screen (or perhaps the screen shot is after a refresh of the battle screen) and it did damage & sent a defeat alert which TwistedRebel deleted from his inbox, and Peggys sent box.

    Since no ground attack was enacted, it still says this will be your 1st ground today in the screen shot.

    If thats not what happened, then I think its a bug, cause 1st Defeat Alert in a day should cause damage.

  8. Sugar is actually part of the most popular trade circle in the game.

    Beer, Fast Food and Construction Bonuses, and the 10 resources that give those bonues (Sugar is needed for fast food)... Then you add two wildcard resources of your choice.

    The only way to change resources is to delete your nation and start over, but no, Aluminum and sugar is a good combo, keep it and get into a trade circle I mentioned above.

  9. Hmm, I misunderstood.

    I think the Nuke screen will shows details at the time you look at it, not at the time the nuke was thrown.

    For example, when a nation nukes someone, and then later deletes, I've seen in the nuclear reports it will say 'Nation A was nuked by Unknown' etc... so the nuke screen must look up the data each time you look at it, and when it can't find a nation cause its since been deleted, rather than reporting the details at the time of the nuke, it reports 'Unknown'...

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