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Jack Shepard

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Posts posted by Jack Shepard

  1. http://www.cybernations.net/game_update_log.asp


    - The citizen happiness penalty for having a soldier efficiency above 80% soldiers:citizens ratio has been updated. The penalty has been changed to use real solider numbers rather than solider efficiency levels. All other population happiness equations still use the solider efficiency number.

    I expect this is what you refer to, but it only mentions Happiness, theres nothing specified about environment. I believe it was an unpublished effect, and is one of the 'All other equations' that still use the solider efficiency number.

  2. Jack, is it OK if I use your trade circle set-up to start my own for Red team? I've noticed how bloody hard it is for red members not in NPO to find a trade circle, so I wanted to help out with that.

    Hey, I don't own the setup ;), so if you want to do the same thing go for it.

    On this circle, it is now complete, thankyou everyone for their interest.

  3. You need to bring up the battle screen, before you exhaust both your ground battles, and have >95% odds on it to send a defeat alert.

    And once you do so, you won't be able to attack your opponent again unless they rebuy troops and the attacking odds drop to below 95%.

    So, in this example, when you went for your 2nd ground battle, if you have >95% odds, you'd have sent a defeat alert. Because your odds were <95%, instead, you conducted a ground battle.

  4. Well if the coal wasnt already filled up I would switch my color and join it. I have been trying for days to get into a good circle.

    Sorry about that, that spot was filled by a guy in my alliance, so he gets priority.

    wino, I replied to you in game.

    Only need Gold/Gems now.



  5. Ouch.

    Both are relatively weak, their weaknesses can be hidden by the right trade circle but in combination I think you will have a hard time of it.

    If you are in the game for the long haul you would probably be better of restarting your nation and hoping for better resources.

    If however you don't know if you will stick it out and just want to have some fun, then by all means, continue.

  6. The Supreme Master is 13days inactive, you are only 10days inactive.

    Once a nation passes 12days inactive, you can only destroy money/land/tech, not loot it.

    This is to stop people looting nations who's rulers have abandoned them.

  7. This circle is now complete, thankyou all for your interest.

    Here is the list of resources and participants:

    Cattle - Filled

    Coal - Filled

    Fish - Filled

    Furs - Filled

    Gems - Filled

    Gold - Filled

    Pigs - Filled

    Silver - Filled

    Spices - Filled

    Sugar - Filled

    Uranium - Filled

    Wine - Filled

    Here are the benefits:


  8. I'm not sure,

    I have seen reports of this over time.

    Admin has stated that if your opponent had >95% odds vs you, you'd have your troops returned home and your tanks destroyed... your tanks were not destroyed, so I don't know what happened.

    You aren't in anarchy either, so if your opponent did have >95% odds I'd imagine you'd have gotten a defeat alert.

    In short, no concrete idea, but perhaps its a rounding error of some sort, where say it said you could safely deploy 25,350 but really it was 25,349.8... and then because you went over, the troops were forced to return home to avoid anarchying yourself etc...

    But, because of this I never deploy the absolute max because as I said, over time I have heard ppl report this.

    Eg if it says I can deploy 25,350 I round down to 25,000 etc... doing that I've never had a problem.

  9. I have a hazy recollection that the purchase of troops may have been brought into line with other purchases, ie nothing once you go past 2 days bills owing... I'm definately not 100% sure though... but it'd be my guess...

  10. Well, if you are selling 100tech for 3million, then the 3million cash will take 10days to clear, then the first block of 50tech will take 10days, and the 2nd block another 10days.

    So, 30days to clear although the nation will have all its tech after 20days (assuming everything is on time).

    This can be sped up by using middlemen or multiple buyer/seller deals.

  11. With your resource/improvement makeup and 5 tech it should cost you 10,000 for 1 level, or 5,000 for half a level.

    Are you able to take a screen shot of the page where it says it costs $6250 for half a level?

    Have you recently lost a gold trade?

  12. You can only be defeated once per day.

    This can be done with a defeat alert, or a nuke IIRC... Did you receive a nuke or a defeat alert on either day prior to deploying?

    If you have already been defeated, and then you overdeploy, your opponent will send home your troops and destroy your tanks, and as the game stands currently, you will not get any notification as a defeat alert has already been sent for the day.

  13. One option that may help would be to disable some or all of the methods of attack for everyone at midnight update similar to the way some of the stat pages in the game are taken offline to conserve system resources. In this way players would be able to login at 12:00 midnight, collect taxes, pay bills, and prepare their military and then around 1:00 AM or whenever things slow down enough the war system would be switched back online so that players could perform their attacks. This would help spread out the load and hopefully prevent or reduce the update lockout. I wonder if there are parts of the war system that could be brought back online at separate intervals so as to further spread out the update load or would it all (ground attacks, cruise, nukes, aircraft, spies, etc...) have to be brought back online at the same time?

    At first I thought this would be a great solution... just disable the lot... but upon additional thinking...

    #1, Do the disabled screens come back

    a) at a different time each night dependent on traffic? or

    B) a set time every night?

    If a) then you're going to have everyone F5ing the crap out of it to get in first when it does come back

    If B) You could well get the busy signal 2mins after everyone knows what time it comes back online.

    #2, Loss of realism... "You cannot attack at this time because... erm... the world is too busy"

    #3, Additional complaints that ppl now have to wait up till 1am+ game time to do post update attacks.


    I understand my previous suggestion and this one will be unpopular (hell I put it right there in the title lol)... but the quad is the most unfair item of gameplay in CN.

    #1, At its least evil, the presence of the quad means your ability to defend your nation is advantaged/disadvantaged based on your geographical location.

    #2, At its most evil, the presence of the quad means your ability to defend your nation is based on pot luck as you may or may not get the busy message.


    We already have a lack of realism with the quad in play... you can ground attack at 11:59:00 and ground attack at 11:59:30, but if you try and attack again at 11:59:59 you are told your troops are exhausted in this region.

    Magically however, at 12:00:00 they are refreshed and ready for battle again.


    Why not use this as an opportunity to increase realism, fairness, and database access all at once?

    At 11:59:59 you try and attack again and you get a message "Your troops are exhausted in this region, you cannot attack again for x hours".

    I have no preference for how long x is really... someone suggested 5hrs, hell make it 4hrs if you have a Pentagon, as long as its long enough to bridge update enough to move everyone at various intervals throughout the window...

    It would effectively cut in half the number of military actions at update, at worst.

    For coding, slap in a new DB field for time of last ground attack.

    If has_pentagon then
      x = 4
      x = 5
    If (ground_attacks_today = 0) and (time_since_last_attack &lt; x) then
      can't attack
    else if ground_attacks_today = 2 then
      can't attack
      can attack


    So here we avoid geographical bias, we avoid pot luck, we avoid adding more unrealistic stipulations, and we avoid merely delaying the bottleneck while people wait for features to come back online.

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