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Jack Shepard

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Posts posted by Jack Shepard

  1. [quote name='Jack Shepard' date='10 April 2010 - 05:45 AM' timestamp='1270874705' post='2255156']
    And so, we have chosen to engage directly, to test ourselves against a group who we see as one of the best and strongest in TE, so see whether we can go toe to toe, or whether we crash and burn.

    Well, I do not believe that we crashed and burned, but, the size, skill and tenacity of LE has worn us down across this 5 day war.

    Major props to them for recovering with ferocity from the Blitz we put on them, and giving us the exact kind of battle and test we have been craving.

    LE and PS have agreed to white peace, but if any paring of warriors are just having too much damn fun and want to continue, I won't begrudge them that ;)

  2. [quote name='Grags' date='13 April 2010 - 02:32 PM' timestamp='1271165540' post='2258644']
    I just sent ya a rocket full of love Jack. I'm glowing so much from your nukes, we can't tell night from day anymore.

    This is an AWESOME war.

    Haha, thanks man... I'm back to the equal lead... Save me one of your last two won't you :D

  3. [quote name='Cellardoor' date='13 April 2010 - 09:39 AM' timestamp='1271147950' post='2258527']
    Speak for yourself Schad, they've only gotten 92% of my infra so far.

    Just a flesh wound ;)

    Ive dropped out of the #1 spot for most NS lost... :pouts:

    These LE guys are refusing to nuke me and I'm going to fall behind in our nuke badge tally competition... :extra poutage:

  4. We knew this one was going to be an uphill battle, but that was what attracted us to the challenge :)

    If you guys hit bill lock before us we might have some chance of coming back, but we're hurting all over... Still, we are swinging from our knees, and will continue to do so until the bell :D

    Edit: Also, I still maintain that 153k is a more accurate representation of our pre bulk up starting NS :P

  5. The military bulk up that you guys did post blitz (since we did ours before it) is going to skew the NS stats a bit... I did see you guys as low as 221k early on the 10th before you all bulked up... We were ~153k before our build up.

    Given that, I'd put us both at about 23-24k NS lost right now off stats on the current graphs... so we are both basically tearing the living snot out of each other right now... This is how TE was meant to be ;)

    Edit: Nice job surviving our afternoon co-ordination heh... So close ;)

  6. [img]http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090105003646/cybernations/images/1/18/Pork_Shrimp.gif[/img]

    [size="6"][b]Pork Shrimp Announcement[/b][/size]

    To be the best, you've got to beat the best... and at Pork Shrimp we aspire to be the best we can be.

    Due to opposing political viewpoints we've clashed with Lafayette Escadrille several times indirectly, and they have given us more trouble than most. They have a fierce reputation as a talented and organised force.

    And so, we have chosen to engage directly, to test ourselves against a group who we see as one of the best and strongest in TE, so see whether we can go toe to toe, or whether we crash and burn.

    Either way, best of luck to Lafayette Escadrille, and see you out on the battlefield.

  7. [center][img]http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/cybernations/images/1/18/Pork_Shrimp.gif[/img][/center]

    Alright so, this is a bit embarrassing, we expected a nice test here and a good fight, but we have no interest in continuing what is essentially now a tech raid.

    Murder Inc now has less total NS than Pork Shrimp, which was a goal we set out to achieve. Now that it has been achieved we don't wish to prolong this any further.

    Any MI nations sending peace to Pork Shrimp will have their peace offers accepted.

  8. [center][img]http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/cybernations/images/1/18/Pork_Shrimp.gif[/img]

    [size="7"]Pork Shrimp Announcement[/size]




    Pork Shrimp declare war on Murder Inc.[/center]

  9. [quote name='King Irwin' date='22 February 2010 - 08:44 PM' timestamp='1266871463' post='2197745']
    Well, that's true. But most of the newer features are phased in for larger nations. When you first get started, you still worry about the same things as people did 3 years ago (although maybe it's a little more than 4 years ago). Things like wonders, spies, and navy, for example, are all things a new player doesn't need to be concerned with.

    I can't speak for the true early days of the game though...by the time I got here, there were already some well-established guides that just needed to be updated for the newest features.

    Well the very early days there were no trades, no planes, no improvements, no alliances (only teams) etc, so these weren't exactly things which were phased in for larger nations.

  10. I'm here to congratulate my alliance mates on the fantastic effort they gave in Round 9 to bring home the flag.

    On planet Steve we roam as Pork Shrimp, but on Planet Bob we are a small group known as the Basketball Ninjas. With only 32 of us, (and fewer who set foot onto Steve), its always been a tough road for us to try and win the flag.

    But quality > quantity, and I couldn't have asked for a better and more dedicated group to work with.

    In round 7, we finished 7th, in round 8, we inspired some round ending carnage and finished 4th, and in round 9 we inspired carnage again and this time, not only did we get what we came for in the flag, but we finished with 3 nations in the top 5.

    Pork Shrimp, Authorized Personnel Only, and the 13 Court Guard were of course in reality, all Pork Shrimp, as was Severus Snape of Spinners End who brought home the bacon. As the man who coined the AA name Pork Shrimp back in round 2, and as co-founder of the Basketball Ninjas, I couldn't be happier with who got us over the line.

    So (not that anyone will care since its all about round 10 now), I'd like to thank my alliance mates for some fantastic effort and some long nights in the trenches, many away from families clearing the way for Snape to come through. Thankyou guys, each and every one of you for your efforts either in round 9 or in previous rounds as we edged ever closer.

    I'd like to thank The Phoenix Federation, your great friendship since round 2 helped make this possible. We were thrilled to see it come down in the end to a battle of one of us vs a TPF nation for the flag, and we held true to our morals and refused to attack the TPF nation even if it had have meant losing.

    Oh, and JKL, you just didn't seem to get that along the way you ceased to be a priority... so this ones for you buddy...

    We probably won't have much interest in TE now that we have won the flag, so best of luck to those in round 10 and future rounds for those who still have goals to achieve.

  11. In the early days before all the big alliances were well established, there were less features.

    Many features have been added by our holy admin once everyone had mastered the existing features, to keep the established player base content (Though they always want more :P)...

    So while they have kept many established players happy that there is something new to learn, it has had the extra effect of adding so much more for a new user to pick up on when they start up.

  12. You may have had a space or copied a tab after the user name in the cc box... make sure there was no whitespace after jsermo...

    That said I guess the cc box could possibly trim the ruler names if that was the issue...

  13. This is the worst case of crybaby syndrome I've ever seen.

    Fact of the matter is Pork Shrimp saw right through your claim to 'go rogue' and shoot for the casualty crown. You weren't even in the top 30 in casualties at the time and hadn't gone against anyone nuclear, you were shooting for the flag and we knew it.

    Fact of the matter is to go for the casualty crown you need to be nuked, I was top five last round in casualties and I did it by eating 7 nukes. I've just dropped out of the top 5 this round after eating 5 nukes.

    You don't eat nukes you can't win the casualty crown... You wanted it, Pork Shrimp decided to help you.

    Re: Unprovoked nuclear subterfuge... You don't know much about Pork Shrimp do you... This is how we roll, we did it last round and we did it again this round, I don't see arcticllama, NalaButt & Denniswerf up here crying about it.

    You think we bask in the TPF sunshine? I just ate 5 nukes for TPF and have 150,958 casualties this round, and every one of them for TPF... thats some nice basking right there.

    As for your claim that we denied you the ability to declare, thats is a crock as well. We allowed you the time needed to declare on 3 nations, is it our fault you declared on two non nuclear nations, and peaced out quickly with the nuclear nation you declared on?

    Seriously, bring it, Pork Shrimp will take everything you can throw at us and we will keep on coming.

  14. [quote name='Count Rupert' date='13 February 2010 - 06:45 PM' timestamp='1266086742' post='2179483']
    Not sure how checking your own spy operations is going to determine whether someone is sending you fake spy operation messages or not which is all the link you provided shows. The fact is one of those is a fake message. The two indicating unknown sender are real. The fact it's by an unknown sender tells us that a spy op was conducted and the attacker was not discovered. That leaves the remaining one to determine if it's real or not since it shows the sender of the message. The very fact that it shows the sender means if it were a real message that he conducted a spy op and was discovered. That however would mean that Jesse James' alliance Rome's listing of discovered spy ops would have this one on it's list. It does not so it has to be a fake.

    Yeah the spy op does appear here:

    At 12:07:28, which matches the time the message appeared in the inbox.

    The 2nd and 3rd ops can't be fake so this was an occurance of 3 in a day.

  15. I ran into this issue today as well.

    Seems to be an extension os this:


    Only with higher numbers.

    It was a little unnerving, as I carefully calculated my deployment to get certain odds, and when I confirmed my deployment it told me I would have a certain amount deployed, which I wanted for certain odds.

    Once I went to the battle odds screen however, the number deployed was lower, giving me poorer odds than I wanted.

  16. Not all showing on the screen.

    Makes it hard to track all the nukes that are flying in the waning days of TE.

    I have been nuked twice, once at 12/16/2009 4:04:58 AM which currently appears on the News reports:

    The invincibles (wkhan) of the Black team of the alliance The Phoenix Federation was attacked with a nuclear weapon by Ironland (ironman) of the Blue team of the alliance Ordo Paradoxia on 12/16/2009 4:38:37 AM.

    The Lost Island (Jack Shepard) of no team of the alliance Porking Hellfish was attacked with a nuclear weapon by Thwomp (Fist of Doom) of the Blue team of the alliance The Vault on 12/16/2009 4:04:58 AM.

    Swestburg (Kaapie) of the White team of the alliance The Phoenix Federation was attacked with a nuclear weapon by Anda Puas Kami Lemas (cumi pilek) of the Blue team of the alliance Ordo Paradoxia on 12/16/2009 3:23:51 AM.

    But the 2nd nuke I received on 12/15/2009 10:22:00 PM does not appear where it should between these two reports:

    SimplyAmazing (h0rdes) of the White team of the alliance Porking Hellfish was attacked with a nuclear weapon by DragonSlayer (Hammer Bros) of the Blue team of the alliance League of Rogues on 12/15/2009 10:23:58 PM.

    Bianco Hills (Petey Piranha) of the Blue team of the alliance Mario Kart was attacked with a nuclear weapon by Avalon (White Knight) of the Aqua team of the alliance Crash Team Racing on 12/15/2009 10:09:23 PM.

    I am not sure if this is an issue in Standard as well.

  17. Pork_Shrimp.gif

    Greetings to all.

    I would like to clear a few things up about Pork Shrimp and the incessant complaining and baseless accusations that have been tossed around about our proud alliance.

    Firstly, Pork Shrimp (aka Porking Hellfish) are an alliance of fighters, we always have been and always will be, this round we decided to fight at a higher level than rounds past, and generally you won't see us on here as our fighting does our talking for us. For that reason you probably will not have heard of us before unless you have tangled with us in past rounds or you were around in round 3 when we punched a whole through MHA's midsection. We are not some random alliance who just sprang up over night, and our wiki page details our history quite thoroughly for those who have nothing better to do.

    Secondly, At Pork Shrimp we are fiercely independent, at times we may choose not to work aganist someone, but this does not mean we are working with them. We are not in league with anyone, not KingAdam's crew, not MK, not Kleos, not CTA, not even TPF. The first contact we had with MK, CTA or Kleos was when we declared war on their nations. We chose our targets based on who we thought had the best chance to win, simple as that, We didn't care if you were MK, CTA or whoever else, we cared if we thought you had a chance to win. If we thought you had a shot then we came for you, and we subsequently declared on most of the top 25. Simple as that. TPF, sure we left them off our target lists as a sign of respect for their long term friendship and protectorate status they gave us, but we have not worked with them or their nations, we just chose not to work against them and left them to their own devices.

    Thirdly, Hammer Bros/General Raam/King Adam, When we declared on our targets, we stumbled across him and a few of his guys, we weren't looking for him, it just happened. Long story short, threats were made from both sides, we both told each other we would all go down together rather than back down, and what do you know, we both meant it. I give respect to both sides for sticking to their guns and their principles and valuing that over any attempts at deal cutting. If he has other guys out there we didn't find and they come through, then congrats, well played.

    Fourthly, I'm not going to stand up here and explain our entire strategy to you all just so you can sleep at night. If you are scratching your head, good, thats half the point. Just because you cannot figure us out, and figure out what we are doing, it doesn't mean we have to justify ourselves and join the dots for you, and it certainly doesn't mean we are doing any slot filling. If you can't figure it out, then maybe by the end it will have all become clear to you... but probably not, as some of you seem completely incapable of thinking outside the box. At Pork Shrimp we live outside the box.

    Lastly, We aimed to move early and get in before the slot fillers did, cheating has been rife in past rounds and makes us at Pork Shrimp sick. We feel we have achieved that and along the way achieved one of the most fun and destructive finishes at the high levels in the history of TE.

    To those we are at war with, and to those we are not, I wish everyone the best of luck now to the finish line, have fun, blow some stuff up, and whoever comes out in front this round I would say either thoroughly deserves it or needs to go and buy several lottery tickets.

    See you all on the field.

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