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Everything posted by LordAkanata

  1. In pixels or PR? They're taking a lot of damage to the former, but none to the latter.
  2. You'll find more people are involved than you think in a while.
  3. You know, before you posted this I didn't advocate the rolling of Pink Sphere. But now I do. Congratulations. Way to make an enemy of (almost) everyone, but at least you know who your friends are I suppose.
  4. o/ CG With superheroes like these, what are the villains like? Send them away, boys!
  5. Yeah, that's about right. The last couple pages just has been recycled material of old.
  6. This incident looks like IS is providing massive military assistance, against their tech raiding policy. Once again confirming that this isn't a raid, it's war. Also, why am I arguing with RAD members? Where did all the IS people go?
  7. When people have only your word to go on that something is a tech raid, despite the facts, there's something clearly wrong. We know the community doesn't support naked aggression from the example of the Karma War, and that's what this looks like, despite what you say. Sure, let IS have its policy. But IS will have to pay for it in the end. If people are ready to declare war on you at any moment because of your policy, then you should consider changing said policy.
  8. Dude, as much as you and Emperor Marx want to believe otherwise, I know what a raid is. This isn't a tech raid, a land raid, whatever. How many times do we have to go over this point? Tech raids don't use CM's, use air attacks, launch naval blockades, and certainly do not spy nukes away. If you'd like to just blow other people's pixels up, expect yours to burn in return.
  9. You'd better believe it. I read all 26 pages and still have no idea what IS's CB was for this war, so what choice does the world have but to conclude naked aggression was the reason?
  10. You're calling it a tech raid, while Rey's calling it a "raid" as in military raid. I'm quite sure your side is lacking a consistent story for the world.
  11. A tech raid is an act of war on a sovereign alliance. What you're calling a "raid" is war, period. I don't see how this gets you out of your stealth war, or give a reason why you don't need a DoW.
  12. This. I can put up with ignorance, but willful ignorance is totally different. If you can't be bothered with simple facts, Druss, then why should people listen to your account of events?
  13. Not to goad you, since I'm on your side on this, but you probably should be posting a DoW soon before people stop taking you seriously.
  14. This. Well said Random. There's also the noCB War (or WotC or SPW, depending on who you are). Just because the treaty web was going to kill the Blue Sphere didn't mean BLEU didn't fight. And a good fight it was. IS, your CB is even worse than GGA and Valhalla's CB. Naked aggression will be punished in the New Era.
  15. Nope. IS tried calling it a tech raid to keep this atrocity quiet, but CG and most people hear see this attack for the war that it is. I'm not going to argue about tech raiding; you do as you want with unaligneds. But giving an alliance a full-scale blitz for merely criticizing them is extremely low, and I'll love smelling their tech and infra burning over my skies.
  16. No idea where you got this idea. Do you honestly think that after WotC and Agora that you have ANY standing with us? Just saying again, Karma's a !@#$%*. As for the reps, OV would be crazy to not use these reps as a juicy recruitment tool. And then more slots for NPO. B)
  17. o/ Athens, and may this not be the last milestone you reach.
  18. We share membership so FoB may share the booty. o/ FoB o/ C&G
  19. No, it's not. Isn't it clear that Caffine was basically pushed out of Echelon? Isn't it clear that in the past, people subject to these terms tend to leave the alliance? Isn't it clear that forcing people to leave alliances breaks communities?
  20. If Echelon wanted to expel Caffine, they would have made a separate announcement about the matter. The fact that his prohibition from government is in the terms suggests that the alliances at war with Echelon (or some of them anyway) wanted him gone. They're imposing their will on Echelon about who can be in government or not, and that's just not cool.
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