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Posts posted by sammykhalifa

  1. You know, having been at the top or near the top in every round except for this one, I have to ask what did you all expect? If you're in one of the top positions, you get hit. You plan for it. Someone's gonna get you. So with that in mind, you should hope to minimize your losses to build back (trust me, it can happen).

    What you shouldn't do is get angry and lash back at anyone else around to try to take them down with you. You're not going to get anywhere that way.

  2. Damn Americans... Have no clue on either liquor or beer...

    Please, sometimes it's hard, don't paint us all with the same wide brush.

    We're not all surfing cowboy movie stars, either. ;)

    American Craft Brewing is on the rise. Try something from Stone or Founders or Dogfish Head before you trash our beers. You will thank me.

    EDIT: Besides, Budweiser is now a Dutch company. :D

  3. Someone in GGA needs to very clearly explain how the vote went.

    I understand that you may not want to say who voted and what way they went, but I know I am curious as to how it went down. If it was one Triumv and three Elderstatesmen that voted, then tell us that. Because if so, could the three decide to vote off all the Triumv and appoint themselves? Or did each Triumv get a vote, even if they were up for termination?

    If I missed it, I am sorry, but for now I await the explanation.

    Also I'd like to hear from Shaneprice as to whether he changed his very smart opinion on Foreign Affairs.

    I don't understand why they have to explain how or why they do things, to be honest, as long as they're within surrender terms and not bothering anyone else.

  4. Congratulations i guess, but i hardly consider taking a win with 13, 14 or 15 (lost count) alliances against 1 an impressive feat.

    After our disbandment, you fought me and my ex-CIS friends 1200-on-1.

    Anyhow, the brave fighting men and women of Largeblackdot. return to the farms, villages, and Tiki Bars of their birth; beating their swords into martini shakers, ready to turn the page. Here's hoping that the words of changing within GGA are true.

  5. "That," he said, "that... is really bad for the eyes."

    It was a peace of classic, simple design, like a flattened salmon, twenty yards long, very clean, very sleek. There was just one remarkable thing about it.

    "It's so... black!" said Ford Prefect. "You can hardly make out its shape... light just seems to fall into it!"

    The blackness of it was so extreme that it was almost impossible to tell how close you were standing to it.

    "Your eyes just slide off it..." said Ford in wonder.

  6. We are talking about dozens, even hundreds, of alliances involved in this thing. Thousands of individuals. Of course there were different ideas as to where we were going with it. It would be more alarming to me if there wasn't dissention.

    My personal thought was that it would be nice to have more than one power deciding how things work around here, though I suppose that that battle was was won before a single shot was fired. I have no idea how quickly the "other side" can rebuild, or if they'll be the same once they do.

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