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Posts posted by HalfEmpty

  1. [quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1303326641' post='2694784']
    Even with their low warchests they could have done damage. We weren't gonna keep them at war long enough for most of their warchests to matter. They could have probabl made a decent go of it. The point was to make them think "Hey we could be attacked at anytime, maybe $200 mil at 21k infra is a little low." next time it could be people who would hold them down for 2-3 months and have the whole alliance ill locked. Hopefully they learned their lesson.

    Hot damn! Another for the good for the Planet and a Good For the Curbstomped AA! Sweet! I advise adding going a little further and cutting down ADMIN(pbuh) time, then you'd have a trifeca, Good for the Planet, Good for the Crushed AA and a sweet, sweet green balm to anoint yourself mitten. Damn, we got here a win, win, win, win, PROFIT!


    Whoops and of course LOLA! (That was an Edit)

    Rock on! Everyone must die (for our own good)

  2. [quote name='BamaBuc' timestamp='1302556751' post='2688756']
    Basically what Penguin said. I think some of us regulars sometimes lose sight of just how much background knowledge is necessary to post here. Everything from nation mechanics to history to the various social norms to the myriad of memes. The sheer volume of information that we treat as common knowledge is, I think, a large reason why so few new members venture here. At this point the planet has been around for so long that we've amassed an incredible amount of it, and it takes time to learn. I'm just happy that someone is interested in being a part of this community of ours. Perhaps I'm overly optimistic that these newbies will eventually learn the ropes, but given the overall decline in OWF users in recent years, I'm willing to err on the side of optimism.


    wut? NO U!

    That ain't hard.

    Edit: Also enjoy your peace, have faith that it can't last forever. Right? Right?

  3. [quote name='+Zeke+' timestamp='1301782423' post='2683081']
    Just a trainwreck?

    More like a trainwreck of toxic flammable pesticides that caught fire resulting in a ruptured natural gas line, resulting in a huge explosion that caused a massive sinkhole that swallowed the burning toxic neighborhood, resulting in a weak spot on the local plate fault lines, resulting in an earthquake that caused also caused a tsunami and massive loss of coastal infrastructure, resulting in a huge global economic meltdown, resulting in a global nuclear war, resulting in spinning the planet off its axis into the sun, resulting in the sun going critical into a nova, killing all life for many light years in every direction. Yeah, that kind of trainwreck.....

    And there's a baby kitty on the track right ahead!

  4. [quote name='Sigrun Vapneir' timestamp='1301752811' post='2682843']
    Trade circles are evil. Why anyone would forsake a 3 year trading relationship to join one is entirely beyond me.

    I agree. I've had one trade for 1246 days, unless he deletes I'll never drop him for a trade circle. We exchange PMs every 6 months or so and that's it. But the trade is a link to a simpler time.

  5. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1300613964' post='2671004']
    Ugh, incorrect context to drop ipso facto. At least you didn't put it in italics or something corny like that though.

    Also, you were looking for modus ponens, since you were trying to make that particular logical operation/relation (whereas ipso facto is a shorthand term used in a few fields to convey a concept that doesn't apply in the way you were using it, along the same lines as res ipsa loquitor but more general).

    Edit: I just realized this is probably the last place on earth that I should nitpick about actual logic.

    LOLA! Watch out TeeeVeee he's got deh vulgate and is tall enough to use it.

  6. You're just lucky that PC are nice and required no terms beyond that statement of defeat.)

    Indeed PeeeCeee are nothing but nice...

    Perhaps a little out-of-box as it were.
    Maximum Bob... may I call you Maximum Bob? I truly think PeeCee would make a fine rest home for you.

    These are caring nations willing to do what is required to maintain your health and happiness.

    Sadly I won't be able to afford it, I'll very likely die of radiation sickness, without funds.

    Edit: it = PeeCee

  7. [quote name='Cable77' timestamp='1299413473' post='2654337']
    - Never give up, never surrender. Buzz Lightyear. I learned a lot from that movie.

    - My favorite Laura Croft movie

    - Dunder Mifflin is an equal opportunity employer. Some people are more equal than others, but everybody has the opportunity to be equal at some point.

    - I like to think of myself as a friend first and a boss second. And probably an entertainer third.

    - People don't like hippies because they smell bad and like trees too much. But they forget about the dancing and the cool clothes. Very freeing. But they also don't wear shoes and I could never do that. But, if you're too warlike you end up like Klingons and they make you out to be the bad guy all the time even though all you really wanted to do was drive a starship. So, I think it is important to strike a balance.

    So man... who's running the warehouse?

  8. :) Watch out SugarWater, Conner is on the move again.

    Edit: Dang that's one hell of a Sig. Zeke knows his stuff. Altho, it's pretty obvious you're doing pretty darn well considering LOLA's considerable liabilities (you for instance).
  9. [quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1297589714' post='2631075']
    Oh good, such gutlessness really isn't my style.

    Yes, that is what I said. Because you were unable to comprehend what I posted your reply was irrelevent nonsense. I'm pleased to see we can agree on something.
    :awesome: Fat and teeth, an unbeatable combination.

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