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Posts posted by HalfEmpty

  1. Yes, TPF using Karma as a front for Operation Crucify Ourselves to Look Really Good is a valiant history of going to war. If we're talking distant history war records, let's examine the fact that TPF wanted to get out of UjW early to avoid getting rolled (prior to the excuse they used to get out)

    Good to hear from the Dip Chicks again.  


    Hope all is well and your postings continue better and better.

  2. The New Polar Order was created as a satellite in the blue team to recruit nations that would otherwise pick the NAAC and add numbers to the enormous list of NPO enemies.


    The NSO was created as a safe have for a group of miscreants, people that had fallen out of favor and others that were jaded with the NPO run world of the day. I was one of them. The alliances sole connection, in my opinion, was Ivan Moldavi. There is, otherwise, very little in common between the two.


    History, we have a lot around here. Let us continue.

  3. I am deeply offended by that statement. Just because people are of Caucasian descent and are blessed to be born in a more privileged socio-economic environment does not mean that they imply ESL speakers are "stupid" when attempting to replicate their accents on message boards. How dare you. The reverse racism is quite staggering in this day and age. I myself am not a wealthy Caucasian, but I think I speak for all wealthy Caucasians when I say that you should be ashamed, sir.




    Damn yankees.


    Also Hello Boogey

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