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Posts posted by HalfEmpty

  1. [quote name='Mathias' timestamp='1297535224' post='2630454']
    I thought Mia and her crew left TOOL when a disbandment vote failed. I guess they're back.Don't worry, we'll finish what you started.

    That was meant in the [s]Pre[/s]Post-Karma sense of course.

    Edit: Yep.

  2. [quote name='BamaBuc' timestamp='1297525351' post='2630347']
    Come on, surely you can find a treaty chain somewhere. :PThat's funny, we went into this war expecting to gain NS.Had to happen sooner or later. :PAlso, good Lord, both of our armies suck at attacking.You got us. That's exactly why we did it.-Bama

    Watch out 'Bama he's a tricky one, he may sekret aid himself.

    Also: Hello Azaghul, I'm rapidly (and I mean rapidly) headed your way. :awesome:

  3. Looks real, but a little slow a foot? ---- check
    Stumbles often ----- check
    Prior burial ------ check

    This is what comes from PunkSemetary.

    Little M, half an EM space, gone so soon and forgotten even more quickly than the first.

    I look forward to your anniversary whines.

  4. [quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1295130809' post='2576372']
    Heh, well you would think so. Though I think the problem there is that they didn't fight on the Pacifican front, so they didn't get that same feeling of retribution. They had to take out all that pent-up rage on TPF instead. :P

    And they were meanies too! :mad: Some Tuber wanted me to surrender :awesome:

  5. [quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1295078107' post='2575896']
    I wouldn't point out a correlation with direct NS, as leaders get special focus in wars, and also tend to fight a lot. But there are other indicators, buying (or selling) tech with all their slots, keeping stable trades, growing their nation and building up their warchest at the fastest pace that wars will allow.I would however, hold it against an alliance leader when they at least don't put in a good effort to build their nation up and use it effectively, and who doesn't have a solid understanding of the dynamics of nation building and in-game growth. For one, a solid understanding of in-game dynamics can be important, especially when planning for wars. An alliance leader ignorant of his alliance's real standing in-game can make mistakes, overestimating or underestimating his alliance in comparison to others and not have his alliance assigned well in a war. They also won't be as good at effectively monitoring and appointing their economics and war ministers. They may initiate and/or approve unwise and inefficient nation-building, war preparation, or deployment strategies. They may do a poor job at the negotiating table at wars end getting the best terms for their alliance (or writing good terms for an opponent).Another thing is that an alliance leader who just "doesn't care" about his nation isn't being a good leader, in my opinion. Why should his members care about their nations if their leader doesn't? An alliance leader should lead by example, in that respect. If they don't that could contribute to a culture of laziness that will hurt the alliance. Alliance leaders tend to be some of the oldest nations and (if not rogued on a lot) have greater potential to have a large nation. Leaders can make a small difference with their nations alone. For example when I was in MK high gov (around noCB through Karma) all the gov were in the upper ranks, especially in tech, and made up a reasonable portion of those ranks.


    The ThugDwarf from Fungus makes a decent point, however it is negated by the supreme truthery of the Modavi Reality:

    [i][size="4"]he plays with humans not pixels[/size][/i]

  6. [quote name='Captain Flinders' timestamp='1295098338' post='2575989']
    And people keep saying TPF has changed. I'm certainly not convinced.

    (cue twenty people telling me that one opinion doesn't represent the alliance, therefore reinforcing my initial statement)

    My work here is done.

    Thanks for your help.

  7. [quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1294529565' post='2568992']
    We refer to our press conferences as archeological digs. People come into the conferences to dig up some historical event that they can complain about. TOP want a scapegoat for their failed attack on C&G and with a treaty with MK now in place they have to return to their traditional scapegoats the NpO and STA.

    What's this I hear about Ambrose Bierce and the New Mexican Order?

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