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Posts posted by HalfEmpty

  1. I am a CN auto-die-dact. :(

    That said,

    Jbone for War
    TCK for all things Economical

    Mhawk for Spine
    DefCat for Ribs
    Shakira for Hips (yes I FU deh warz, but I had a nap)

    OBM for composure and decency
    Peggy for freaking out the Souk
    GanTanX for pure bloody minded goodness :v:

    Venerable Oriental for a different view
    GreenAcres for even a more different view

    Azaghul for peek at the other side

    Edit: And this:
    [i]I learned roguing from fransjosef.[/i]

    Heh, love it.

    Have Tupolev
    Will Travel

    Only thing more awesome than his war fighting were his PhotoShop Skills.

    0/ FJ! Fighter for Justice and the lost 19 tech!

  2. [quote name='Alterego' date='02 July 2010 - 06:26 PM' timestamp='1278109600' post='2358151']
    Fire away

    I would have said huddling together out of fear. Hey, whatever helps you sleep better big guy.

    Athens & co made up a bs CB and rolled TPF with the intention of dragging the rest of us into the curb stomp we have received twice in a year.

    Incompetent? 2 MADP blocs are so afraid of NPO that they are giving up control of their alliances and forming one super block. Why? apparently because only together can this dozen or so alliances hope to beat them in a war.

    Young man, the ZOMGspai war has long been forgotten. Srsly.

  3. [quote name='Londo Mollari' date='21 June 2010 - 02:02 PM' timestamp='1277143302' post='2345439']
    But we didn't weigh the costs. And three C&G alliances ceased to exist as a direct result of the noCB war, dying lingering deaths after the beating was over. Their leaders chose to sacrifice their young alliances' very existence to fight the Enemy and try to bring about a better world... and if not to bring about a better world, then at least to not let their allies die alone. [b]There was no calculation of future gains and losses on Athens' part, or anyone's part that I know. And it was precisely because of the fact that we abandoned calculations, that we abandoned realpolitik,[/b] that we were able to change the rules. NPO continued to play realpolitik. C&G started playing a different game, and I believe that helped get other alliances to start thinking seriously about entering a war with a goal other than increasing their own power - although boredom, dissatisfaction with NPO's world leadership, and a lot of other things undoubtedly played contributing roles. When enough people started thinking this way, NPO's hegemony was doomed.

    Admin is surely love a good Spinner, he has allowed so many to exist.
    Next up, how much tech was it? Why it was 99 and 44/100% :awesome:

  4. Where would it take us?
    Why a dead end of course, unless the OP is really good, I mean really, really good.
    In theory it my go 10 12 19, but a really GOOD OP, a good CounterPoster with follow up and a decent backbone and plenty of time, why it's hard to say.

    Could it be done? Maybe, if it was a really good OP and a Type Alpha counterposter, come blasting thru the OWF passes at 49 minutes past update, low,I mean really low, with nothing left to lose, jinking that keyboard left and right, persistent and annoying,you ask could it be done?


  5. Thanks for the well wishes and the memories. As far as our history is concerned is.... LOL, why so sensitive? :awesome:

    Nao! Lookin at deh blinkin lites....

    Gott ist really mit us all. Sez so rite on our cheap beltbuckles.

    0/GeoPet and the love goddess he brought to me
    0/One Ball d00d
    0/Mhawk for never ever ever ever ever ever even thinking about it
    0/The Burger King pls don't kill me

    0/VolNavy best damn Banger Ever.

    Roll Tide


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