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Posts posted by HalfEmpty

  1. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1281294714' post='2404726']
    Neither I remember him as member of NpO and he hasn't the "resigned" tag in NpO forums so unlikely that he was a member of Polaris too unless under other name.

    It's not the thought that counts?


  2. Mr. Skellington

    [quote name='Batallion' timestamp='1281072793' post='2402460']
    Given that I have never talked to you on IRC nor really seen you post before, I can't tell whether the post quoted above is sarcastic or not, but hopefully not and I really make your day :smug:

    I know it's difficult to believe, but yes, he is.

    :smug: that special :smug:

  3. [quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1280527834' post='2395436']
    All the fun in the game is built on vengence, during Karma TPF was held to task for things that happened when it was Total Farkistan, NPO held to task for everything since the game startd.

    At some point Sparta will misstep and finally face the same thing that their allies and Hegemony partners did over the last year. I will find it amusing when it happens and we will see if there is any true Spartan mettle or [b]just the same mostly inept bunch that couldn't be bothered to staggar or even continue fighting during Karma.[/b][/quote]

    LOL been there.

    Cold tho... this is a public forum...

  4. [quote name='wilhelm the demented' timestamp='1280527445' post='2395429']
    Sparta believes in supporting her members and allies. Doing what it can to support them.

    It's not the most entertaining spectacle - but it's humble, and it's modest. The only thing we can ask is for the same consideration.

    I can already see the jabs about supporting NPO and Co. during Karma - it's a constant occurence, is it not? - so let be refute that with a simple statement. It's not the paper - it's the people, and you guys $%&@ed with the wrong people. I'm sorry it still pains you to this day - but we've moved on, suggest you do the same.

    You'll never rise from your ashes if you continue to sulk around in your vengeance, Phoenix.

    Another common occurrence. I know everyone likes to ride the lolSparta train - but if these debates bore you, perhaps you should avoid them instead of instigating them?

    I like sulking and coniving... it's our way FatMeat. I suggest you get in touch with my olde friend PS and consider a merger.

    Or disband now.... while it's cheap.

  5. [quote name='Seth Muscarella' timestamp='1280526036' post='2395404']
    i was a diplomat to TPF during that time; i know why we cancelled it. It was most definitely not that we foresaw you getting rolled.

    Do tell, send me the details via PM if you would.

    Else. No.

    mi mad... Yes.... Back stabbing Greeks.

    Still I will say this... you got the best Spam team, so that's something.

    Now hush, or Potato is gonna smack your pee pee.

    Meh... GAG Order... no one above... um... Snook 5 to post?

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