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Lord Rav

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Everything posted by Lord Rav

  1. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l30/Ravage100/RoninFlag.gif[/IMG] A little something I made for Airme awhile ago for a couple laughs. Just thought the other folks in Ronin would like to see this. Cheers, Rav
  2. [quote name='mq3eleven' timestamp='1319912553' post='2834575'] Glad to see the GPA still going strong. [/quote] Cheers and thanks! \Rav
  3. [quote]1) The gameplay of this game is a relic of the past. On the other hand, the gameplay has NEVER been incredibly amazing (I don't get how is it that the GPA guys managed not to get bored to death). I don't think Admin can make any kind of interesting improvement, since fixing the problems would probably mean re-writing the whole game or creating a completely new and different game.[/quote] There are a lot more challenges to try and maintain a neutral alliance. The GPA community is always keeping itself busy to keep our members interested with the game. Each day alawys bring something new and exciting to our shores. The game was pretty big back in 2006 but it has been decline ever since. At some point, the CN community is going to come to a balance where we will maintain a constant number of people. Cheers, Rav
  4. Alerting someone you're going to cancel on them should a common courtesy. I have lost cost the number of times people have cancelled their trades with my nation over the years. Cheers, Rav
  5. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1319104575' post='2829196'] Bump [/quote] Thanks! Bump.
  6. Thanks! Nice to see old familiar face around these parts!

  7. [quote name='BaronOfBeef' timestamp='1284593407' post='2455184'] We show you the funny! [/quote] Yes, very funny! R.
  8. [center][img]http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/6784/gpasealuz5.png[/img][/center] [center]Greetings to Digiterra from the neutral sanctum of the Green Protection Agency. We wish to issue a warning to our neighbors in the Realm of Bob about a tech scammer. Over the past couple weeks, GPA and other alliances in the Realm of BoB have fallen victim to a certain [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=373615] Evitressa of iHopeIGetUranium[/url], who is ghosting the GPA AA in order to scam nations in faulty tech deals. Evitressa, who is not a member of GPA, has scammed millions from several alliances! Therefore we issue this warning to our neighbors because we do not want to see another nation get harmed because of this ghost & scammer.[/center] Thank you kindly, Lord Rav, [i]GPA Government,[/i] [i]Ministry of Foreign Affairs[/i] [IMG]http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r160/qinqe/GPA/AS6gpaSealMinistryMoFA.png[/IMG]
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