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Shan Revan

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Everything posted by Shan Revan

  1. I remember when nukes were 100 infra and 10 tech - no one ever got more than 10 tech because there were no bonuses for it anyway - also everyone was poorer. There was no start up aid and what takes a modern nation a week in growth could take a nation a month. The only weapons of war were soldiers and nukes - no CMs, tanks etc. There were less than 10 alliances - I visited every one of them every day. You had to put your AA in your bio since there was no AA field. These were the trades. Resource Benefits Aluminum – Increases solder count +8%. Cattle – Increases number of citizens +5% and lowers initial infrastructure cost -5%. Coal – Increases the natural growth of a nation by 15%. Fish - Increases number of citizens +8% and lowers initial infrastructure cost -2%. Furs – Increases citizen’s daily income +$3.00 and increases the natural growth of a nation by 8%. Gold – Increases citizen’s daily income +$5.00. Gems – Increases population happiness +2, increases citizen’s daily income +$3.00 Iron – Lowers initial soldier cost -$3.00, lowers infrastructure upkeep costs -$5.00, and lowers initial building costs -5%. Lead – Lower inital nuclear cost -2% and lowers nuclear upkeep costs -10%. Lumber – Lower inital infrastructure cost -5% and lowers infrastructure upkeep costs -$5.00. Marble – Lower inital infrastructure cost -8%. Oil - Lowers initial soldier cost -$3.00 and increases population happiness +1. Pigs – Lowers soldier upkeep cost -$0.50. Rubber - Increases the natural growth of a nation by 15%. Silver – Increases citizen’s daily income +$3.00 and increases population happiness +2. Spices – Increases the natural land growth of a nation by 8% and increases population happiness +2. Sugar – Increases the natural growth of a nation by 5%, increases number of citizens +3%, and increases population happiness +1. Uranium – Allow nations to develop nuclear weapons only if that nations government preference supports nuclear weapons. If a nations government preference favors nuclear technology for the use of nuclear power plants but does not support nuclear weapons then the nation will receive +$3.00 per citizen but loses -1 population happienss. Water – Increases number of citizens per mile before populatin unhappienss by 30, increases population happiness +1, and improves a nations environment by 10%. Weat – Increases the natural growth of a nation by 5% and increases number of citizens +8%. Wine – Increases population happiness +3. I still don't understand some of the bonuses they gave - like cattle lowering infra costs? wtf. The game was also absolutely full of typos - I mean there are still a few here and there but for the most part it's pretty good now. in conclusion - game was fun - but there's just so much more to it now.
  2. Well it was the most interesting one I came up with for sure. It bothered me to have the world wake up and find a 1st world nation just materialised on the news with their breakfast. Also I wanted an excuse for the nuke thing mostly. Hmm - whilst that probably would provide excellent motivation to "move out" of uberstein - I think I'll just skip the idea entirely and just not disclose which nation if any the headquarters is based in. Obviously being a multi-national corp would imply that my assets would be dispersed worldwide in some form. Just you wait and see the designs for the artificial island. Being a student of engineering I couldn't help but do some research (not that I am bothering to or even capable of realisitically engineering such a feat) and think out the construction process rather thouroughly. Isn't that kind of like saying the only reason you don't meet the requirements is because you don't meet the requirements? Anyway - assuming there are no further comments or questions next time I get on, I think I'll start going with it. I'm going to just hit the ground running as if I always existed in the background as planned - I would appreciate if you all would go along with that.
  3. So I've been thinking of RPing for some time now and with the holidays approaching what better time is there? I've been thinking though - a nation as large as mine doesn't tend to just spring out of no where and doing so would also not allow me to RP some of the aspects I am most proud of about my nation. After some thought I came up with a potential solution - however before doing so I'm interested in checking if it's okay with others here since it's a bit out of the ordinary. The general gist of it is that I roleplay for a short period as a multinational corporation, one that has more or less always existed but only recently become in the news more and more (this is so that I can retain my nation's rich heritage) - I don't claim land for a while instead any locations RP'd would probably be in high security secret locations in unclaimed territories - or my public headquarters which I'd presumably establish in an existing nation (I'm thinking perhaps uberstein as his nation seems it would appreciate a capitalist mega-corporation with a leaning towards evil). After a period (probably after my exams) I would decide to simply aquire a nation of my own to run our entire company from - largely to avoid taxes and laws in many nations. I have fiddled with the idea of constructing a reinforced concrete monstrosity in the ocean somewhere as an artificial island - perhaps somewhere between the size of Kyuushuu (37000 square km) to sicily (25000 square km). Doing so would require an RP of its construction I believe and would not be instantaneous or perfect. (I may have comparitivaly godlike tech to most people here but that doesn't mean I can do everything - but I do have construction as a resource if that counts). Considering my nation's in game SoI literally covers the globe (I went over the point where it glitches and draws no circle but even not counting that it's still some 6000miles or something it doesn't seem absurd area wise) Failing this idea I'd see about purchasing some of the lands I like or something. Now about that heritage I blabbed about earlier- I've had at least three nukes at any time since I first got them back in around early may (give or take but it was before GWI) at a time when the requirements were 100 infra and 10 tech. As such my nation is relatively a pioneering researching into nuclear technologies. All of my warheads have been updated from a-bombs to h-bombs. Due to this nuclear history - I intend to roleplay my corporation/nation as a leader in nuclear physics research, development and related technologies (ie reactors and the like). Considering I'm probably the only private corporation to maintain it's own nuclear stockpile and that I have a rather large private military, built and designed by our own company, military technologies will be a highlight of my technological area of expertise. Assuming I go the artificial island route - I will probably be able to mine underwater resources (ie iron as per my nation) and perhaps discover some kind of underwater spice (my other native). My nation will be primarily focused on advanced scientific research and applications of such. This means I'll probably RP some stuff such as perhaps my own HAARP, satellite telescopes. This suits a nation with high tech levels in my opinion - especially as it grows. Industrial capacity - a corporation primarily makes money by selling items and patents. It seems logical to follow this on to the nation. At least initially. This will mean that the ability to mass produce advanced designs will be required to distribute to the world. Infrastructure capable of supporting both the populations and the logistic requirements of the corporate nation. Individual rights will probably be a bit lower than other places, things like medicine and healthcare will not be brilliant - certainly far above most nation's level's but compared to another nation of similar level probably a little lower. Also initially most raw materials and resources will have to be sourced externally - at least until I can work out a viable solution. questions/comments/etc
  4. No. Can't really put a percentage on it. Depending on the nation set up, it could effect them minimally or a hell of a lot (ie if they're improvement swapping and lose the population). Currently there are 30,795 nations. to get to 5GRL, you only need to nuke 514 nations in the period of 30 days. That's 17.13 nations a day - easy. To put this in Perspective, Great War I saw between 300 and 350 nations nuked. That was over two years ago. At that time, the actual GRL was like 11 but there was a cap at about 3. GWII and III were largely non nuclear affairs (GWII was certainly not the largest nuclear exchange ever). I believe the first fan war saw the launch of about 1500 nukes (guestimate and poor memory) spaced out over a period of time. I don't believe GRL had been reimplemented for that war. The Unjust war - it saw significant use of nukes. I'm pretty sure it did max out and stayed rather high for a couple of weeks. Remember, if you hit the maximum number, it's going to stay until the total over the entire 30 days is below the required nukes. Even if there is a relatively small but elevated, continued barrage it could be enough to keep it maxed. I'm unsure how the SDI will effect it, but it probably will make it more difficult for the GRL to rise. I still do not doubt that a major nuclear war went off, that it would cap out within a day or two and stay there for a while.
  5. Posting on behalf of Mazrim Taim of the nation of Amadicia
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