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Everything posted by popsumpot

  1. Watchout, BG is moving in for the kill!
  2. Common Defense Treaty for this round will be largely blue. Our majority is blue, with a few other colours here and there. We've got the Blue Senate, so I think that would classify us as a Blue alliance.
  3. And looking at the rate they're shedding members...
  4. It doesn't appear Hellas is very bright. You first raid CDT Alexander, now you raid Blackwater. If Blackwater gives us the word, make no mistakes, we will roll you.
  5. Hahaha Inside jokes for the win o/ hot dogs
  6. But did you forget? You're a dictator.
  7. From the actions of Roman Empire, it looks like they've realized they can't take the moral high ground and are now forcibly absorbing nations via warfare.
  8. If only he could write in paragraphs that contained more than 2 sentences.
  9. And just what are his true intentions? I believe you want to say "Your new government does not stand for democracy", and no, you're wrong. They have a forum and have democratically elected a government. Maybe you should check your facts before you speak.
  10. So why is UN's old government considered the most incompetent ever on Planet Steve?
  11. STOP SPAMMING YOUR MESSAGE! Posting it in one thread is quite enough. Posting it in multiple threads is attention seeking. Creating a new thread for it is just moronic.
  12. First of all, if you're not with CG, than the consequences are you won't be in United Nations government. That isn't a threat, it's a fact, so stop strawcasing his message. Second of all, how exactly do you know that message came from CG? I suppose you can read his mind right? Because you have sources in high places that tell you CG personally tasked danizduhman to send you that message? So now we're going to start accusing people of lying here are we? Third of all, you are obviously going to read what ever you want out of nothing, and than claiming you are right and the facts you have conjured are right. These are the facts. danizduhman wrote the message. He knows what he means, he told us what he means, and you are just sprouting accusations to smear him. Last of all, of course, how could I forget Godwin's law? While you haven't descended to calling him Hitler, you're only a step short. Last time I checked, it wasn't Coolgreen who abandoned his alliance and seek someone else's protection. Last time I checked, it wasn't Coolgreen who forcibly disbanded and carried out an absorption with the said alliance without a vote. CG's government is the only legitmate government UN has seen. Did your government not re-form United Nations after English Empires (who was the leader) disbanded it? How is the old government any different from CG's?
  13. How do you know he wants to merge? I mean, if the merger is true, he should be the first one to change to Roman Empire right?
  14. "I already have 3 threads threads, but I need moar publicity!"
  15. Since when do you have a say on the sovereignty of UN? Who gave you the right to attack nations flying the flag of UN? Members of UN are resisting the merger between UN and Roman Empire and you respond by using military force? Now lets not kid ourselves and say this isn't a power grab by the Roman Empire.
  16. How do you know who the rightful leader of UN is? You abandoned UN for greener pastures just like English Empire did. Coolgreen is stepping up and helping UN out of this tradition of being abandoned by their leaders, he is the leader of UN.
  17. This is TE, no body cares. Please stop spamming OWF
  18. Who are you? The leader of UN is Coolgreen and he hasn't approved of this merger, please stop recruiting from his alliance.
  19. While CDT does not sign treaties, we would like to declare that we consider the legitimate government of United Nations lead by Coolgreen (Zikawe) to be a friend. We would like to give a friendly warning to the Roman Empire to stop recruiting from our friends.
  20. Please don't sign treaties, we don't need moar treaties..
  21. A message to those in war with Pops: Please accept peace so I can free up the slot and attack this Household Cavalry guy
  22. Come on MASH! We're shedding numbers for you guys to catch up!
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