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Ernesto Che Guevara

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Everything posted by Ernesto Che Guevara

  1. No no no you've got it all wrong. So you're a part of doom house. Doom and nuke both have 4 letters, making them interchangeable. Now, if the house is nuked instead of doomed, it could either A, have suffered a nuclear strike, or B, be the target of the colloquial term for microwaving something (eg: gotta go nuke my Hot Pockets, I'll be right back). NukedHouse would imply that your house is warm, as if in a microwave. In fact, your house is very, very hot, perhaps even on fire. Fire is another four-letter word, so firehouse could also be used. Firehouse (a softer version of Nukedhouse) combines with the cheeseburgers...and this is where I'm lost. Is...is that the name this war is going for? Why not block party? Or hell, Bloc Party for that matter.
  2. I was making reference to your comment on their number of nations in anarchy.
  3. It's almost like your opponents are outnumbered or something.
  4. Can you, for once, stop distracting me? I'm still trying to figure out the Nukedhouse pun and your idea threw me off completely. Now I'm thinking about cheeseburgers. So the house is doomed because it got nuked?
  5. Crap, ran out of room. Motherfun was the word. Mothers love it when their kids don't have any worries.
  6. And that was the day all of CN put aside their differences and made poop jokes.
  7. How will they ever pay for their war effort when all their money is going toward plumbing bills!?
  8. I would never go near a toilet that had a vortex like that on the inside. Actually I would just to say I've pooped into a vortex.
  9. You caught us. We're totally gonna shack up with CnG's mate now.
  10. And they'd better stay off my damned lawn. I get a D for effort on this one, but I'm bored.
  11. Well, they're part of an international conspiracy to tilt all our letters at a slight angle. It's seriously a problem.
  12. Shit, you're right. They wouldn't even be old enough to ask what things are.
  13. Heh, thanks. I thought it was witty at least. ;)
  14. Okay, I laughed way harder than I should have. Good find, dude.
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