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Chocolate Cookies

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Everything posted by Chocolate Cookies

  1. I know that the player ops in there have been told that if it violates forum rules, it violates channel rules. We also go by anything staff tells us verbally (i.e. I heard there is no RL politics)
  2. That's why you sell it, because it is expensive for people with lots of it. You will get a good deal, trust me.
  3. Clear your cookies, go to Tools > Preferences > Advanced > Content - I have all the boxes checked, it could make a difference. And Opera 10 works fine, so it's a user side error.
  4. Didn't say you had to! But anyway, join us.
  5. Come to think of it like a fifth of us are still green IIRC.
  6. Yam, you don't have to be green to be a GUNner. I need a buddy in my IRC channel anyway. In the off chance we throw you out, I will personally make sure you know it(that isn't a threat). Plus, if you want you can work on our website. You know where to find me. EDIT: Also, elections are coming up, and you can always apply for a deputy position.
  7. You should try both if you have the time, but email first.
  8. Democracy is what you're looking for on government. For religion, you want Baha'i faith.
  9. This happened once before, where the numbers were different in the 2 locations. I think the CN Info Index was the correct one, but I will double check. It happened because the numbers were changed after the code and it wasn't redone. EDIT: Yep, right here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=67764
  10. Never have more than 50 tech at one time or you'll just be wasting money, since the price per level increases as the number of levels you have increases.
  11. Is it against the game rules? No. Is it a good idea? Probably not. Retaliation and getting ignored are probably likely. And, I see you're in an alliance from your profile. I'm not familiar with MA, but I know that my own alliance wouldn't allow that, so you might want to check if you haven't already.
  12. The coordinates of where you put your nation don't actually make a difference in game-play. It is just a fun add-on to make your nation more personalized.
  13. Since it wasn't stated, correctly, it should be 'return'.
  14. You can also save messages, which will keep them in your inbox for an extended period of time.
  15. As long as you don't have another nation currently on it, I think you should be ok, but I'd wait for mod confrimation.
  16. You can also try port 5556 if you use ice.coldfront.net
  17. Losing land doesn't decrease citizens, it increases population density (which if it gets to high will decrease happiness).
  18. Mibbit isn't a Java client or anything, it is web based. mIRC doesn't use Java either, so it sounds more like a port issue, what was happening before.
  19. I don't know much about Frostwire, never used it, but that could show that you have some kind of firewall blocking it. How did Mibbit work out for you?
  20. Coldfront's server list, with ports: - irc.coldfront.net (random server) - - storm.coldfront.net port 6667 SSL port 7778 - Central USA - ice.coldfront.net port 5556,6667 SSL port 7778 - Europe (NL) - subzero.coldfront.net port 6667 SSL port 7778 - USA - frozen.coldfront.net port 6667 SSL port 7778 - USA You can also try using Coldfront's Java client, at http://www.coldfront.net/webchat/chat.php If neither of those work, you can try Mibbit as mentioned above. If you are connecting from a public place, i.e a library, the connection could be blocked (I'm pretty sure I got Mibbit blocked in my school district, heh), or it could be a port or firewall issue.
  21. Does the target have open slots?
  22. The +$10 refers to the number that is next to Avg. Gross Income Per Individual Per Day. The income you get in collecting taxes reffers to the number next to Avg. Individual Income Taxes Paid Per Day, which is whatever you tax rate is multiplied by the first number. Thr first number should have increased by 10 dollars.
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