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Posts posted by Orkules

  1. I hate to pester you in your disbandment thread but that's not what the TPF has been feeding us. According to them it was all just to get NPO's attention or something stupid like that.

    Silly isn't it? Especially when MCXA blew that entire argument apart with their DoW.

    AUT, from what I have seen you brought this upon yourself and your people. Still sad, to see an alliance fall. Good luck to the members.

  2. I'm looking forward to remembering how the whole "o/fan" crowd reacted when they realized that their pet cause was a lot less appealing when it became something more than an abstract idea for the bandwagoners and instead a real power-player on the world scene.

    I remember the old FAN and loving them for their style.

    I expect I will remember being happy they're back.

    I also expect someday they'll make mincemeat of some alliance I'm in and I'll probably still love them while they do it

  3. Maybe this has been touched on but...

    If someone rerolls and attacks your alliance again... ZI him again, nobody's gonna give a !@#$. Why does this need a discussion?

    Because Alterego has run out of semi-decent ideas he try to use to make Karma look bad (though he has not done a good job on any front so far) and is now resorting to a completely insane issue that never existed.

  4. 60? Alright guys, who is slacking here?

    Time to devise some kind of weapon technology past nukes. Maybe like bombardment via huge freaking asteroids with lasers on them, that shoot bees when they bark at you.

    Hey stop stealing the plans from my Big Meks! Those are strictly only the those with the biggest teef and those puny things you got there are not nearly large enough!

    Gotta love a nice brutal war, great way to cull the population.

  5. There is nothing idiotic in asking the people who condemn alliances holding grudges against rerolls to equally condemn the rerolls who act in a similar fashion.

    Well yes, just ignore all our points shooting apart your argument and focus on this.

    If the reroll tries to perma/eternal-ZI those that did it to him, that's one thing. If he just comes back and attacks them? I really don't care. At that point he's another nation attacking somebody. The person he's attacking, and his alliance, are free to deal with them as they see fit (given former treatment, probably perma/eternal-ZI thus extending the cycle ever further rather than working the problem out).

    You know what the obvious solution is? Remove perma/eternal-ZI. No forced rerolls. No new accounts coming for revenge later on and none of this silliness. This kind of thing is only remotely an issue while those policies are in effect, and then only to those who implement them. Guess what that is? Karma. Ain't it a !@#$%*?

  6. So if you suspect a person is returning to the game to try and destroy you, you are within your rights to destroy them?

    This seems like a very good argument for EZI, rather than against it.

    Did I say that? No. I said if he came back and tried to take revenge on people (and likely retake power as part of that knowing him) then a lot of people would have a vested interest in seeing him fail. I would only support action against him AFTER he took action first.

  7. Here's an interesting thought experiment.

    Suppose noWedge returned and plotted revenge against some of the people who he felt drove him from the game; e.g. pezstar, chefjoe, Toga, mhawk and Sponge.

    Would this be justified?

    Sure. We'd also be justified in making damn sure he failed given the things he's done to us.

  8. How could I forget?

    I remember noWedge trying to obliterate TDSM8 for honoring treaties

    I remember my perma-ZI in exchange for our surrender

    I remember blaming mhawk

    I remember growing to respect the man I once hated

  9. Ehh, sometimes it takes a while to get off but I know some pretty interesting cases to the contrary.

    However, what alterego is saying here is that he and BAPS don't support permazi across rerolls. He's also saying that he thinks carrying grudges from one nation to the next is bad. I don't see anything illogical in combining those two.

    True, but until you have been removed the intention is generally to get you to delete.

    It's something I agree and disagree with. On the one hand, rerolling just so you can come back and try to get your revenge against somebody is petty and rather useless. On the other hand, you can't expect somebody to just forgive and forget the things they suffered at the hands of another. I don't know what happened with Dani C, I do know that I have never forgiven or forgotten the things done to me by noWedge, Valhalla, mhawk, TPF, or half of the remaining Hegemony alliances. In many cases I have moved past them (see mhawk for an excellent example, I no longer want revenge that I desperately craved against him) but I have not forgiven and I have not forgotten them. Does that mean that I will go out of my way to get payback? No. But it does mean that I will look at them differently than I would otherwise.

    Now if he simply meant that we shouldn't go hunting down everyone who messes with us in our former nations...eh I can mostly agree there and apologize for the misunderstanding. I also apologize either way for my harsh tone upon entering this thread. It's rather early in the morning and this day is already a bad one. My mood is rather poor at the moment.

  10. Im not trying to justify it, just want to be clear.

    You cant force someone to delete you can only keep them at ZI and in bill lock.

    I agree with your point about the person who seeks revenge, however deleting is a decision the person makes. It cant be forced on you.

    Of course it can't. However it's the only way to be given peace. That is the entire objective of Perma-ZI.

  11. If your side respects the decision of rerolled nations to go after people because of incidents that occurred in their past life then they should respect the decision of alliances to go after the reroll too. Your side doesent, it tolerates one but not the other. Perhaps its merely because you are at war with TPF, it doesnt change the double standard. You cant have both and not expect to be criticised about it.

    You once again fail to see the differences.

    In the case of EZI the player is driven from the game or suffers eternal war. I think you are trying to justify the use of this here, but I'm not entirely sure how.

    In the case of PZI, the sentence is forcing a member to delete the nation he worked so hard to create. After that he is given the chance to change his ways. If he chooses to seek revenge or continue on the path that led to this sentence then they will punish him again.

    I fully support punishing a player. Fighting him to ZI is fully acceptable to me. Don't make him delete though. After that, let him go. If he pulls the same crap or seeks revenge, do it again. It's a rather simple and reasonable policy don't you think? Nobody is driven from the game and those who let grudges go may go in peace.

  12. I remember being a leftist

    I remember returning to fight in the Maroon War

    I remember the UCLN

    I remember the formation of the Network

    I remember leaving the Network

    I remember chilling with Ejayrazz in ONOS

    I remember when Aegis failed hard and failing right alongside them

    I remember joining the founding of TDSM8

    I remember watching FAN fall and feeling sorrow

    I remember the Four Nachoes war

    I remember merging with MK

    I remember the glory of the Unjust War

    I remember the betrayal of the Unjust War

    I remember reforming TDSM8

    I remember refusing the abandon a doomed ally

    I remember the Manolution

    I remember forming the bloc nobody thought they'd see.

    I remember fighting for the bloc

    I remember TDSM8 dying

  13. were you around for GW3? nobody had seen ODN or Legion in war for over a year and we honestly expected a lot more out of them, and I doubt they did either, but they certainly managed to piss off any semblance of winning this war by offensively declaring without notifying their allies, sort of screwed themselves over.

    I was around for GWIII and I knew we were boned pretty damn quick.

  14. Every time I question the ethics of your side in this war this is what I get. If you dont agree with my statement just say so, attack the post not the poster.

    The rest of my post was me explaining how you so incredibly missed the mark in my eyes. I only called you a moron because every time you post it seems that the world does a collective facepalm.

  15. Would you be saying "so what" if Dani c was being pounded by TPF? I dont think so. You would be giving out about people not being given a clean slate after their death and rebirth. Mhawk didnt jump into an alliance mid war to get revenge for something that happened to a previous nation. If this really was about the OV war he would be fighting NPO and not TPF.

    I honestly don't know what this post means? Do you mean would we be upset if the situation was completely different and TPF chased down and attacked a lone nation? Cause the circumstances of these two scenarios are completely and utterly different and really can't be compared.

  16. Wow. I don't like to resort to name calling but you are an utter moron. Seriously, Alterego. Stop it. It's getting idiotic at this point.

    EZI is about driving people from the game while PZI is about simply punishing them by forcing the delete of their current nation and all upgrades contained within it. Nothing about rerolling forces you to adopt a new character. Hell I've seen people reroll with identical names after being forced to delete. It's the reroll itself that was the point.

    And even if you did have to change the character you can't change the person beyond it (though I get the feeling your dumb enough to assume either we won't realize that and will feel bad or that it's possible). I will always hold a grudge against the people who wronged me, I can't change that. I'm sorry, but I don't just recreate my nation and forget everything that happened to me.

    Not to mention that half of NPO's moves through GWIII were about getting revenge against every single alliance that wronged them during GWI. Huh. Who's side of this war are they on again? Oh right. Yours.

  17. An amazing read as always. This is by far my favorite CN news show type thing, not only because it's so funny, but because it's so genuine and because you make fun of everyone, not just certain people. It's not an empty one sided piece of propaganda. You speak your mind and poke fun at just about everyone. Keep it up!

    I do want to discuss the TOOL peace terms. I don't see what the big deal is. Should we instead have let the alliances we were fighting turn around and attack our friends after they peaced with us? We just weren't going to leave the war without that assurance, and they respected that. The whole point of fighting was to help our friends, and we kept four alliances occupied fighting us instead of our treaty partners, with the exception of Sparta, who was already at war with our PIAT partners in NPO. Signing those terms ensured that those alliances stayed off our treaty partners for the duration, whereas if we'd stayed in, they would eventually have been able to open up new fronts against those treaty partners. I'd also like to note that they were not barred from reentering the conflict, whereas TOOL was. For some reason, people keep missing that and going on about how they surrendered to us. They didn't. It was a mutual peace agreement.


    His point was that you were in no position to gain such a huge concession from our allies for your withdrawal. No offense, but TOOL simply isn't that important. You guys were not such a major player and the war was not so far in that it was worth it to throw away those alliances just to get you out. Had you been IRON's size, that would be one thing. But you aren't.

    I understand you wanting to help your friends. They should want to help theirs too. And it does not help us to withdraw completely from the conflict (exception being Sparta) just to get TOOL out of this war. It does little good and hurts us a lot more. You were losing, you were going to keep losing and they should have just let you sit for a bit and only accepted full on white peace.

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