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Posts posted by Orkules

  1. Ha you spelled it wrong, but I am sure by Munity you meant to say Mutiny. As pirates are democratic are they even able to commit mutiny? I think its normally reserved for Naval vessels in which the Captain and Officers are appointed. Pirates elect their officials so this all could have been avoided with a popular vote.

    If anything its more of a coup de ta.

    Mutiny's are far more fun than popular votes.

    There's no booze like plundered booze.

    Ain't that the glorious truth? Who wants a drink? Plenty of plunder to go around!

  2. Really, all I want is for someone to acknowledge that the charter of IRAN seems to be nothing more than a huge roll of TP to EVERY gov member of that alliance.

    You know asking an NSO member that is a bad plan. What with their whole strength is all that matters and charter approved couping and shiz. Really not the one to ask that question to...

  3. Um, 10/52 of IRAN's large nations. Like the OP states, they are "seniors". Seems the people posting here really don't read before they post.

    You keep claiming the support of the people which you don't have. It sounds more like you have a small percentage that just are friends with you and are willing to support you for dictator.

  4. (This was all in relation to the last war)

    So wait... When we were brought in late in the fight, and 99% of the enemies war slots are full, in peace mode, or already at 200NS, assigning targets for people in my alliance to attack targets in a relatively similar time interval is possible? I would love to learn how, as I must be missing something very important. :)

    On a note actually related to this thread, I think you need to scrounge up quite a few more nations due to the outside support Morgar and the rest of his government have been getting, but if you think that is enough, knock yourself out.

    Well that just sounds like an idiot made your target list. You coordinate with your allies so that you're not hitting each other's targets. Damn near all of Karma pulled it off, I don't see how you could fail at it so badly.

    Quick Edit: Also I read the entire log dump and saw NOTHING about surrendering. I saw you !@#$%*ing about how badly TPF was getting kicked around like it was their fault they're hopelessly outgunned but nothing about you guys !@#$%*ing out.

  5. Embarrass the great and powerful Mogar ;)

    Well you have well and truly failed. Just like the last topic you made with that goal. Good job.

    Also haven't finished reading the logs but this made me laugh so hard I nearly peed myself:

    02:27:04 <Batallion>: did u see our planning skills? it was flawless

    As did this:

    02:33:36 <Niff>: so

    02:33:43 <Niff>: target lists are worthless

    Like seriously...I can't believe I just read either of those.

  6. I think you just proved that you didn't even bother to READ the OP. The original logs are linked to. You should read what I wrote carefully if you care enough to flame me. You know I supported Vanguard during the last great war, and almost got ZI'd by Old Guard, right?

    And I once fought alongside TPF. Who gives a damn what we once did? Apologies as to missing the link, I will read them now. So far my general opinion of you remains unchanged.

  7. Your massively editted logs prove absolutely nothing actually. Just that you discussed the war and idioticly thought TPF was bad at fighting. I saw nothing about peace. And I won't believe any of those until I see them uneditted.

    Also to echo others: What the $%&@ if a 3 way break off flank attack? I mean you can't even do flank attacks in this game let alone that madness...

    Good luck Mogar and co. Don't know what I think about you as a leader but you're better than this moron.

  8. I'm not disputing how they should feel. I actually agree with them. I'm just asking for a chance.

    Ah, I misunderstood. For some reason I thought you weren't grasping why they were so upset. Apologies.

    I cannot say either way about what kind chance you should be given. I don't like telling people not to do things, but when you do something that already has such negative connotations attached to it I'm really not sure where to draw that line. I'll leave it to Fark and you.

    Good luck to both.

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