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Posts posted by Orkules

  1. Until this war it's been tense. At the beginning at the war it was tense. Now we've blown off some steam and many of us are feeling happy go lucky. We're acting friendly, some just because they won and others just cause they're feeling good and a few cause they actually like you again. I expect old feelings will mostly return in a month or two once people move past the euphoria of blowing up somebody they've disliked/hated for years.

    Note: I am not one of the happy go lucky people.

  2. Feeling the need for retribution is healthy and normal. Do not let those patting you on the back convince you otherwise, and remember your right to fully realize that hunger through force.

    Vanguard and TDSM8 are and were too fine of alliances to allow themselves to grow complacent and satisfied. You were wronged, and I hope you never, ever forget it.

    Oh trust me, until the day that the (hopefully) former Hegemony alliances have well and truly proven they have moved on from their past I am keeping an eye on them. If any of you take offense to that, look at what you have done to me and mine, imagine I had done it to you, and then think about how you would feel and what you would do. Odds are you can't get a good picture of that because you haven't experienced it (some of you have though I will admit).

  3. So we are the eternal enemies and we have to stick up to you or we get rolled?

    Sounds familiar.

    Not what he said at all. He said he welcomes you to come and get him if you decide to do so and that it is up to us to watch out for your attempts to gain revenge if they come. More or less he said if you want revenge, come get it and if he can't stop it then it's his own damn fault. (I think)

    To bigwoody: I misunderstood your post, apologies.

  4. Unnecessary. And wrong, at least for us in Athens. Karma is, above all things, about a better way.


    Meh. I felt they should know my feelings on the subject. Losing this war does not make up for what they have done to me and my allies over the past few years. What will come after this war will decide if I can get past my old feelings for them, not getting the ever living hell pummeled out of them.

  5. Can you clarify bit more, I just got confused with what you said... it seems I may have taken things bit out of context..I'll edit out the post after clarifications. so hold your horses guys. Apologies in advance.

    I believe neneko meant that Tyga said that he never said things wouldn't get better in his post, merely that they wouldn't get worse. Neneko said that things wouldn't get better and the two are in agreement.

    I hope that horribly confusing post helps.

  6. Not Gramlins and Sparta but Gramlins and FOK, I think that would be accurate. The alliances on your side who handed harsh terms during NoCB war seem to be undoing those past mistakes. However some don't obviously want that.

    Apologies, I get them mixed up as to when they left from time to time.

  7. For you blaming IRON for watching or help do it, would you care to include also those alliances that are fighting in behalf of Karma? They were all along us until the point Hegemony ended the viceroyalties and EZIs. Our only crime is we stayed back and honored our treaties compared to them? We stayed back when viceroyalties and EZIs were ended..we stayed back when behaviors were improving. We wanted to continue that trend, IRON didn't want to start this war.

    For some of them I do. For members like Gramlins and Sparta that left early enough to clearly join our side and who had supported us before, I welcome them though I will always suspect their motives, especially if they've issues terrible terms in the past themselves. I will say that maybe they're doing their time by fighting alongside us to help us change this. I will also say that for much of my career in CN I've been a military man and that I know that to win a war sometimes you have to sacrifice the ideal situation. Even if I don't think they should be here acting all high and mighty next to me, I need them. Sad but true.

    IRON did not just stay back. IRON participated openly and knowingly. Not only that, you openly acted like it was perfectly fine that you did it. That's not the act of a trapped man.

  8. Fine, punishing IRON out of pure revenge isn't 100% of your reasoning, but it is definitely there in my opinion (whether you admit it or not).

    As for the rest of that post you quoted, it shows vague rhetoric about how IRON should not be in a position to act in malice again without anything concrete. Tyga posted some terms to clarify what he meant, why don't you do the same? It would probably stop me and others putting words in your mouth.

    I expect it is. It's there for me too and I've openly admitted it. But then, can you blame me? After what NPO, Valhalla, TPF (though they are somewhat mitigated in my eyes due to things they did for TDSM8 and me personally), and their buddies in IRON did to me are you surprised that I wouldn't mind a tiny bit of revenge? And yet, unlike the above mentioned alliances, I'm not asking to murder them out of that same urge.

  9. No, not for similar reasons as Revanche. You said yourself, Doitzel would say no just because IRON has said no in the past, that is very different to saying no for militarily strategic reasons.

    Read my post. I said I think he believed they shouldn't ask for it or be upset when it gets turned down. Not that they should wait for a set amount of time because of what they did. I also said I think he wants them past sanction for the same reasons.

    Stop distorting posts in this thread. I am getting rather tired of it.

  10. True dat.

    I just wanted to check... Well Tygaland said "alliances" in his post. I know at least two capable of saying such a thing. I want to know if there's more.

    If you're speaking of those that disagree with white peace across the board...Obviously Tyga does, likely most of STA as well. Vanguard does I can tell you. I believe most of CnG does as well, but I can't really speak for all of them. I've seen some posts from NSO members but I doubt it speaks for their whole alliance. Beyond that, I can't say with certainty.

  11. You have answered that, but I believe yours and Doitzel's justifications for the same action differ. Your reasons are from a military standpoint purely with the intention of thoroughly beating your enemy, which is fine. Doitzel however said that IRON should not be granted peace just because they did not grant it to others, which is what I have an issue with. With your reasoning it should continue, but not with Doitzel's. I hope that clears things up as I can see that my wording wasn't as clear as it should've been.

    Doitzel said they can't ASK to be given peace and get upset when they don't get it given what they've done. He said they should be told no when they ask until they're past that point likely for similar reasons as Revanche.

  12. hehehe. that was when i took my first nuke from the first nuke rogue coming from ICP (or whatever version it was). I was in Polaris and believe i took the first nuke of the war. it was an awesome way to loose my nukeginity. now if i can only remember the name of that guy that nuked me.....

    Technically the first nuke of that war was Kommando (I think that's the name) who went nuke rogue on NoR and set off the bloody powder keg.

    Took my first nuke this war from Vladimir's WRC. A formerly 65K nation. Nuking my 25K, SDIless nation. It was fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun.

  13. ... Probably because they have no choice left to keep their PR intact. *cough*

    Can you tell us how common this problem is, in the Karma ranks?

    That you think you have to distance yourself from those who don't want white peace for everybody just to avoid bad PR kind of proves the point about the Hegemony propaganda machine...

  14. I would imagine Doitzel's justification for denying IRON peace until they are removed from the sanctioned alliance list has something to do with the fact that removing strength from your opponent is a prerequisite of actually winning a war.

    Hurt people in war? You sir are a monster.

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