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Everything posted by BringMeTheHorizon

  1. You cant make a new account because you have one already on cybernations. You cant make a new account until you delete your old nation. It was made that way to stop people from cheating and making mulituple accounts to abuse the system. So if you want to restart fresh with a new account you must. Go to the delete my nation. Have a nation deletion code sent to your email. Go to your email get the code input code into the deletion page. Press yes i understand or what ever when it says do you want to delete your nation. Then you go to register, the game now understands you have no nation and can now make a new account.
  2. Some people may not use the same username. I dont know if you have to or not so it wouldnt be useful.
  3. Like the easiest way is to find someone else to fit in the trade circle.
  4. The check out pyramid, http://pyramid-cn.forumotion.com/
  5. Almost one million NS as an alliance. Wouldnt you like to help us reach that goal?
  6. I was going to say something here but i decided to check your nation first. Seems you are in an alliance already, i dont know if you just joined or are looking to leave. But id suggest posting a resignation from said alliance and leave on good terms instead of posting here looking to get into another alliance while wearing that AA and asking if there are ways for you to get into governement.
  7. You can just look for someone else with those resources to trade with and just solve the problem without trying to fiqure out what went wrong.
  8. Ok i understand what your getting at, but whats stopping the nation from just importing more after the blockade is lifted. So you lose 150 widgets whats stopping the nation from importing 200 widgets the next day after the the blockade is lifit. They still have to wait it out till they can collect which is still hurting a nation in a war. No matter if they have a hugh war chest or a small one. Bill lock still hurts.
  9. Wow thats really odd might be a bug if you can still use the aid slot without it being 10 days inbetween, you accepted the aid and it was applied to your nation i see no reason why it should not be there still.
  10. So lets say your nation gets attacked and the navy comes in, you are blockaded and the ships are not allowed to come into port, whats stopping them from coming in once the blackade leaves or is pushed away? So if you can stay out of anarchy long enough to collect and you should be able to wait out blockades long enough to collect.
  11. Yhea the blockade should be lifted after the war, so if you wait after the 7 days. You should be able to collect normally. Does anyone know for sure? If not someone can try it.
  12. Just bad luck not a bug in the game, i have gotten the same event albeit 3 days apart.
  13. It doesnt sound right with the commas in there. It sounds better without the commas, and i dont think the commas are needed to break up the sentence.
  14. It could be used as cheating, if you know you get static IPS you can take the chance to make two nations, aid the weaker nation to grow faster. If they ever get canceled because of same network they just use middle men to get the it to the nation. MM can be used as a way to "bypass" the system.
  15. The IP is used to bloc multipule nations from same player and people who would abuse the aid/war.
  16. I know in GUN they had a problem with singaporean IPs because they were dynamic or something. And it put a damper on there aiding, so no singaporean could aid one another and thats where they got most of there recruits. From a website.
  17. I would whole heartedly support this.
  18. You are allowed to declare on anyone you want for any reason, be it in your alliance or not. I cant for sure tell you about spying, im sure if you press the attack button you dont get count as war slot filling as long as you attack. I only know the answer to the first question. I have no clue on the second. Almost positive on the last.
  19. O/ orange and healthy trading, and a healthy spehere i hope one day yellow can get like orange.
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