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Everything posted by Jonesing

  1. As has been said above, simply the best nuke policy ever!! I'm really looking forward to fighting alongside you guys (when the dreaded curse of Peace Mode can be lifted), I've heard lots of great things... o/ NEW
  2. It should be interesting to see who's last off the battlefield. BTW I really liked your Nuke Policy. Personally, I can't wait to get me some more casualties GL to all involved. aj/
  3. Another 3m sent along with IGPM. 3m/ 100 tech...
  4. Well played folks, that was hugely enjoyable... Some great opponents and hopefully some new found friends made along the way. Wars seem to bring people together more then I'd ever have thought possible, it's been an honour and a privilege to stand by our Treatie partners and friends and it was fantastic to get some tenacious and honorable opponents. o/ BAPS o/ Purple o/ Atari Jaguar o/ LoSS o/ Nemesis o/ TOP o/ Ravyns o/ Everyone else that was fighting with us and against us.
  5. I must say 1m NS has to be the greatest milestone going. We at BAPS are delighted to be here again.... Thanks to all the Alliances who have helped us make it possible.... \aj
  6. Congratulations on getting white peace OMFG, see you guys at the next OMFG/BAPS ice cream social. o/ OMFG o/Purple
  7. Ohh, I'm well aware you guys are sanctioned... it's quite the boon around BAPS halls that the #4/5 Alliance in the game were called in to beat us down... I'd love to snuggle up to a couple of your guys my size (and I'm not that bloody small, well at least I wasn't a week ago!! grrrrr) Unfortunately I've been in Nuclear anarchy since day 2 of the war also... fun times though... Looking forward to seeing who I get in the next wave of attacks, the guys I've been fighting thus far have been great fun altogether... o/ Jesuskitten, gregastory and *Death-Dealer* it's been fun...
  8. Because you arrived a week late ? Damn you FP I was gonna say this exact thing... although I have 2 free slots right now... pleeeaaassssee attack me, I'm feeling very left out TBH, none of the TOP guys declared on me, maybe you guys will give me some more casualties... And it's safe enough to fight me now, seeing as all my nukes have been sent out and I'm down to 1 a day... here's the link to my nation to save you the hassle of searching... http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=196820 gogogogogogogogogogo... Shhhhh you!! Some of us in BAPS aren't getting the same amount of love others are... when the 6 or 7 or how ever many alliances that are attacking us now, have ALL our slots full then they can move onto you fellas... Also, it'd be great if we decided to hit these guys when our nuclear anarchy expires, cos everyone knows someone is gonna get a beat down on our counter offensive, I think it'd be rather fitting for late comers (note the use of the term!!) to get a serious amount of BAPS love when they thought everything was safe and things were under control... unfortunately these guys look a little weak for us to bother with... o/ BAPS o/ purple o/ LoSS o/ Nemesis o/ TOP o/ Ravyns o/ all the rest of the guys attacking us, who I can't remember and can't be bothered to go check... EDIT: Also, o/ Khyber... lovely post, and very true. Love you guys... (don't suppose you're in range to attack me?? )
  9. Haven't had the honour yet... :( No love for the mid sized BAPS guys?? We like casualties too... surely there's one of you guys with an open Attacking slot, I'm all staggered and all...
  10. You should have a handy job then, take the night, week, month off .... actually TBH there's no need for that at all, get to the front lines with you...
  11. LOL, we're giddy with excitement over here at BAPS. Bring it on.
  12. We do, this should be lots of fun, more efficient adversaries makes the war harder and hones our skills even more, it's gonna be a bloody battle. See you guys on the battlefield. o/ BAPS o/ Atari Jaguar
  13. LOL, there's loads free, get 'em while they're hot, not all at once though... (or at all... ). Also welcome to the War, we're waiting, this should be fun...
  14. Yeay, its Wartime again.. o/ BAPS o/ Atari Jaguar o/ Honoring treaties o/ Allies You know us so well....
  15. 3m sent to http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=239244 I presume this is you. Nice to do business with you
  16. Aid sent Markoso 1 slot left for anyone else.
  17. as per the title, looking for long term sellers but will happily accept a one time deal. I'll even let you pick my brain about CN and I'll give you tips on how to grow a successful nation...
  18. I'm looking to buy tech, usual 3m for 100 tech deal with my 3m upfront and then 50 tech sent to me on day 10 and 20. Repeat business guaranteed for as long as you like, I'm looking to get a few long term deals in place. PM me here or In-game: Jonesing
  19. I'll buy tech too: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=196820
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