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Everything posted by MisterShadow

  1. I had read the first 5 pages, I figured if someone was wrong with the terms they would have been shown in the first 5 pages, especially after some of the leaders had already posted. I expected clarification apparently I was wrong and for that I will admit that.
  2. Since their reform: A 2 day war they (along with OV) ended up with 1500 tech from alliance with 4000 total tech (in a bad diplomatic move by the person on the other side) provided VE paid for this 12k tech from MK and UJW: No reps. So I guess VE is getting progressively worse?
  3. No, I didnt understand the terms and I have since been corrected and apologized for it. I am not spinning, spinning is where I take information I know and lie about it. I can offer you a link to where I found it if you want.
  4. So clearly we are such evil overlords we forced these people to come join us during a state of war. But seriously how many alliances are able to hold people under an AA like NPO has for this war. Oh yah VE had 391 on April 20th, now they have 296, but of those 296, 29 have less than 45 days seniority so based on your statement VE is 267 of their orginal 391 or 68% NPO had 877 now 724, 94 have 45 days or less. so that is really 630 which make a percentage of 71.8%. Yah clearly our members are running for their lives, and you just had a bit of internal problems
  5. Alright ill just address everything with this quote. Me saying I would not be paying reps was under the assumption that anyone with over 1000 tech AFTER the 14 days of additional war (there is a good chance that after 14 days of war I will be under 1000 tech). Thus my ability not to pay reps. As for the quitting thing, I have said multiple times before (long before) and during this war if a certain person (who many people know, I dont care if you dont) quits then I will be. OOC: That persons life has gotten busy and no longer really have interest in the game, plus I have just graduated university and have been here almost 1000 days. NPO was my "retirement" I was very inactive, I logged in every 15 days to collect taxes and do the occasional tech deal, thus result I sat inactive for 5 months. My infra had moved a grand total of 50 since I got there. And really our membership has dropped less than 25% how many alliances that are being fought by 18 alliances for over a month can make that claim.
  6. FOK and Sparta, they used to roll with Continuum. BTW I hope RoK gets a good part of the reps cause I think they have the most active wars atm.
  7. Okay lets just say I agree. What about the "turned" alliances? They just get off nice and easy?
  8. As far as I can tell NPO has recieved 85k tech in reps. Also tech doesnt really inflate that well. But if you look at the numbers by MK then it is 1.84billion (less than that of total of GPA)
  9. Really you are the first person to tell me that, please post someone else stating this fact. Cause I am going on the original post but if it is really the other way around then I apologize.
  10. Your just an average person. No it is revenge, you are speaking of karma would not be imposing the exact same terms. Example: You murder someone, their brother kills you that is revenge. Karma - You murder someone, you are then forced to live out the days as their slave.
  11. Seriously you keep saying that oh the NPO deserves so much more. Most lenient terms ever? We went from 800mil in spring of 06 to 70k(2.1billion) tech in spring of 07 to 7billion and 300k(9billion dollars equiv) tech in summer of 09 (16billion equiv) So lets see time frame was in years (lets take spring 06 as time 0) 0 = 800mil 1 = 2.1 billion (2.625x over 1 year) 3 = 16 billion (7.6x over 2 years) Clearly we have a heck of an exponential curve in terms of inflation Oh yah and there is still more that wasnt shown Oh yah we can only have 100 nations paying it (being VERY conservative in tech damage done)
  12. Revenge you talk about having revenge when you clearly are so vindictive of enforcing revenge, based on your NAAC signature. Also and if you are going to claim "I" (and yes you are directing it at me) be welcomed to the real world, this is my first war with NPO buddy. I was Legion for a very long time, so dont talk to me about that kind of bs. Could have fooled me, http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/average Well their aids slots do have to be used for tech apparently
  13. By that you mean you quoted MK having to get rid of their first strike policy, something that no other alliance had. Or GATOs perma war that wasnt enforced. NAAC having to destroy wonders when like a total of 10 nations had them. Remember this is not the full reps. This is just monetary and 2 other condition reps.
  14. If bill locked yes it does change the ability to send tech. What definition of average are you using? Your right I didnt take the subset of average, I took the entire set, which is 7.
  15. It will take immensely long for NPO to recover without reps. No amount of aid will change my nation. Back in GWI (if I was there) I could use aid to rebuild. But 15mil per cycle is going to jack for me. Down 11k infra, 4k tech, 1.2 Billion in cash. It is probably 16 months before I can recover that. And I am not paying reps
  16. Is that only nations that havent been out for war at all or any nation currently in peace mode? Cause there is a vast difference.
  17. As I pointed out in another thread there is approximately 56 nations above 2k infra in NPO that has not been at war, I used public information (IE the 1 week wars stats thread and checked for infra loses). So that means all but 56 above 2k infra have been at war there is 105 above 2k infra right now, so 49 either were at war at some point and made it to peace (in which case you "had" them already or they joined). As for tech movement at the time it was originally 181 nations that had 1000 tech or more, now we sit at 176. I dont think it is unresonable to lose 1k tech in a 2 week time frame, which means there is 76 nations at the end of 14 days that would be responsible for reps. Which is 22.8k per cycle or 68.4 per month, so no it is not impossible, this is 6 aids slots. If you say you will lose 1400 tech that is only 52 nations 15.6k per cycle or 46.8k tech per month. It would take 6 months to do this, and another 11 cycles (4 months) for money. So you would have to maintain your top 52 nations for 10 months paying reps non stop. You will have probably about a quarter quitting so that does take it to lets say a year and 3 months. So once again not impossible, just not probable. 1 year and 4 months is definately longer than we have ever seen, and only 41 of those 52 have even been here that long (as in NPO) However I do think there should be a revision on there of instead of the after the 14 days it should be before the 14 days.
  18. So does NPO get a MDP with everyone after their surrender terms are complete?
  19. Try again, your average large nation of 5k tech well we only have 7 of those in the alliance, and 2 of those are at ZI
  20. Yah lets force NPO to disband... Cause you know you will have 700 nations going around to many different alliances so they can get high in govt. and then take out their revenge on the other alliances. Disbandment I think is going to be a bigger problem for Karma then it would be fore NPO.
  21. Using 100% public information there are 58 nations (over 2k infra) that have sustained 0 infra damage. So now perhaps you can stop saying that we have 250 banks. Also a lot of nations were able to fight and get into peace mode, whos fault is that?
  22. Well how many GATO nations were in a P-Zi situation as a result of this term. Since continous state of war generally is refered to as PZI, I simply just forget the letter P.
  23. How many GATO nations were Zi'd because of this term?
  24. Starcraftmazter, Check previous page. Someone suggested NPO pay only monetary amounts as a sum. That is what I was referring to. You are completely taking my post out of context. I was directly replying to that person. I am not saying we wont pay the reps. I was saying a few things 1. In terms of relative monetary amount (with stats that I could find) this is by far the most expensive. 2. All those amounts I took from the wiki so please show me these other monetary amounts. 3. Wars such as the GATO one had 0 reps (in terms of monetary) 4. Why is there inflation? Its not like the formula for NS has changed that much infact it is worse now. 12Million NS now would probably be like 11.5 then (because navy adds NS, and you can have more planes now so more NS, and also the land growth would also make the NS inflated) so really why is there inflation?
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