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Lenny N Karl

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Everything posted by Lenny N Karl

  1. Working on it, but that is a big pill to swallow.
  2. slow out of the gate, but we finish well
  3. Congrats Draden and enjoy the rocker Crush. And just remember MHA members, Don't Panic!
  4. Sweet stats! Congratulations on passing such lofty markers at the same time o/ UPN
  5. Aww, no support for your fellow aqua alliance? Good Luck FAN, it was fun reaching this point with you o/ NATO hope we can stretch it out for a day or two, FAN looks to be in a good position sorry IRON for your rogue issues, you are a good group o7
  6. Congrats on finding peace. I am glad to see this finally resolved and hope to only see threads filled with the success of FDA in the future o7 FDA o/ Ferrous o/ the rest
  7. good luck guys. congrats on the protectorate.
  8. Good job Londo. It is a reasonable thing to readdress your views and situation. It is a shame that all cannot do this. Like TBB said, your future actions will determine your commitment to this Mea Culpa. I have only recently met with you, but I think you are showing a willingness to take responsibility for yours and your alliance's actions. I only wish that FoB would step up like you have. As for all the various jabs and pokes shot at alliances from the wars of the past that get mixed into every thread that is posted for months now.(Karma, WoTC, GWIII, II , I, etc etc etc) Perma-grudges are foolish, embarrassing, and not a healthy thing for anyone folks. If there is a fresh new reason to draw lines so be it. But the saddle your riding is 6 feet under. There is a reason that there are 5K less nations over the last 6 months and it isn't all about who was right or wrong in your mind. move on, the opportunity to take things in a new direction globally is slipping away.
  9. Congrats to both parties on a nice looking treaty. thumbs up all around
  10. Glad to see this ending. I hope that it does not become the norm. Because while it is fun for one side, the other side suffers. It could end up killing the alliance that gets raided. Not by your tech raids, but by those that follow your lead(the inevitable coat-tailers). ie- Lion attacks the gazelle, eats his full, then come the hyenas, then the vultures. In the end the bones are that are left. I have always felt that tech raids are the wake up call for non-aligned nations to find an alliance, not something that alliances should get used to doing to their fellow alliances. Lesson learned for KoNi, get treatied to friends or a protectorate to avoid being exposed like this again. I have recently talked with Londo in a meet & greet setting, I am sure that he is a decent ruler and leader. I doubt that Athens expected this type of reaction from others, and they have made moves to end their actions. Good luck with your rebuilding KoNi
  11. Congrats to both parties your friend, Imperial Minister of actually not in TUF - Lenny N Karl
  12. You really want to resolve this issue I suggest you cut them loose to where ever they choose to go. The restrictions only mean that you haven't really buried the hatchet and you leave yourself open to relive this conflict. Also, I suggest you take the 75 mil in reps, but drop the ZI if he shows commitment and goodwill. you are defeating the purpose of this resolution . Like they say, you get more flies with honey than vinegar. Good luck to all involved and I hope that all can move on peacefully
  13. we will for at least another day nom nom nom 13 score....
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