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Everything posted by Molleh

  1. I'm not permanently bored! I just... uhh... don't find many interesting things to do. *goes back inside box*
  2. o/ We probably should have posted this sooner
  3. Alliance (full name, acronym): Seaworthy Liberian Cardboard Boxes, SLCB Alliance Color: Maroon Alliance IRC Channel: #slcb URL to forums: http://forum.seaworthy-liberians.com/index.php
  4. I read this because of Koel's amsg. Anyhow, congrats! Here's to another hundred days (hopefully more)!
  5. On behalf of SLCB I issue you a seaworthy congratulations
  6. Yay me! Now I need to come up with a plan to make sure Schrödinger's prolonged absence is permanent. <__< >__> Also I raise the case that I should most likely fill in for ASA as well. <-- I don't know where this smiley came from, but I believe it was in honor of him.
  7. I thought you said the announcement would be about me. I am disappointed Good luck on your new color though anyways.
  8. The artwork involved makes me proud to be a part of this Plus I feel special since I got to sign it o/ Iunctus o/ iFOK o/ SLCB
  9. yay! Treaties make me feel all warm inside. o/ The Brain o/ SLCB
  10. 1. Don't make topics like this. 2. Don't make topics like this. 3. Read this: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=843 I hope this helps.
  11. I knew I didn't remember signing anything.
  12. Better not make a rocketship out of MY box! How will I survive?
  13. I would say it was the entire alliance if you read the last signature. However some of those signatures may be forged... Also, go us! YAY! o/ SLCB and the seal I made.
  14. Idea. I can fix it more if you like. The C being backwards makes it look like a D though.
  15. Congratz! o/ TriCom o/ Ravyns (I spelled it right this time! )
  16. What? I'd probably just make one for fr- OH, I mean yeah, be nice to me. Send me like 100 tech or something. <.< >.> I NEVER do anything for free.
  17. The button goes to our home page. I forgot I made it do that. Yay me!
  18. Hi Strykewolf. How are you? I am fine.
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