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King DrunkWino

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Everything posted by King DrunkWino

  1. Oh dear, it seems a can of worms has been opened. /innuendo? you betcha.
  2. Well then we have more in common than I thou.... LEO?! STOP LEG HUMPING THE BUTLER!!! /this is why we don't let him out much.
  3. Yes, but I doubt that instead of pants GR prefers lime green banana hammocks.
  4. I'm surprised you heard him over his distant lack of pants.
  5. I daresay, could I interest anyone in a mint julep.
  6. Yeah, I saw that after I posted. Forgive me, a ten page loltopic had grown triple from the time I last looked and to be honest, I have little want to wade through the past twenty pages of what will be undoubtedly a journey thought the wonderful world of "NO U."
  7. 'fraid not. We ARE crazy people after all.
  8. If need be we can speak for ourselves, thankyouverymuch. /I appreciate the thought behind what your saying though, so don't get annoyed by that line.
  9. I woke up this morning and as I've done so many mornings reached for one of my ample supply of painkillers. I was rather surprised to find most of them gone. So I followed the trail of cake crumbs and the smell of Earl Grey to find this. I don't even have to ask which one of you did this, the gaggle of people laying in pools of their own drool tell me all I need to know. I guess since I'm here anyway, help me wheel these in won't you...
  10. Actually, I was referring to our long standing traditions of wordfilter fun.
  11. heh, you just made me smile. /TO THE RIA BOARD!
  12. That's *exactly* what I'm talking about. You want an alliance that eventually revolts due to a general feeling of meatshield-itus, then conduct all your business on IRC and keep the members informed as to what they need to know. It won't be long before you hear "Ok, but why?" When that question gets asked, you better be ready for what is going to be a bumpy ride.
  13. Occasionally someone you don't expect nails the walk off home run. This is one of those times.
  14. We are. If they glow then they don't need any nightlights. /plus, with the right mutations, they'll whoop the boggyman into the ground.
  15. Ya got it backwards there me boyo. Twas my blissful freedom in the sanity department that make my alliance come and find me, don'tcha know.
  16. What? That the fused mutant of communication might very well be fine for alliance leaders but a relative pain in the rump roast of the average member who suddenly gets a go order and wonders wth is going on? Anyway, yeah it works well for alliance leaders but it disconnects the member base if it gets used too much.
  17. So, I came charging into this thinking "Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!!! Got to get here before the censors do (along with the 93 others that I see looking at this.) Saying I'm disappointed is like saying The Louvre has some scribbles hanging in up in it. >_>
  18. If you're a part of the conversation, then you're gravy. It's the people that aren't a part of the conversation that are the ones standing around going "Dude, what the hell was that?!" Doubly worse when it's the guy (or gal) who drew the short stick and is running your alliance and it's something like war or treaties. Sometimes it feels like installing a sound system using the Spanish version of the ovens instructions.
  19. Imagine for a minute a conversation starting in a public IRC room, then moving to a querry, then to a private IRC room with a few others, then to OWF and from there back to the various places on IRC and back yet again to OWF. If you found that sentence convoluted and hard to follow, then your not a real big fan of that fusion you're thinking about. It's not a fusion between a pair of super-sayans, more like a fusion between a hippo and a bottle of soy sauce.
  20. RyanGDI /oh, and I brought termites, so you might need to find another stick. //yeah, like you DIDN'T expect this?
  21. I'm sure RoK did, in fact know the risks, which is why those reps amounts look high on paper, in context of IRON's ability, should mean little more than a bump in the road. I'm sure they have the talent in house they need to take care of those and get back up as soon as possible. OOC: You know? In my world that's about as good as a DoW if there ever was one, except of course Auburn. That would be a mean declaration of jihad
  22. Oh sure, declaring in defense of a ally isn't an offensive action in and of itself, but who you declare war on is by nature an offensive action. Though, again, it goes back to strategy and the consequences of that strategic decision. For all intents and purposes, IRON knew exactly what they were getting into and man'ed up and got into it anyway, which is good on them. Plus, I've run across one or two IRON folks that are among the classiest of folks (Yes Electric Mango, I'm talking about you,) so I'm fairly sure that in the long run after everything is said and done they'll end up doing just as well or better than they were when all this started. /and I'll skip the prerequisite Tigers bleaux their way to two national championships recently. Let's face it, some good ole SEC hate is pretty fun, it won't be long till somebody says stop it..
  23. There is the inherent risk of any and all strategic plans for those strategies to end up backfiring. Look at the "get in peace mode," strategy, for example. Depending on who you're fighting, there might be serious risks of doing so (except, of course and for different reasons, guys like FAN and Vox,) so there is no such thing as a strategic decision that does not include strategic risks. With that in mind, saying a decision was only strategic and shouldn't matter in the end is very wrong. Each strategic move you make carries it's own set of outcomes, many of which aren't highly desirable. While it isn't a crime, it does change potential end points. Choosing to declare an offensive war on RoK just happened to carry these consequences in this instance. /not so much a continuation on the RoK'in Reps thingy, just general jabber. //also can't resist Mr. Bama Buc...Geaux Tigers and Geaux Saints!!!
  24. At the expense of sending this to places it doesn't belong,
  25. I can help. NPÖ /standard disclaimer about it being a joke (or accessory to a joke in this case,) and should not be taken for any ulterior motive.
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