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King DrunkWino

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Everything posted by King DrunkWino

  1. Who said I didn't want anyone to know about it? I mean, think about it, you read this and you know something about it, right? So obviously, I don't want everyone to know nothing about it.
  2. Just as a brief sidenote before getting back to the uber-fun of speculation, and this is a strictly personally kinda thing, I really don't like perma ZI and I REALLY dislike the eternal-ZI bit. Not saying some people don't earn it from time to time, but I honestly think that should be saved for the extreme cases (OOC)with eternal ZI reserved for people that do stuff that's borderline illegal.(OOC) Now, since I'm a Triumvir of the RIA that probably carries a bit of weight in the RIA. Other folks? Well, you get the right to run your business the way you think best, so if that's how you roll, then that's how you roll. Ok, back to it then.
  3. Sometimes Random Insanity is fun. Sometimes, however, it plunges deep into the depths of the human psyche, digging up the most ruthless and vile of humanity. You know who you are. You know what your doing. and you should know, You're going to have hell itself unleashed upon you. Have a wonderful day. To anyone wondering "what is this," don't worry about it.
  4. So long as the rat doesn't get a book deal, I think we'll be fine.
  5. As a Triumvir of RIA, I issue the following statement: Ignore the needles in the sink. Also, big props to our newest friend, Barry Bonds.
  6. Bump Bump Bump Bump in the Butt Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump in the Butt Bump Bump
  7. Short version: You (the reader) vs. everyone else
  8. Yes, we know where our IRC room is located. Thanks though.
  9. Wait wait wait... You actually declare war in TE? I thought it was assumed. Anyway, PARTY ON VERMILION!
  10. WHAT?! I love to eat a good muffaletta. Ummmm, to get my hands around that big bun and sink my teeth into.... /it's a sammich you sickos.
  11. Well, I say that yes, you should have stayed in Vegas, but for completely different reasons than CN.
  12. I'm in. I'm Maroon with Alum and Spice. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=185816
  13. Well, to be completly fair, it looks like his tech and land are in the process of joining MK.
  14. Dead men may tell no tales, but living fish will poop in the water.
  15. Remember Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer? Remember The Island of Misfit Toys? Remember the Alamo? Ok, you don't have to remember the Alamo, but imagine that the Island of Misfit Toys were packed to the brim with uber-pwnage lulz toys. That's the RIA. When we stop laughing, it's because we're about to laugh some more.
  16. Have you ever wanted to walk into a room wearing a pink thong on your head while wearing no pants, swinging your business in the air and screaming "CAN'T SLEEP CLOWNS WILL EAT ME?" If you answered yes, please seek professional help If you answered no, I don't blame you. Anyone would much rather wearing a blue thong on their head. If you answered cheese, then, and do trust me on this, the RIA is where you need to be. *note- Bring your own cheese.
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