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Everything posted by Zulchep

  1. But but... What about our sooper sekrit .gov channel over in #teamrocket?
  2. But as far as the game goes, you bring death to any that were in your so-called AA. Shame on you. Fixed that for you. Also, go back and read TPF's charter. Trouble is a white alliance. Just keep that in mind while you read, 'kay?
  3. How about you go back and try again?
  4. Team Trouble blasting off at the speed of light!
  5. To denounce of evils of truth and love
  6. To protect CN from devastation...
  7. I saw the title and was overjoyed. I thought you were leaving CN for good.
  8. Eeeew, magicalbricks. Gross. (Hi. :3 Congrats on the new alliance. o/ Sorum o/ Bricks)
  9. I think Hal has a notebook somewhere with pre-written responses, and he uses them even though they have absolutely no relevance and make no sense to the discussion at hand. "YEAH well STA hates everyone but Frostbite!" "No, we don't, and your remarks are way off-base." "OMG you're just saying that because I'm in Valhalla and you hate us!" Honestly, do you ever listen to yourself?
  10. Don't even, Haflinger. Comparing STA's situation with NPO's is ridiculous. Save for the Shark Wars, in which no reparations were received by STA, her enemies were given incredibly lenient terms, usually culminating in a complete white peace. Don't you dare compare our situation to NPO's.
  11. Obviously you did, Tyga. I mean, Timeline is the most trustworthy, unbiased source of information regarding STA, right? It's not like he has a grudge or anything. OHWAIT.
  12. Frankly, all problems involving electron sponge can be solved using the method described here.
  13. 22-25, Female, Southern US, bisexual, unmarried + job, religion - polytheist pagan
  14. SteamPoweredHitler bros Brotherington NuclearPoweredKimJongIl MarthurLutherKingJr Mundokiir/Stormsend I'd nominate myself, but I tend more towards terrifying and sadistic than funny, at least on IRC.
  15. o/ Za Sibir'! First war dec of STA my name hasn't been on. Also: brb, lolling forever
  16. Quiet, Piggy, or you'll ruin your reputation. Also, congrats, JB.
  17. No one loves you, Joker.
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