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What Happened on the Boat

Sargun II

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/closed to me and Zarfef, get outta here/

As the rather small cargo boat docked in the port town outside of Tunis, a team of twelve customs agents approached it. Four armed guards, four searchers, and four smuggling experts in different areas composed the team. As they reached the boat, the guards approached the boat and yelled out for the crew to empty themselves off the boat.

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As the boat came into the port and they were approached by such a large envoy of individuals, the one of the young men motioned to the other one.

Hoodlum 1: Farid! Get our stuff, they've got customs agents, eight of them!

Farid: Eight smuggling agents?! I thought this was going to be an easy ride- I'll get the papers Kahil.

Kahil: Never-mind, they want us off now, I'll buy us some time.

Kahil jumped off the privacy of the inner chambers of the small boat.

Kahil: Just a moment, my friend is getting our papers and I've got to tie her down so we don't lose our Dad's ship, he'd kill us if we knew we took off with it at this time of night.

Kahil thought for a moment and then continued.

Kahil: He's an artist you know, not well known but he made some wealth lately off a statue on board, doesn't want anyone to "see his baby" before it is unveiled. If there is so much as a board missing from it before it's unveiling, he's going to have our skins. But feel free to look over the boat, it should be fine ^_^.

Meanwhile, inside Farid was going over the area on the inside looking for the papers that they had been sent. The documents were old however, fabricated works of the government that had just been ousted by Carthage itself, an over-sight by Aether intelligence... as Arascal didn't even begin to care whether these individuals had failed, in fact, he hoped they would. Farid smiled, their fate insured and he woke up the other two, Hanif and Amr, then took the bag out with him to Kahil. He couldn't say much because he had no idea what Kahil's story was. After-wards he moved to the outside of the boat to jump down portside, his sleepy followers still yawning as they arrived. He wasn't even aware that he was giving the officials old documents, showing just how naive he was.

Farid: There you go (hands over the documents)! These should do, right? I'm Farid and this is Kahil, Hanif and Amr. It's a pleasure to meet you!

Kahil: I was just telling him about our Dad, and his work in the back. He's quite the artist!

Farid: You didn't!

Kahil: I did. But he'd better not find out alright? We're just stopping by for a bit.

Hanif: You didn't tell him what we're going to do with that thing did you?

Kahil: Shh... If they let Dad, know it'll be our hides.

Hanif: Sigh...

Kahil: Anyways, look it over if you want, do you happen to have a car rental place around here. I know it's small but it would really help out.

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The four guards raised an array of different weapons, assault rifles. As the document expert looked over the papers, he let out a concerned sigh and shook his head. "Book 'em - these aren't legit." Immediately, the four searchers approached with handcuffs and the guards closed in, weapons pointed for a kill.

"If you move, you die. You have no rights, you will not be given any rights, and you will not be allowed to speak until we reach an interrogation station." These were repeated to all of the crew.

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Kahil backed off as they displayed an excessive quantity of force.

Kahil: The heck you mean they're not legit!

Farid: They're pointing guns at us Kahil! GUNS!


Kahil spun towards one of the guards and approached him calmly palms outstrected to show he wasn't armed as he continued to speak.

Kahil: This is entirely idiotic old man! You can't point guns at me!!! What in the world could you possibly think we're trying to display fake information for! For goodness sake, we're just porting in, this is nuts! I said you could check over the darn ship, we're not up to anything serious.

Unfortunately, the fear instilled by having weapons pointed for the kill was a bit too much and Hanif and Amr quickly wised up to the situation, gave each other a quick nod and leaped back into the boat, figuring that Kahil and Farid would keep them busy and act as buffers in case they decided to move in. The boat immediately hummed to life and pulled away from port, but it was still attached so it snapped a piece of wood off with it, yanking the wooden warf to the side and sending Kahil and Farid at least hurling into the water before a piece of the side railing fell off the side.

Hanif: We're not going to die here! Quick Kahil, Farid! Let's go! Swim for it! Farid! Kahil!

Farid who had hit his head while falling down was unconcious in the water while Kahil was still trying to figure out which way was up after falling in the water. In fact, he was still trying to figure out what had happened.

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When Farid and Kahil were hurled into the water, a flurry of bullets rained down onto the boat. Immediately, the guards picked up their radios and called in for air support - espionage agents fleeing - order to kill.

The four searchers jumped into the water, each with a knife in their hand. Farid was already being pulled out of the water while the other two pointed their knives at Kahil and shouted orders at him to get out of the water. Three of the guards aimed their weapons at Kahil as the fourth ran down to a patrol boat and signaled for them to follow the boat.


"Espionage agents fleeing - order to kill, ma'am!"

"Holy God damn, we've already got some spies. Let's roll!" Six fighter-bombers, the majority of the Angels squadron, lifted off only a minute later and were two minutes away from the intended target.

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Kahil broke the surface and gasped for air, coughing up some of the water that had gotten into his lungs. The salt-water made him feel like he wanted to park his guts right there among the rolling waves as the boat sped off into the distance. Suddenly it hit him that he was abandoned and there were bullets flying through the air. He couldn't precisely make out what the guards were saying with the water still in his ears, but the bullets, those were fairly distinct. He remembered them from the East African war.

Kahil: Amr! Come back! What are you doing! Stop! Don't shoot! Amr! Hanif! Ferid...

It was duly noted by now that they were in trouble and that Ferid was unconscious. As the boat vanished beneath the rolling waves, he could pay his attention to the guards pointing guns at him and that was all he could really control. He wasn't sure WHAT was going to happen now, but with all the sharp objects and explosives aimed at him, self-preservation alone dictated that he move onto the wooden planks of the warf, partially submerged beneath the waves. He kick-paddled himself over to the planks of wood now splintered among the warf and stayed there for a moment, not sure just how to pull himself up onto the planks, not sure if Hanif and Amr were dead either... one of them still must have been alive for the time being, but that was a lot of bullets.

Out at sea, Hanif and Amr sped away as quickly as they could, not realizing that this boat was not designed to take them around the world. Escape was the only thing on their minds and Hanif quickly sent a distress signal out through his radio in the hopes that Aether Intelligence would pick it up. He looked over to Amr who had been unusually silent and found that he was no longer in the chair where he had been just moments ago. A steady, pool of blood was collecting beneath his chin and his eyes were dead as those of a cow his shirt slowly capitulating to the stream of crimson waves. Hanif just shook in terror realizing he was dead or about to die before his eyes. His own left arm, which was cut by a flying piece of glass seemed that much less important all of a sudden and he realized that most likely the stream of bullets meant that Ferid and Kahil were dead too, was he to blame? He began whispering mantras of prayer under his breath, turning to a last source of strength taught to him by his mother before she had died in the East African war.

Back on board the originating vessel, the captain looked up from his duties as a radio message came through. It was panicked and terrified and one really couldn't make out anything from the stream of garbled sentences, but the voice was clear to this individual who had heard him on several occasion in the past. The captain smiled and pulled back his black sleek over-coat as he listened in to the terror with a reserved delight.

Arascal: May I ask who is speaking, this is a public channel do you have an emergency requests of great importance? Are there not any other vessels in the area? I'm sorry, but you're breaking up, hello? HELLO? I'm pinpointing your location and coming in immediately, maybe we can try a better RADIO FREQUENCY at a HIGHER POWER.

Arascal flipped on the switch for the on board controls of the ships radio frequency output and smiled, knowing full well that he would enjoy this with a sense of sadistic pleasure. Killing orphans was his favorite past-time. He flipped the frequency switch over to the specified resonance frequency and then kicked the ships power output for their radio up to max. Before broadcasting the intense signal from the ships powerful long range radio.

Arascal: There, can you hear me now?

Hamif called out all the more frantically as the frequency from the Tensor-Industries transport ship shifted out of range for his small hand-held device and he quickly found himself feeling heavy from fear as the boat hit higher waters on the open seas. There was suddenly a small burning sensation in his right arm and he quickly grabbed it screeching out in pain as though some kind of sharp glass had began floating down his veins. Backing off from the controls, the boat, moving at the high speed it was, suddenly turned and flipped on one of the waves and careened into the waters, throwing Hamif out of one of the small windows and into the waters below, before exploding in the distance with Amr still on board.

Sinking down into the depths of the ocean, he felt the pain subside and was suddenly over-come with a sense of calm before drifting off into sleep. Which was a strange thing to do beneath the open waves.

Arascal on the other hand kept acting as though he was searching for the signal of the boat, and switched the signal over to Amr... and then turned the dial over to Kahil.

Back at the port, Kahil had now pulled himself up onto the docks and was shivering from the cold water evaporating in the cool of night, even here in the desert. It was terrifying having to slowly raise his hands into the air under the belief that with any false move he could be shot. So far, he was keeping his cool however. Then, like before, he felt a strong surge of heat in his right arm and jerked slightly as he fought back the intention to grab it and even bite down on the area where the burning fluid seemed to spiral along, moving through his veins. He heard the place where he had gotten the needle might hurt later, but never did he imagine it would leave such a sting. This was though, of the calmer front, and in a moment he was quickly over-taken by a sharp pain in his stomach quickly bolted down to one knee and swung his arm inward clasping down from his upper left abdomen down to his lower right pocket.

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Intelligence Service, Tunis

"Track it, damn you!"

"The signal's weak, sir."

"I didn't ask you if it was weak or not, I ordered you to--"


"...where's the signal going?"

"Sir, it appears that there is another boat out there.."

"...Re-route the Angel squadron, I want them to get to that bloody boat!"


As the man bolted down to his knee and his arm swung to his pocket, a good two dozen bullets formed a wall of lead and were headed straight for him.


"Agent Cabrera!"

"This is she."

"We're sending in new coordinates, you are to investigate and fire if needed."

"Roger roger."

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OOC: The signal from the boat is actually fairly strong. It's a radio frequency communications channel and public, so just about anyone could hear the conversations or pick up where it was coming from. I mean, they are responding to an emergency call, it is farely common procedure to go aid a vessel in distress, and if the signal was weak from the boat, they would also likely try to change frequencies and increase their power to communicate themselves.


Kahil staggered for a stance that barely came, fifteen levels of pain simultaneously racking his body as he drained his blood in rivers that spun in inky-red clouds among the crashing waves. He gave one last smile at his assailants and forgave the world before suddenly crashing into the deep blue waters as the waves crashed in. In a moment there was silence, a silence much more violent however then the peaceful quartet that had played when the boat had rolled in among the morning debris.

By now, only one, Farid remained still among the living, a knife still smug against his throat like some strange unnecessary threat. He could be easily hoisted or thrown about in his present lack of consciousness and wouldn't say yay or nay to anything.

In the distance, the planes would find that there was a rather large cargo ship in the region where the boat had over-turned and been decimated among the waves. Only small pieces of drift debris remained and spotlights from the cargo ship were searching the waters for any survivors, of which there currently were none. An interesting thing however happened on the way to this place however as the last transmission meant to terminate Farid was off, or perhaps the wire design was formed at the wrong length to cause resonance. Either way, he was spared for the time being if you could call it that. After the recent events, the entirety of the mission would have to be called off and Arascal would be quite pleased about that.

After finding no individuals of interest in the region, Arascal noted the capture of several sto-aways on board the ship and threw the others into the brig for the vessels own safety, then citing that there appeared to be no survivors and this latest situation (along with the apparent stealing of an Tensor Industries boat, they would have to turn around and cancel the shipment. The visual description of the ship, matching that of the one at the port was sent out to Carthage and surrounding nations and registered as a rogue vessel stolen from the Tensor Industries corporation. If captured, it should be returned to the company at once.

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OOC: I thought you said it was weak in the post so I went along with it. If it's strong, the same result anyway.


"This is Agent Cabrera, there's a cargo ship here.. Tensor Industries."

"Who the hell?"

"I don't know, but the transmissions definitely had nowhere else to go but here. Bomb it to hell and back, sir?"

"...no, send down some flares. We'll be capturing it. If you see anyone trying to run, fire at will."

"Roger, roger."


The guards dragged Farid into their SUV, restrained him to the floor and drove off to an Intelligence Station in Tunis. He was injected with a minor sedative, and half an hour later was being hauled off into an interrogation chamber. Medical staff were nearby.

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The cargo ship responded upon the dropping of the flares.

Arascal: This is a Tensor-Industries cargo vessel, may I ask the reason for the flares, we responded to a distress call in the region but upon arrival found no survivors. If it is in response to this statement and you happen to have found survivors we would gladly pick them up, but it just seems like a mess out here.

OOC: In pre-responce to V the King to avoid adding unnecessary posts... the real story:

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"You will remain where you are until a boat reaches your location. Any attempts to flee will be met with deadly force," Cabrera responded, circling the ship.


Three ships, all heavily armed but smaller than a normal warship, departed from the nearest port to the Tensor Industries cargo vessel and headed in their direction.

OOC: so small because I dunno if you want to leave or do something, I'm not gonna skip three hours ahead

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Tensor Industries Cargo Ship

Arascal: Lethal force? Do you meet every responder to an emergency situation in the same manner? Where do you think an ol' sea dog like me is going to flee to with this hunk of metal. Sigh* I'll shut down the main systems and hold my position, may I have a reason for this intrusion which I can inform Tensor of? They're not going to like this very much. Not even Krieg gave us this much trouble when we moved through the straits.

And so the ship powered down. In the meantime, Arascal made sure that everything was in good order, for a ship that size it was a remarkable thing how few individuals were truly on it. It was deep out in the ocean and his ship was purposely over the sight of the other destroyed ship anyways, so he figured that there would be less questions asked if the other cargo piece was destroyed... it would have been on the original vessel anyways.

So from the privacy of layers hull, he moved the second statue to a small garbage dump and discreetly dropped it off in the waters, away from prying eyes. It was of course lowered in a slow manner, so there wasn't much noise to it either, that way if his overly paranoid observers were watching closer, nothing would seem out of the ordinary. There was a lot of noise coming from other locations on the ship as well as they were moving things around and organizing it while being forced to wait. Tensor made sure that not a moment was wasted, even in circumstances like this. After 3 hours, he left food down in the brig for the other "stowaways" and then he returned back to portside after he heard the warship was nearby.

Arascal: Yes, now what is this all about.

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As Arascal returned to portside, a missile from a warship about two miles away flew into the air then erupted over the Tensor vessel. Every electronic device within a kilometer was fried or otherwise incapacitated with the EMP wave. Moving in swiftly, the warships formed a triangle around the vessel and soon many guns were trained on it. The planes above moved out of sight after dropping off the last of the flares, and soon enough six small craft were being detached from the warships.

"Tensor Industries crew, you will remove all arms and move yourself onto the deck of the ship. Failure to comply will result in forced commandeering and use of lethal force."

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Arascal got to the surface of the ship with the rest of the crew, he wasn't about to unleash the hooligans down below as there was no telling what kind of trouble they'd cause, better to leave them in the brig... there weren't any arms ON the ship and the use of the EMP weapon essentially destroyed an entire cargo's worth of equipment as Tensor dealt mostly with technology. A reciept for the charges WOULD be passed onto Carthage and the customers WOULD recieve a full report.

Any investigations done on the ship would have easily determined that there was absolutely nothing out of the ordinary... except for now that Carthage had used an EMP weapon on a commercial vessel, the was nothing but dead junk on board.


In Carthage, a phone call came in from a very angry executive at Tensor who was downright pissed about having his Cargo vessel stopped in the region.

Other angered companies would surely follow. The straits of Gibralter were one of the most heavily trafficed naval passages in the world and Carthage had just wiped out electronics in the entire region bringing about a deadlock. Worse yet, of the ships passing through, there were more still coming that would essentially create a massive naval traffic jam. Parts of Norway which also bordered the straits and were treated as though they had no say in the matter would also experience the pressure and likely electronics destruction and black-outs as well.


Arascal on the other hand was loving this. These people were beyond the comprehensions of over-board. If the Aether Empire tried something as insane as this, the entire global community would be in an uproar. But yet, here, Carthage thought it could do whatever it pleased, a dancing figure of their leader wasn't suited for them, they needed their leader in a gogo doll outfit hopping around like a monkey to match THIS! He was wondering what CRUEL treatment he and the rest of the crew might undergo... he so DESIRED to see the worst these creatures could think up, that way he could make it his own and perform it himself on his own detainees... the best way to learn to torture was to see how others did it themselves...

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The angry phone call was ignored. The ship that was in Gibraltar was quickly cleared of all the crew as they were rounded up by the commandos on the six craft and handcuffed. After a quick extraction (including Arascal), explosives were planted on the ship and after the six craft ferried themselves back to the warships, the Tensor vessel was destroyed in a fury of flame.

Ships from Gibraltar quickly came and cleared the debris.


The crew (including Arascal) were put on board a warship and loaded onto planes. The planes quickly took off with the "cargo", heading for Gibraltar.

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OOC: You never RP'd clearing the brig, so I suppose you blew them up with the ship :P.

Arascal silently and uneventfully observed everything around him, all the workings of the crew and the manor in which the vessel seemed to operate. The same could be said for the military air-craft. To him, this was all just a nice big puzzle planted before him so that he could take apart and reorganize for usage later on. To anyone else though, it would appear as though he were just smuggly sitting there with an all to horrible smile accross his face. He would have the entire surroundings devoted to memory by the time anyone would think to blind fold him.

Then there would always be noises, people's voices and formalities, phrases and accents to master and observe and analyze.

Then, if there was TRULY nothing to do, he'd place his head up against the wall and listen for the hum of electronics. Maybe they were stupid enough to have stuck him next to a strong electrical current from a morse code machine before it was coded or otherwise... there was no need to code such things ON a ship after all, only after it was being transmitted.

This was all very fascinating, especially given their outright destruction of the cargo vessel could mean all out war... he wondered... no he HOPED that Aether would use some of their chemical weapons... maybe even on populated cities... Maybe he could even get a chance to see.

People like this always believed that mutually assured destruction was like some kind of shield, they never realized that destruction was an end in and of itself. So if Aether killed theirs and they killed Aether's all the better! Peon's were almost meant for that anyways... like those pathetic excuses for spies on the boat... maybe they killed them... that would almost bring tears of joy to his eyes.


As the phone calls from Tensor were ignored, they contacted their organizational headquarters in Raochin and Aether, with Aether contacting Carthage first demanding that the vessel be released along with it's crew intermediately.

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OOC: Who cares about the brig? :awesome:


Aether was told that the vessel exploded when they hit an old Sarnungian Republic mine in the area from past wars that was improperly disposed of.


The crew, handcuffed and bound, was given an injection of a chemical knocking them out and causing memory loss. Everything from up to four hours before would be blank. The ride back to Gibraltar took a much shorter amount of time - daylight was just beginning to show by now, however. Each of the crew was forced into an interrogation room, and Arascal was given the largest. Each was blindfolded and had plugs in their ears, and their hands and feet were tied to the chairs they were sitting on.

When they would wake up, they would be interrogated.

OOC: *the drug exists, I just don't know the name. they use it in South America :v:

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OOC: This is so amusing, sargun is overreacting ridiculously to common commercial ships passing. The EMP missiles a bit much, and your interrogating what ICly are civilians of a ship responding to a distress call. Do you do this for every ship passing the strait or just the ones who answer distress calls :/

And its very convenient that a mine destroyed a ship that wasn't moving and surrounded by warships that was supposedly a spy ship.

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OOC: No offense, Sargun. But you'd get along better with people if you were a little nicer to them. I do think it's a little bit of an overreaction, but if you want your IC people to be paranoid, that's your prerogative. But try to keep the OOC insults to a minimum, m'kay?

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OOC: By the way, the second component is a speculation on what the Aether Empire is currently thinking, not god-modding what you do and is worded to sound as such.

The Aether empire was shocked to hear that the boat was destroyed by an old Sarnungian Republic mine, it was rather bizarre given that when they called them they were told to that they were ordered to stay where they were (They weren't moving to be able to run into anything). Furthermore, there was no mention that the straits were inhabited by such mines still and so they were planning on announcing this to the world if Carthage didn't first. They were demanding that the entire straits be investigated thoroughly and closed to further traffic until all mines could be assured disarmed.

Of course, by now the only evidence that anything had happened had been blown up into a million pieces, either by Carthage or Arascal. There were two living human beings left, but Farid had fallen into a coma and there was no telling when he might wake up (or whether he had amnesia or not from hitting his head) and Arascal was given a drug that messed with human memories and even though he didn't have long term damage, he could basically claim it and anything he stated would only be subject to randomness due to the usage of the drugs.

So the only evidence based conclusion it would seem to Aether would be that a Tensor Industries minor evacuation ship was stolen by stow-aways (they alerted Carthage of this) it met with trouble by a trigger happy Carthage and then it left, sounded an emergency call which was responded to by the still nearby Tensor craft, which was destroyed by a mine... while standing still in waters that were probably traversed several times a week.

Aether would then claim that these were most likely young men running away from the draft (they were coming to that age) and with an instable situation occurring due to the Rebel Army, they felt their chances were better off running away. Of course, this was only a most likely guess in their opinion, they had no other evidence with which they could further draw out their conclusions. The event in Rebel army by this point could be considered entirely separate from the events in Carthage. There was no evidence, and as such there was no real reason for anything. Any claims beyond that would only be speculation and Aether could demand that evidence be presented on the world stage, for which Carthage would have nothing of any true substance. They were simply looking for a way to produce a story to over-shadow the presence of mines in the straits of Gibraltar that they failed to destroy by pulling out another random story.

Thus, to ensure this story was buried, the information related to the mission was completely wiped, along with the name of every individual involved. There would remain no evidence within Aether and none within the mission itself. To ensure this was done properly, Zarfef performed it himself, a special quality of being the evil leader of an organization and not simply another nation.

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Arascal was shot in the head, along with the rest of the crew. Their bodies were incinerated, but Farid was kept in a coma and on life support if needed.

Carthage would investigate and clear the remaining Sarnungian Republic-era mines, and refund Tensor Industries the price of the boat.

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The Aether Empire responded that it was glad that a full investigation would occur. Zarfef was somehow silently relieved that Arascal was dead, although... it would be difficult to find a new spy agent of his caliber.

OOC: Wow, that. That worked out so bizarrely that I never expected it in a billion years. Zarfef should thank you.

What turned from having a dancing animatronics device with laser-pointer lasers shooting out of it's eyes dance in your town squares for the lolz turned into:

1) The reduction of traffic and hence a physical drop in the stocks of Carthage.

2) The Aether Empire being recompensated for the losses of it's spy mission.

And perhaps best of all,

3) The death of Arascal, who in the future I was planning on RPing into taking over and causing massive chaos in the Aether Empire. It will be quite some time before we see a threat to Zarfef of his equivalent nature.

As an end note though, thank you for RPing this with me.

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