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Vegemite, Anyone?


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OOC: Its great, have it with chips in a sandwich.


I dunno...I just don't haphazardly put mysterious brown paste on my foods.

There's this stuff called Cenovis that is really similar that I eat sorta often, but only because my roommate is obsessed with it. Also, hello OOC polluting of a thread about an awful brown paste.

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The day was still cold, as the rising sun had not yet had a chance to warm the area. Anthony didn't seem to notice the chill; either that, or he did not care. He was dressed simply in a light shirt and a pair of dark pants.

Either way, it didn't stop him from quickly detecting a young street urchin attempting to make off with his wallet, right in front of the little coffee shop where he was supposed to be meeting someone.

If the person he was supposed to meet happened to glance outside, they would see him quickly, and gently but firmly, grab the hand of the would-be pickpocket. he shook his head at the boy. "You're probably starving, so I'll forgive you for that. Here," he said, taking out the wallet that the boy had intended to take and withdrawing a ten-pound note. Handing it to the boy, he added, "you need it more than I do. Now go on."

He made a gentle shooing motion, and the boy did not need a second invitation, scampering off and vanishing from sight in less than a minute. Shaking his head, Anthony turned and entered the shop. the bell tinkled as he entered, alerting the waitress who was by now familiar with his face. He didn't even have to give his order, as he always had the same thing, and she came with his small cup of hot chocolate and a bagel smeared in cream cheese.

Offering her a small smile, which she returned, he walked over to the table where the Asian man sat, and took a seat opposite him. Anthony didn't say anything, rather taking a bite of his bagel as he waited for the other man to speak.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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“Fine morning, isn't it? Even if we humans constant cause disorder, nature continues on, giving light to the world.

Wolud you like to tell me about yourself? I admit that Promised Land has always been blind spot of both Kyokujitsu and Yamato, and I don't have muuch data about you. Enlightment would be very grateful.”

OOC: Need to read more sublte RPs.

Also, lol at Kiwis beung against Aussie food :P

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OOC: What do Kiwi's have to do with this? :huh: And are you referring to the bird or the fruit? :P

IC: As he spoke, Anthony raised an eyebrow at the almost philisophical tone. "Yes, it is a fine morning. it's a shame, really, more people don't appreciate those things." He said this as a delaying tactic, as much as anything, buying himself time to consider how much was safe to tell the man.

"As you've probably already deduced, I happen to live in this city. Technically that doesn't put me under the jurisdiction of Promised Land's government, but the local authorities. You may have noticed that the New Cymraeg inhabit this city in equal measure. Still, I've lived here since before that time. Ever since I came to this nation, actually."

He took another bite of his bagel, then a sip of the chocolate, continuing only once he'd swallowed. "I wasn't even a teenager yet when I arrived; a refugee fleeing the chaos in Russany, though I didn't know it at the time. I knew little at that time--not even my own name. Amnesia from being hit on the head by a piece of falling rubble."

His voice was level, betraying no hint of the emotional scarring those memories brought. When he had finally found his father, the man had changed almost beyond recognition. His mother and brother, though the circumstances were different for each, were both undeniably dead.

"I did not know it, but the only family I had known was lost to me as well, except my father. And when i found him, even he was not the same man I had known."

And finally, a bit of the emotion seeped through--not on his face, but in the barely trembling hand that held the cup of hot chocolate.

"Today, I'm just a simple functionary in the diplomatic corps of my adopted homeland." He set the cup down, not wanting to betray any further emotion.

"Now, was there anything else you wanted to know about me, or perhaps the nation?"

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“Perhaps you would like to tell me about your relationship with Sarah Tintagyl?”

Ishima took a sip of his coffee.

“Don't worry if there are any ulterior motives. I'm just curious as to some things that has come to my attention. You see, out of all the men supposedly close to Sarah, you are the only one who hasn't appeared in a single tabloid, which is interesting to say the least. ”

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"My relationship with Sarah?" He shook his head, taking a sip of his drink. "We've been through experiences together that I doubt she's had with anyone else. We've each managed, at one point or another, to save the other's life. We were once both kidnapped, though that incidence was kept quiet. Some rogue commies who were trying to get to Subtleknifewielder thought for some reason both she and I could be used as leverage against him."

Of course, that might not be the whole truth, but none of that was an actual lie. Not that it would have showed on his face anyway.

"We've laughed together, cried together, and supported each other when life seemed to weigh down, threatening to crush us."

He blinked, coming out of his musing. "Those things may sound cliche, but they are true. Much of what has happened, however, has been deemed classified for some reason or another, which might offer an explanation as to why you had no luck digging through the tabloids. And before you ask, no, I can't tell you why any of it was classified." He shrugged. "Sorry."

He briefly considered mentioning that he'd never slept with Sarah, but if Ishima wanted to know that, he would ask about it directly. And he might find himself being questioned before Anthony answered that.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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It wasn't like Ishima was totally clueless about this Anthony being a larger fish than this 'low' diplomat was letting on, but there was too little data, even when one considered the detailed report that Paek had sent him after the kidnapping issue was over.

But that was besides the point for now.

“More of a comrade-in-arms than lovers. Your relationship with her seems much purer than the others, which I would definitely approve. By the way, I don't really dig through tabloids: I just happy to get just about aoll the trash newspapers in the world, a habit from my youth when I was destroying the careers of fellow politicians.

Perhaps you have anything to ask me?”

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Anthony considered that for a moment. Perhaps the relationship was pure if one looked at it from that perspective--though that was not for any lack of desire on his part. However, he would wait until she was ready for something like that, and if it never came--that was her choice.

But now he was offered an interesting opening, and he took it. "Yes," he said. "I do have a question for you." He leaned in closely, putting his face right into Ishima's and staring into the man's eyes with an intensity most would find intimidating. "What is your interest in Sarah? Why did you track me down for this meeting? And from what I understand, I'm not the only one you've talked to about her." He was beyond hiding the fact that he had secrets. Ishima had to know that by now, as he was obviously not stupid.

"Tell me the nature of your obsession."

While before, he had apparently been nothing more than he appeared to be, now he practically broadcast the fact that he was a potential threat, with both the intense expression and body language. He was making it clear that if he did not like the answer, he had the power to ensure Ishima never left the building.

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“And the logical conclusion is incorrect. My main concern, at least for now, are the people surrounding her.”

So sizing me up, eh? Young people, thinking they are always in the position to stop their elders, especially when they are facing a man who was once (and still is) the most infamous commando of the Kyokujitsujins after Paek Sun Yeop. But then, that's youth.

“But if you insist on my relations with Sarah: I have a patriarchal concern for her well-being, since she was one of the main reasons I am what I am politically. You can say she is sort of a spiritual daughter, and I her guardian/advisor. But don't think it's that close a relation: we're still in the beginnings.

Going back to you: Do you have any deeper feelings besides comradeship? I would imagine it being hard staying to just a close friend, especially since you two have been through a lot as you have mentioned.”

Hit hard into the flank when the other side thinks he's on the offense.

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He leaned back again, the visible threat, if not entirely gone, at least diminished. "You may not know yourself as well as you think. You wouldn't be concerned about the people around her if you weren't concerned about here. But that's a discussion for another time, if at all."

He folded his fingers into a tent-like position, leaving them on the table-top in front of him. The man didn't seem to have been overly intimidated by his unspoken threat. Probably some kind of training in that area. Would have made for an interesting challenge, he had no doubt, if it had come to a fight.

His face gave nothing away as he spoke again. "As for further feelings...why, you going to tell me that if I date her, I have to get her back by ten every night?" He couldn't resist making the joke, after Ishima admitted to seeing her as a kind of daughter.

"Perhaps we do share some deeper feelings, perhaps not. If you want to know what she thinks, what she feels, you'll have to ask her. She's a big girl, and should be able to know her own heart. I will admit to caring for her deeply. I've already lost too many in my short life--I don't want to see her die too, or even hurt, for that matter."

Again he stared intensely at Ishima. "You better watch over her carefully. If she gets hurt, if she comes to harm, and there's the slightest indication it might be your fault, you better be prepared to prove your innocence." This time, he did not radiate the threat, letting the simply-spoken words express his feelings for him.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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“I certainly wouldn't be so strict about the timing. If a daughter of mine chooses a boyfriend, I would trust her to have chosen wisely, although I would check who the other is.

Yes, she is a mature lady, but at the same time she is also a little girl, a butterfly trapped inside the gorgeous dressings. It is my wish, and my duty, to make sure her delicate wings aren't damaged. And that is why I am meeting you, to ensure her well-being and happiness.”

Interesting. This particular boy has a sort of different dedication from Albert, one that is very self-sacrificing. Certainly someone to keep track of.

“Anything else you might want to ask?”

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He gave a slight nod. It was apparent by now that they were both interested in her well-being, and any last, lingering threat vanished. No point in antagonizing an ally in this matter.

After giving a bit of thought to the older man's question, Anthony smiled. "If you don't mind my asking, how did you meet her? And what prompted you to see her as a daughter? If it's too personal a question, feel free to tell me to bugger off." Now, instead of suspicion and hostility, Ishima would be seeing a sense of humor. If he had known just a little more about Anthony, he would have realized what a rare thing it was for the man to so openly display any honest humor.

OOC: If he could read thoughts, he'd be very, very amused at you calling him a boy... :P

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“Let's just say I have my private reason. But what matters is that I've come to share her dreams concerning the world, and I cannot let her bear the burden alone. I would say you also believe her, don't you?”

OOC: Ishima is about 79 years old. He would see Anthony as a boy.

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Anthony nodded. "Yes, to a degree. She has a touch of naiveté at times, which is really surprising when you look at what she's gone through. I don't know how she's managed to both stay sane and still retain a touch of innocence. But a little naiveté isn't always bad." He glanced down, sighed, and returned to meeting Ishima's eyes. "She has managed to see the good in people others would have long ago given up on, and save countless lives by doing so. I would do anything to protect that last degree of innocence."

"The down side of it is she feels every death she has something to do with personally, whether or not she's to blame. And she never is, really."

"So yes, I believe her; I believe in her. If any one human can bring peace to this world, it's her."

OOC: I know. it's just funny thinking of someone who's a bit closer to middle-age than the teenage years as a boy, that's all. :D

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“I'm certainly glad we think alike.”

Standing up, he picked up the bills for both of them.

“Thank you for your time. I hope whatever you pursue be a success. Farewell.”

Paying the bills, he exits the cafe, walking east towards the Rising Sun.

OOC: Anthony was that old? I though he was early thirties.

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