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Treaty of Hanoi

Stefano Palmieri

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Treaty of Hanoi

Preamble: The Khmer Empire and The New Taiwanese Empire hereby agree to this Mutual Defense and Aggression Pact(MDAP).

Article I - Defense

Shall any signatory shall be attacked the other(s) must declare war on the aggressor to defend the other signatory(s).

Article II - Agression

Shall any signatory declare war on another nation the other signatory(s) are required to attack as well.

Article III - Borders

All borders, ports and Air Space are open to the other.

Article IV - Military Access

This treaty allows each signatory to have military access through the others land/water/air.

Article V - Cancellation

The only way this treaty can be cancelled is if one nation ceases to exist.

/s/ For The New Taiwanese Empire;

Nebu the II, Emperor

Ja'hina, Secretary of State

/s/ For the Khmer Empire;

Hun Sen, King of the Khmer

Edited by Marquis Chris 1
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