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Nation Events Frequency


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My question is not about the frequency of events, but the ratio of good to bad.

A quick survey "around the water cooler" on IRC revealed that people have more negative events than positive ones--indeed something like 2-3 negatives to every positive. This seems a bit off, considering that back when they were re-introduced back in June, the ratio was actually suppose to favor positive events slightly. I'd say it's just me bad...as I say, I've run into a number of other people with the same experience.

Could someone explain the current logic of how events are generated? Random table? Or is there an established ratio?

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I think the accepted ratio is 52% - 48%, but I can't remember which way. But it's roughly the same.

And as someone else pointed out recently, it always seems that there are more negative ones as those are what people are more vocal about.

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admin has said it's ~51% positive. Don't get a quick survey in the water cooler if you want a representative draw.

Fair point, chance includes the possibility that any one individual could flip a coin tails 3-4 times a row, or miss a roll of 6 or better on a 10 sided dice at least that many times. When you meet several people who have done it, you begin to suspect that things are not a coin flip or a 6 in 10 chance.

You then ask about what the true odds are, in hopes of getting official reaction or at least more observations to either prove or disprove your hypothesis.

Thus I am here....

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The 51% frequency is misleading.

The negative events are stronger than the positive ones.

So while it should mostly even out in the actual number of events for your nation, you will still suffer more on average than you gain.

Admin has shot down any attempt at polling this, but I'm sure that if it was polled that the majority of experienced players would rather events go away again.

Good luck trying to start a thread on the topic in the suggestion board, btw.

Events were perfectly fine as first created until they were shut down and tweaked some months ago. Since they came back the response has remained generally unfavorable.

Players work hard on their nations and would likely prefer to fail or succeed on their own steam rather than be kicked in the teeth by some poorly programmed "luck".

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I don't so much mind the frequency of events...as for nations being influenced by events, clearly in RL they are and I feel very strongly that it should be reflected in the game.

However, there is the question of balance. Too negative and events are seen as something that harasses players. Too positive and people will still complain because someone else's are "more positive" than their own (or will complain bitterly over receiving 1 negative after getting 5-6 straight positives.

I don't sense balance, not in the long or short term, at least not at this stage.

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The only reason I have been "lucky" with events is because I never had Aff Population because I was able to choose the "lose Aff Pop" choice on several of my negative events.

That being said, in TE I have gotten a LOT of negative events, and never a positive.

In regular, I have gotten a total of two positives, and those were +1 happiness and +2$ and a +2$ event. FAR less than most of the negative events I have gotten in terms of 'benefit.'

What needs to be changed is that negative events need to be toned down OR positive events need to be more powerful. It is not so much the event ratio but the event benefit/harm ratio that is messed up. If you have 3 positive and 3 negative events, you are almost assuredly not going to come close to breaking even.

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I've been lucky, my nation is 11 days old and I've has 3 events - one negative (drought, -10% land), one positive (airport renovation, income +$1.00) and one with both possibilities (consumer spending down, happiness +1 and income +$2.00).

Even if they're overly negative I like events, they add to the game even if they are a hinderance.

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Having spoken to admin regarding this issue i am informed events were made to be slightly more likely to be negative on purpose. This was an attempt to make the problems nations face more realistic and give people tough decisions and problems to face in the game, rather than make it to easy.

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