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A return from the shelters.

Vasili Markov

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An open transmission from a bunker somewhere in Neo Olympia.

The last global nuclear war caused large scale devastation to Neo Olympia and its population and when fallout began to rise locally I ordered the evacuation of the population into the shelters.

Unfortunately our radio equipment was subtly damaged and could not get a strong signal out to contact the outside world and the silence we encountered was taken by our analysts to mean that we were the sole survivors in the area.

This went on for many days until we started to receive commercial radio transmissions from the The Hanseatic Commonwealth who had taken advantage of the situation and moved into our territory while we were absent.

We would like to ask them politely to leave our borders now so that we can retake what is rightfully ours.

Edited by Vasili Markov
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"Lady Sarah!" The footsteps, er...rather literally hoof beats beat down against the hard wooden floor of the Diet Hall as Johann Kolm, military governor of Australia and Field Marshall of the Hanseatic armed forces ran from the outer gardens towards Sarah's office. When he bust open the doors, the Lady Protector nearly jumped five feet into the air in utter terror out of her chair.

"God dammit Johann." Sarah said hold her heart and tried to return her breathing to normal. "DON'T DO THAT!" She sighed and looked back up at the general's worried face. "Now." She said as calmly as possible. "What's wrong?" Her tone of sarcasm immediately dropped however, a surprise report such as this and in this tone couldn't be anything positive. "Should I assume the worst?"

"Not the worst Milady. Just something that could be a potential problem. We just received radio transmissions from the Neo-Olympians..."

Sarah's eyes widened. "Neo-Olympia...you mean our territory?"

"Yes Milady. That's the problem. They want territory to call their own back."

"I would hope in a peaceful fashion."

"Well they want us to leave their borders indefinitely. But they said they'd ask in a polite tone."

Sarah chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Well we're not just going to leave. If their government disappeared without word then there is a problem with inefficiency. But if they want territory to call their own again, then I don't see why we can't enter into diplomatic negotiations, especially to prevent a rebellion. Johann, if you could, please send a message to the Neo-Olympian leadership, tell them that I would like to meet with them in Brisbane and perhaps get all this cleared away. I'm sure they're willing to talk first before just reclaiming territory."

"Very well milady, very well."

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Outside beta site shelter.

A loud klaxon sounded as a yellow strobe light lit the inside of the cave and a huge metal door shaped like a gear popped out of the cave wall and rolled along a track set into the ground. Fluorescent lights flickered inside the antechamber and a series of heavy blast doors swung open and a convoy of APCs and trucks rolled out of the opening of the cave.

They parked just outside and started to assemble a large radio transmission mast beside the remains of another smaller one.

There was a lot of activity as soldiers searched the hill for anything out of the ordinary and then they parked several APCs along the roads approaching the hill and sent out patrols into the surrounding area. The area was deserted any they encountered nothing other than a few startled cows and some disinterested sheep.

After a short while a Jeep drove out of the shelter and parked near the tower, A older man in an officers uniform got out of the Jeep and went over to the command APC parked beside the tower and climbed in. The men inside the APC nodded and the commander of the APC said "General we have the new transmitter working we should get a better transmission range this time, give us an hour and we will have the cables down so that it will be linked to the command post inside, perhaps you would like to wait until then". General Markov looked at the commander and said "No this is important that this transmission gets out as soon as possible, I want you to patch into the hassa mobile phone grid and get me a direct line to Sarah Tintagyl immediately. I want to know what she was thinking when she moved in on our territory", He paused for a while and said " I also want to get a line to Maelstrom Vortex as well I have a feeling we are going to need his help with this."

*A phone in Sarah Tintagyl's office starts to ring*

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A few hours had passed since the message had been sent to Neo-Olympian leaders, she had anxiously been awaiting some correspondence from their leaders, so she had hoped it would be sooner. The sun was just beginning to set as the secure line on the other side of her office rang. A brilliant white phone, underneath the painting of the Valkyrie that the Prussian Kaiser had given her for her birthday. Walking over, quickly, but softly, Sarah picked up the phone intertwined between her fingers. "I'm assuming this is Neo-Olympian Leadership did you receive my missive about a conference in Brisbane about your claims on my territory?"

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"That is correct, we are curious to know why you are in our territory, we moved into the shelters and our radio equipment failed and we had our transmission range cut to 1% of its intended range, we did attempt to contact you but we were met with silence and we had assumed you to be lost, It is only recently that your radio became strong enough for us to pick it up and we knew it would be safe to return to the surface"

The general paused for a moment and continued, "How has the radioactivity affected you? I hope your people faired better than ours."

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Sarah smiled and sat down in the chair next to the phone and wrapped the cord around her wrist. "Well the world has recovered a great deal. Though it was considerably harder at first, we adapted, I have to say the Hansa has done extraordinarily well and at the moment the world is at peace. At least for a time. However when the radio silence ensued between our people and yours, we assumed the entire country to be lost and with the recent civil wars in Australia. Stability was necessary, I ordered the territory to be placed under direct Commonwealth control and that's where we are now. We are extremely happy to see you in good health though. I was hoping to talk to you personally, face to face though Your Excellency, I hope that everything is still okay in your shelters."

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"I look forward to the meeting Excellency. I'll prepare a special dinner between the two of us for your arrival, we have much to talk about." After saying good-bye, Sarah returned to her desk to draw up a few maps of the Australia province. She wanted to be able to go into the meeting already probably knowing the Neo-Olympians desires. Territory for them to call their own and for the Australian mainland, which Sarah really had no high use for. The Hansa was a maritime power, but negotiations would proceed, Sarah had no desire to see an open rebellion or any fighting coming from this, but at the same time she wasn't about to cheat her people from land that technically now did belong to them.

For the arrival of General Markov, he would be taken to Diet Hall in Brisbane and then out to the Gardens in the back of the Hall. There with the pleasant sounds of fountains and running water and the cool night Australian breeze, Sarah sat and a decorated table filled with food, steak, roast, chicken and fresh fresh, along with prized wine from her cellar. In addition, to her meeting, Hanseatic elites toured the gardens at night and many upon seeing the general gave the warmest welcomed who to them seemed like a foreigner from another country. But Lady Tintagyl made sure that the atmosphere was as desirable as possible.

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A CH-47 Chinook helicopter was unpacked on a section of cleared ground near the shelter and it had its rotors reattached within two hours and was flying towards Brisbane. in about an hour the helicopter had landed in at the airport and the general got into a Jeep it had in its cargo bay and drove towards the city hall.

He is wearing his field uniform with the blue striped Telnyashka and a blue beret. He has three bodyguards with similar uniforms and eight others are at the helicopter. They have machine pistols on their holsters.

As he entered the hall he nodded to the guards and went inside to wait.

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Upon the arrival of General Markov, he and his guards were greeted by three Lillian Guard escorts. These were the self-protectors of Lady Tintagyl herself. Marchar women trained day in and day out to serve the Hanseatic Head of State to death if necessary. In addition, lieutenants and captains of the Hanseatic Marines walk around the Hall greeting the general and his guards with pleasantries on their faces. The Lillians, dressed in white with epees at their sides were a bit off set by the armaments of the guards, but nonetheless after the General had come inside to wait they escorted him through the Hall towards the gardens in the back. "Her Ladyship is extremely excited to see you General, right this way."

They lead him out to the gardens, that by this time were illuminated with small torches planted near the gravel sidewalks, surrounded by fountains and statues. As the gardens were opened to the public, he passed various members of the citizenry on the way to his private audience with the Lady Protector. The Lillians took him pass a black gate to a small park like area with a fountain in the middle. There Sarah sat, with a small string quartet near the edge.

After his arrival, Sarah got up from her seat and smiled at the general as he was brought closer to her. "General Vasili Markov I presume. It is a pleasure. Welcome to Brisbane. Please, sit, we have much to talk about."

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The general took a seat and spoke "I have come here to discuss your occupation of our land and I propose a agreement, I no longer have the manpower to defend a large portion of the coastline so I will concede a large portion of it to you for the moment. But I require access to our seaport in the north and the coast surrounding it for several hundred miles for security reasons, you can have the coast to the south as it is close to your capital and it can serve a similar purpose for you and the shelters in these areas have had an unexpectedly poor survival rate particularly civil vault 13 that had a malfunctioning water purifier computer system. I do however require the inland sections of the nation since they have a large number of the surviving shelters"

The general paused for a moment to consider carefully what to say next "Most of my special forces units have survived largely intact at the moment, but sadly I have a shortage of funds, you however have are doing quite well I see. Perhaps we can come to some arrangement where my special forces will work in conjunction with your military in exchange for funds for them to continue to operate."

He opened a briefcase and placed a stack of documents from it on the table, "But I am getting sidetracked again, These are the details for the handover operation I have planed, it will be a two week operation for a smooth transfer of the areas shown in documents. There are also some details of some special forces units in this dossier that you may find of interest when you need some 'special' work done discretely if you know what I mean"

*the documents on the military units detail a counter terrorist special paramilitary police unit, an airborne commando unit and a underwater demolitions squad as well as several infantry companies with extensive NBC survival training.*

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Sarah looked over the documents placed in front of her with curious eyes and sat in her seat with the wine glass between her fingers. "Well, I can tell you what ever we do in fact agree on will be Hanseatic territory, now and forever. In addition, for the man that has to come to me for the land, I do not believe you should be the one making demands." She took a deep breath and continued. "Now, the second problem I have is that the Hansa will be ensuring the survival of Neo Olympia, much like we have already done so to your lands that we hold now. However I do sympathize in your plight and I am sure that we would be able to help relocate a great deal of your population to the northern coast for you to create a stable country. Forgive me Excellency, but you do not have the proper forces to govern the vastness of the territory that you have requested as well as my protection."

She placed the documents back in the General's folder and slid it back across the table. "In addition, I have no need for forces to bolster my own. Perhaps in time Neo-Olympia can regain the territory that it once held, but for the time being your population can easily be relocated to the northern coast and from there we can play it by ear. But I do not like being told how to run territory that is mine. I understand it was once yours, but Finland was once mine as well. The political atmosphere changes, I would appreciate a little more decency."

Sarah stopped for a moment and sighed. "I apologize for my outburst. I would just like to be treated as a leader and not as a child. This will not be an easy process, it will take some time and Neo-Olympia may be fully restored, but realize that though you may see this as me taking your territory, understand where I am coming from as well. I have incorporated it into my family and it is equally hard for me to part with."

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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"My position is a simple one, we are prepared to coincide half our territory to you including the southern seaboard that is some of the most productive land in our territory, and in return we ask for our capital and the northern and western provinces as well as a section of coast. but we do not see this as a demand, instead we see this as quite a large concession."

"As for Finland we have several contingency plans for facilitating its return to you that we could perhaps try at sometime in the future when we have re-established ourselves. As you a probably no doubt aware you could take Finland if you wished."The general paused and thought for a moment," But you would have difficulty holding it against international opposition to such an act, However if you were to have several allies that were capable of presenting a real threat to any critics of such an action then perhaps they might decide to remain silent", he paused for a second to let this sink in "But there will be plenty of time to discuss this plan in more detail at some future occasion when we have established ourselves".

"But in the shorter term, I can offer you military advisors to help you to strengthen your position here. I have provided this service in the past to my allies and can see no reason why you should not also be offered the same."

"So my dear, you can see that I am not making requests that could be seen as unreasonable, The return of my nation may actually be quite a boon for your family, since we are a nation of warrior-poets and can offer many, many benefits that could provide real advantages in the future to both of us, if we were to ally ourselves. this should ease any difficulties you might have from parting with only some the additional territory you have acquired from us"

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An open transmission from a bunker somewhere in Neo Olympia.
*transmission reply* Procinctia Broadcasting Corporation transmission, frequency 103.9

Good to see you back topside. We in Procinctia are extremely eager to see your safe return, especially considering the

same thing happed to us.


From the office of Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia

Edited by Generalissimo
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OOC: This is after an IC-Chat between myself, Vasili Markov, and Maelstrom Vortex. If it needs to be all written out IC I can do that...but I'd rather just outline it at the moment.

IC: The Hanseatic Commonwealth has agreed to the requests of Neo-Olympian citizenry who have recently appeared on the surface in Mainland Australia. After several meetings and negotiations, between Lady Protector Sarah Tintagyl, General Vasili Markov, and Chairman Vortex. The following standards have been set. The Hanseatic Commonwealth hereby relinquishes its mainland holdings up to the coast of Australia. Neo-Olympia will inherit the Northern coast and much of the mainland. Second, until Neo-Olympia can field an army that the Hansa sees fit to govern its territory, the majority of territory will be governed as a Joint-Occupation Zone minus the Neo-Olympian capital in the south and the land around the coast, this of course will be reduced over time. Finally, both parties have agreed not to contest the territory and conflict is the furthest thing from mind at the moment.

Her Ladyship has given this land under the goodwill that Neo-Olympia will thrive and while the Hansa is saddened to see its territory government by another, Neo-Olympia who has had ancestral claims to the region are more fit than anyone else to govern.

Thank you.


Proposed exchange.

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OOC: Oh, OK. Just a little more land that's closed off to the world... :awesome:

I wonder how I'm gonna state that claim in the map thread? Hmm...

OOC: Simply post and say, "Ohai, I own Wanatet Corporation. Thank you, lulz. <3." If anyone objects, you can always wipe their nation from existence. :awesome:

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OOC: Simply post and say, "Ohai, I own Wanatet Corporation. Thank you, lulz. <3." If anyone objects, you can always wipe their nation from existence. :awesome:

OOC: Nah, I wouldn't abuse my GM privileges like that. But Sarah already posted the map with the new claims for her and Vasili in the map thread, and I pointed out my extra claims right after.

Now, I believe this thread has run its course.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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