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Pacifican Allies: terrible hegemony



The term used by the Vox types for NPO any ally of Pacifica is "hegemony." The idea behind hegemony is a domineering overseer that monopolizes power and influence over a region or another political group. If Pacifica really is a domineering hegemony, then they are really bad at what they do.

The fact of the matter is that NPO is exceedingly hands-off when it comes to their allies and other alliances. I have never heard of Pacifica interfering in the sovereignty of an ally. Additionally, there is a vast contingent of a jealous opposition that seems to grow more boisterous everyday. Yet, NPO has made no effort to squash this opposition. They have even gone to great lengths to mend ties with Polaris.

Where is the paranoid protection of power? Where is the intrusive meddling and political manipulation? Where is the content behind the hegemony challenge that would give it value?


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Ahahahaha, better luck next time kid.

Didn't GGA concede themselves that NPO has a hand in their affairs? Even if it is by invitation, NPO still has an opportunity to exercise their influence through a sovereign alliance.

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The GGA had their forums controlled by an NPOer and NPO members in their private IRC. I don't know where you draw the line of 'interfering with sovereignty' but that would be over mine. They could not make an independent decision and a Triumvir's attempt to do that resulted in him being kicked.

Yet, NPO has made no effort to squash this opposition.


You've not been paying attention to any of the wars or public boards, have you? NPO members have even stated on several occasions (for example in the FAN threads right now) that they will squash what they perceive to be a future threat without a second thought.

And where's this opposition you see?

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I think the very existence of so many openly anti-NPO alliances speaks volumes. it is fascinating to me that so many people who decry the supposed interference of NPO had no problems with BLEU doing the same thing last year.

Pacifican Interference = pure evil

Polar Interference = legitimate aggressive diplomacy

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Yes, KMD, somewhat. I was among those who did so. Since then, however, those reflecting on history have started painting in different ways. Polar is now lauded as a great independent force resisting the Hegemony. Since that perspective is now hip, people have started assuming that all things Polar are legitimate. However, you are very right, the OoO were operating out of the same play book.

All I am saying is that NPO does not act like much of a Hegemony. It is just convenient for certain groups to paint them that way.

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