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Sophia Grace - Girls Just Gotta Have Fun



So another kid with rich parents has made a !@#$%* music video. This time, its NOT from Ark Music Factory. Apparently, the producers are "Modern Artists Creative".

So the girl in question, is Sophia Grace. She's 6. At least, I think she's 6. I heard somewhere she might be 10. Either way, she's too young. She looks like a kid from Toddlers & Tiaras. Anyway, so the video begins with Sophia telling us to get our "choo choos" on if we're listening to the radio, whatever the $%&@ that means. Sophia begins rapping (which, by the way, has been autotuned to the point she sounds like a robot), to what can barely be described as "music". It's more on the line of a method of torture. Then we- ah, screw it, I was planning to make this a full review, but I can't listen to it anymore to critique it. So here's the link if you want to subject your ears to this pain.

PS: I don't have anything against Sophia. It's not her fault she's spoiled. I hate her parents who made her this way and the producers who made this monstrosity. They deserve the blame.


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Maybe I've been ruined by Rebacca Black but it didn't seem that bad. She is probably 10 btw rather than 6.

I'm not sure there is such a problem-her parent's are clearly rich and spoiling her but the cost is probably not that much more than a few luxury holidays. At age 10 I was performing in public as part of my school band, and I am really not sure how much different this is.

Provided they teach her to work hard and make sure she knows that she is fortunate to have what she has, a treat like this is not automatically bad.

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PS: I don't have anything against Sophia. It's not her fault she's spoiled. I hate her parents who made her this way and the producers who made this monstrosity. They deserve the blame.

I don't think we can blame her parents, they probably had sets of parents who did not teach them how to not spoil their children, and the producers' parents, too. same problem.

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It doesn't.

Actually, I change my mind-that is impressive. She is 8. And she can remember the lyrics and perform the songs to a live audience with a strong degree of confidence. Seriously. I remember performing in a large school band at a few years older than that in front of a live audience and finding it terrifying, and performing to a much lower standard than that.

Yes she is not that good compared to an adult, but rather than taking the attitude of "omg she is awful we shouldn't let kids do this" how about going "wow...she is really talented for a person her age."

Society seems to have got warped by the beiber experience where his teen fame turned him into an arrogant !@#$%*. Have some faith

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It doesn't.

Actually, I change my mind-that is impressive. She is 8. And she can remember the lyrics and perform the songs to a live audience with a strong degree of confidence. Seriously. I remember performing in a large school band at a few years older than that in front of a live audience and finding it terrifying, and performing to a much lower standard than that.

Yes she is not that good compared to an adult, but rather than taking the attitude of "omg she is awful we shouldn't let kids do this" how about going "wow...she is really talented for a person her age."

Society seems to have got warped by the beiber experience where his teen fame turned him into an arrogant !@#$%*. Have some faith

Bieber actually improved with age...despite the paparazzi troubles. This girl is going to be far worse. Encouragement on a smaller scale is fine, but if you tell her how great these are she won't ever need to improve. Happened to Lil Wayne. Will happen to a small privileged white girl.

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It's not about whether or not she'll end up being a good artist or how cute she is or isn't. If she continues doing this stuff, her life is going to revolve around being a celebrity. She's never going to have a proper childhood or know what it's like to be a real person. Her personality, ego, and worldview could become hugely distorted and she could end up becoming a terrible human being. Other little girls will see what she's doing and want to be like her, furthering the insane American cult of celebrity and the false belief that everyone is special and talented that's led to the hugely swollen egos and superficiality and shallowness that plagues this generation.

Her parents are sick for doing this to her and our society is sick for encouraging it.

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Bieber actually improved with age...despite the paparazzi troubles. This girl is going to be far worse. Encouragement on a smaller scale is fine, but if you tell her how great these are she won't ever need to improve. Happened to Lil Wayne. Will happen to a small privileged white girl.

Bieber is getting worse-his hours late entry to shows, his stupid crap about being a beleiber at the Anne Frank House.

Anyway, skilled children performing is not the same as celebrity. There have been many extremely skilled child performers in the past and if we say they should not perform then that is going to be a bad thing. The issue with celebrity culture is not to do with picking up children and letting them perform, it is to do with people being nosy gits and desiring to know the personal lives of actors/models/singers rather than just their musical talent. Provided these children are just listened to for musical talent and we don't see a massive following of their lives then it is fine. And that depends on the parents.

As for the child herself, Miss Grace is seriously clever. Seriously. An 8 year old that can hold a conversation like that...its not a case of cute = awesome but the fact she is actually a good performer and way way more mature than the average 8 year old.

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