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Back in my greater n00b days, when I first started playing this game with my brother (we live in separate houses and were therefore able to play CN together), we decided we would be a force for good and "hunt raiders".

My brother had been playing for some-time longer then I had, so he fed me cash while I released my inner war-monger and demolished n00bs with my own n00b nation. We'd tell them to stop raiding, while offering the raid'ees a place in our micro.

We got into trouble a few times, almost got smashed up by a few alliances, but never a ton of trouble. We managed to stay alive for some time..

I remember our first "alliance war", we botched a strike against another micro, and ended up getting rolled by them (not knowing about tech-deals at the time), we payed reps of 100 tech, it was a sad day. After that we ended up making friends with that micro (FoRA) and would call each-other in when needed.

Anyway, back to my thoughts on raiding. I never really liked it, I mean.. IC it's pretty messed up, you hit a n00b, grow to twice their size, do two Cautious GA's, and offer peace. You steal their tech, maybe some cash, and then go on to the next target. If they fight back you have two options:

1). Fight them solo and probably crush them.

2). Call in your alliance mates and probably crush them.

You attack a nation, steal their stuff, and get away with it, while this poor little nation is like "wtf, they can do that!?" and then they leave the game or find an alliance.

Now in TE, there's another story there, man, I loved raiding in TE. TE I think is the one place you can raid and no one is like "hey, that's not nice!", TE is an 'enter at your own risk' environment. Survival of the fittest there. So I raided my fair share in TE, but never in SE.

No, in SE I preferred the route of Rogue-buster (or raid-buster, on the rare occasion), I prefer the route of 'Hero' to be honest, which does end up getting me into trouble.

One time, I remember this player and his one-man AA DoW'd This AA 'RED' (Red Elite Defenc/se), if I recall correctly he was about 20kish NS, my brother and I were about the same, as was our friend who was playing also. At that time we were protected by Amazon Nation, but were still under the sovereignty of our own micro.

RED ended up doing nothing against this guy (SWATsomething-or-other) who had nukes and was nuking their member to bits, so we did something about it. We hit SWAT and started chopping away, a day or so later MrDamsky comes in with his micro and full-on declares war on our micro claiming a "secret treaty" with SWAT.


So we fought, Damsky with the numbers advantages, while our protectors worked on ending this debacle. Somehow we ended up having to pay reps (which we never paid, I'm sorry, but tbh I'm not), and Damsky claimed "destruction" of our micro (ehem.. no). Besides all that, we accomplished what we set out to do, protect that innocent nation of RED against the forces of evil and nukes.

That's about how-much I hate raiding and wars with crappy CB's, it's unnecessary and more detrimental to the game then a lot of things, just buy your tech and play TE, set up war-games with your friends in other AA's, no need to scare away n00bs now..


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I remember giving you guys 3m, if you are the micro I think you are. Damsky attacked you soon afterward and got annoyed at the aid he thought was directed against him (I guess it was since he decided to attack you).

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"if we just never fight a war everything will be great and the game will last forever"

That's a rather exaggerated reaction to the OP, where he described how he white-hatted a cause and went to war himself.

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In an OOC sense, raiding fits quite well with my RL survival-of-the-fittest philosophy. IC, though, I find it more entertaining to be anti-raiding and more in line of how a real politico would see the world. War should be a carefully controlled instrument, not a willy nilly slasher against others simply because they are un-protected. It also ensures that I'll always have an adversarial philosophical position to fall back on if I need it.

To take it to a higher level, I see honey-potting, or taking out raiders akin to the predator taking out commandos. The assassinator of assassins is a higher caliber of creature.

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I hated raiding in TE. Really, it sucked, they almost always fight back, and you lose more growth in the military build up than you get just by growing silently. It's so uneconomical and annoying that I'd assume a lot of 'raids' are just weak CBs.

In SE, it's also too much effort for too little gain. Maybe if you're bored or something, but recently wasted way too much money on not decomming all my soldiers in time before collection. And not worth the 15% odds of losing that hard earned $1M in a failed GA.

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I thought this was an interesting anecdote until you came along with "it's unnecessary and more detrimental to the game then a lot of things" to which I'm going to call bull. Do you know what hurts the game more than raiding? Complaining about things that you think hurt the game.

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I thought this was an interesting anecdote until you came along with "it's unnecessary and more detrimental to the game then a lot of things" to which I'm going to call bull. Do you know what hurts the game more than raiding? Complaining about things that you think hurt the game.

I'm not even complaining :rolleyes:

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