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Rogues do funny things.



There's a rogue hitting one of our few remaining tiny nations right now.

This is from his nation screen.


Yes, it appears his soldier count is higher than his supporter count.

He must have maxed his soldiers, and then sold infra.

Does he not know we can aid soldiers to his target?

He may find himself wanting to buy some troops back in the coming days...

Anyway I'd never seen a nation with negative citizens before. :)


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I've sold my infra down to get my soldiers extra high to avoid anarchy before, also I've had negative soldiers before by offering all my soldiers along with tech to someone, then the person didn't accept until after I had already lost most of my soldiers from being attacked. It was during my first war with GOONS I ended up with negative soldiers at some point.

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Jofna did that a lot. It works pretty good. I'm just wondering why he has 0 defensive casualties...

Screenshot was taken early, before our guy woke up and countered.

He's fighting our third-smallest nation, not exactly our most active guy.

I've sold my infra down to get my soldiers extra high to avoid anarchy before, also I've had negative soldiers before by offering all my soldiers along with tech to someone, then the person didn't accept until after I had already lost most of my soldiers from being attacked. It was during my first war with GOONS I ended up with negative soldiers at some point.

Wow you can do that?

The aid won't go through if you don't have enough cash or tech.

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Wow you can do that?

The aid won't go through if you don't have enough cash or tech.

Here are some of my stats I saved from when I did it,

Government Type:

Anarchy - Your citizens are rioting in the streets of your nation. They wish to be ruled by a royal family.

Total Population: 1,263 Supporters

Primary Ethnic Group: Norwegian

Population Happiness: [Your population is in love with you.] 36.38

Population Per Mile: 0.86 Population Per Mile.

Military Personnel:


-719 (-719) Soldiers (Currently experiencing a national draft.)

1,982 Working Citizens

Avg. Gross Income Per Individual Per Day: $133.15 (A solid economy)

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After the war was over, he rebought a little bit of infra and some soldiers.

Like... maybe 20 infra.

Not surprisingly, GOONS is raiding him, as he seems to have decided to not pay back the tech he owes his former alliance and has a smidgen of soldiers sitting on a bit of a mound of tech, relative to his size.

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