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First nuke, Win7, Programming.



First nuke

So yeah Let's see, yesterday I purchased a Manhattan Project Because I can and I had the money's for it. So after 965 days of playing I now have nukes, why so late? I think my relaxed play style is to blame. Or that one big war where entire Avalon was on the wrong side of the conflict which is a thing I'm still proud of.

Ugh I still remember when I started playing this game after seeing a topic on Gathering of Tweakers.


I'm using Windows 7 for a while now, I haven't much to complain really. The system that should block key-loggers is well... a pain in the $@! for things like Whatpulse or simple game trainers. There is also a thing that puts your pc in hibernation when it's not used for some time. My pc is always on and I started to notice that this hibernation thing is pretty random.

The drivers installed when you install Windows 7 aren't that perfect, my graphics card did get installed perfectly but by some shady reason OpenGL didn't work. Download install reboot ugh. The build in sound-card is also fun, only one of the six plugs work. So I can continue my download, install and reboot hobby.


Yeah I want to start learning some programming languages just for the fun of it. But can't choose between C# and C++. C# looks easy to use, C++ not so much.

Kinda think I have bored you enough by now. :awesome:


Recommended Comments

Use high performance for battery power usage and it will never hibernate.


Java is good and easy.

Download Eclipse - makes it very easy to write programs.

Object Oriented programming ftw.


Bleh Java. Do C++

Or better yet, a server scripting language like PHP

Been using PHP for a few years now.

C++ it is lol.

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I found that windows 7 crashed my computer for a lot at first. I think they updated and got rid of the problem but it was really bad because it was a new computer. I got rid of the old one because it wasn't working the way I wanted it to. Was almost a waste of money :(

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Ironfist, what exactly happened when the computer crashed? Did the screen lock and stay in that same exact position for hours on end never to respond with out rebooting? If so, I have that problem and have fixed it.

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Ironfist, what exactly happened when the computer crashed? Did the screen lock and stay in that same exact position for hours on end never to respond with out rebooting? If so, I have that problem and have fixed it.

Not quite. I pretty much got BSOD. But tbh I think because they were in the early stages it probably had a lot of things like that which didn't go down well, whether it be blue screen as I have received before or the screen locking as you said. Upgrades have eliminated the problem, it seems, but it was very concerning at first, and I was seriously considering taking it back, but it was annoying because I bought it online (I love the irony of buying computers online).

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Not quite. I pretty much got BSOD. But tbh I think because they were in the early stages it probably had a lot of things like that which didn't go down well, whether it be blue screen as I have received before or the screen locking as you said. Upgrades have eliminated the problem, it seems, but it was very concerning at first, and I was seriously considering taking it back, but it was annoying because I bought it online (I love the irony of buying computers online).

Ah...not quite the problem I had..oh well, at least you got it fixed.

Hopefully MS fixes it in Service Pack 1.

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