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haha, really? You do realize I'm the one talking to you, right? Not VA? I don't hold any power within VA. But, if you want to take your frustrations out on VA because you can't against me (as petty as that is...although not unlike you) then you just continue to prove to me and so many others that we're right about you. You attack only when you have the upper hand and refuse to do so against those that you actually have issue with.

But, hey, it's expected. If you don't drop too much too quickly, I may drop by to say hi.

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/me waits until Penkala uses the "but CSN won't let me" excuse again.

haha. nah, he wont use an excuse not to fight this time because he's fighting people he'll be able to overpower. It's Penkala's M.O...Talk big to the big boys but then attack the little guys. Kinda pathetic, but it's come to be expected.

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haha, really? You do realize I'm the one talking to you, right? Not VA? I don't hold any power within VA. But, if you want to take your frustrations out on VA because you can't against me (as petty as that is...although not unlike you) then you just continue to prove to me and so many others that we're right about you. You attack only when you have the upper hand and refuse to do so against those that you actually have issue with.

But, hey, it's expected. If you don't drop too much too quickly, I may drop by to say hi.

So you're admitting VA is weak and defenseless. Excellent.

I'm sorry to see your friends will pay for your mouth for the third time. After you surrendered last time I believe we made an agreement to stay away from each other. Unfortunately, you have broken your surrender terms. Over the past week I have noticed you nipping at my heels several times. I allowed your transgressions because it has been a while and you are of course human. It is expected that you may falter originally. But when I noticed you still nipping at me, I realized it wasn't a one-time mistake. It was intentional.

And soon, your members shall pay.

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So you're admitting VA is weak and defenseless. Excellent.

I'm sorry to see your friends will pay for your mouth for the third time. After you surrendered last time I believe we made an agreement to stay away from each other. Unfortunately, you have broken your surrender terms. Over the past week I have noticed you nipping at my heels several times. I allowed your transgressions because it has been a while and you are of course human. It is expected that you may falter originally. But when I noticed you still nipping at me, I realized it wasn't a one-time mistake. It was intentional.

And soon, your members shall pay.

haha...dude, you crack me up. And I only agreed to leave things alone as a favor to KaitlinK. It wasn't for your benefit. I believe when I let up you were crying to Kait to get help out of the wars. Also, when someone is 3,800 NS with 5 nukes, yes, you're gonna outmatch any nation you're able to fight, that's common sense.

Anywho, as I said, you attack those smaller than you instead of going after the one you actually have a problem with. It doesn't matter what alliance I'm in, I'm always gonna think you're pathetic. So, if I'd have joined Rok (which was a pretty good possibility at one point) you'd be attacking Rok nations because I called you out on your BS?

You see, the difference between you and I is that I'm not gonna attack people who aren't involved just because you are annoying. If you'd ever get big enough for me to hit, I'd just hit you. Unfortunately your ineptitude at the economics side of the game has left you too small to take AUT up on his offer and kept you out of my range. So, this way you can talk big to the bigger, more knowledgeable people and attack their smaller, less experienced allies/alliance mates. That's why you're a coward.

Eh, but I've wasted enough time on you and your mindless drivel. Walk the walk already. Well, your version of walking anyways. More of a crawl, but hey, guess beggers cant be choosers. :lol1:

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How about instead of talking the talk, you actually walk the walk, mkay?

Don't even try. You hid in peace mode the second I 'walked the walk', mkay?

haha...dude, you crack me up. And I only agreed to leave things alone as a favor to KaitlinK. It wasn't for your benefit. I believe when I let up you were crying to Kait to get help out of the wars. Also, when someone is 3,800 NS with 5 nukes, yes, you're gonna outmatch any nation you're able to fight, that's common sense.

Anywho, as I said, you attack those smaller than you instead of going after the one you actually have a problem with. It doesn't matter what alliance I'm in, I'm always gonna think you're pathetic. So, if I'd have joined Rok (which was a pretty good possibility at one point) you'd be attacking Rok nations because I called you out on your BS?

You see, the difference between you and I is that I'm not gonna attack people who aren't involved just because you are annoying. If you'd ever get big enough for me to hit, I'd just hit you. Unfortunately your ineptitude at the economics side of the game has left you too small to take AUT up on his offer and kept you out of my range. So, this way you can talk big to the bigger, more knowledgeable people and attack their smaller, less experienced allies/alliance mates. That's why you're a coward.

Eh, but I've wasted enough time on you and your mindless drivel. Walk the walk already. Well, your version of walking anyways. More of a crawl, but hey, guess beggers cant be choosers. :lol1:

No, this was the second time when you agreed to shut your mouth. And no, if you joined RoK, I would once again attack VA for your stupid comments. They are the ones that will pay when you break your word. It's simple, really. Stick to your word or I pound on VA. Again.

Hopefully this time you'll disband.

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Don't even try. You hid in peace mode the second I 'walked the walk', mkay?

No, this was the second time when you agreed to shut your mouth. And no, if you joined RoK, I would once again attack VA for your stupid comments. They are the ones that will pay when you break your word. It's simple, really. Stick to your word or I pound on VA. Again.

Hopefully this time you'll disband.

Hahahahaha. I'm sorry, that freakin cracked me up. "I don't like you so I'm gonna hit that other guy instead because you're just too big!!" :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: I think I just peed a little.

That's classic.

Oh, and by the way, I don't plan to stop annoying you...just because I know if puts your panties in such a twist. If you can't handle people calling you on your BS, maybe you're more suited for a less challenging game, like checkers.

/me is waiting for this "walking" (aka crawling) to commence

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Hahahahaha. I'm sorry, that freakin cracked me up. "I don't like you so I'm gonna hit that other guy instead because you're just too big!!" :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: I think I just peed a little.

That's classic.

Oh, and by the way, I don't plan to stop annoying you...just because I know if puts your panties in such a twist. If you can't handle people calling you on your BS, maybe you're more suited for a less challenging game, like checkers.

/me is waiting for this "walking" (aka crawling) to commence

I don't have "BS". And no, I just know what you care about, and that's what I aim to kill.

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I don't have "BS". And no, I just know what you care about, and that's what I aim to kill.

Kill you say? :D Is that like a proverbial kill? Or does it have something to do with butter-knives? In any case try not to hurt yourself, I enjoy our talks, but really, I would prefer not to see you on my table again. ;)

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Keep me out of your little children's spat, please.

Oh Aut you're so cute.

Kill you say? :D Is that like a proverbial kill? Or does it have something to do with butter-knives? In any case try not to hurt yourself, I enjoy our talks, but really, I would prefer not to see you on my table again. ;)

You have yourself a deal so long as you don't hide in peace mode this time like you did last time I came after you. Coward.

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Well you didn't come after me, so that statement is rather false, please try again.

You still hit peace mode anticipating an attack. It was rather hilarious.

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I can say with good certainty that you don't know that, you're not the center of the world as you want yourself to be, I had other things to do that day, and you'll never find out what it was because unlike you, I can keep my mouth shut if I want to.

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