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I've noticed that....



Since my side of the war has been attempting to get people to the table to negotiate every night for the last 10 days that the blog posts about how evil we are have stopped. What? Did you guys all run out of material? Or are we evil now for negotiating?

Also to TSO, your war declaration reasons on your recent feeble attempt at a counter attack (10 attacks in 13 hours) on Genesis has people in Checkmate that were receptive to working out arrangements for reps that would make exit easy on you guys change their opinions. Slapping those in the face you are at the negotiating table with is not a way to get favorable terms. Wouldn't be surprised if you saw your price tag rise in the future. Respect and civility actually goes a long way with those of us in Checkmate given the fact that most of us have been around the game for a lot longer than most and we are pretty old school in our thinking.


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"Since my side of the war has been attempting to get people to the table to negotiate every night for the last 10 days that the blog posts about how evil we are have stopped."

Correct me if I'm wrong but officials from my alliance were online and ready to negotiate last night but were told at the scheduled meeting time that your "side" would need atleast an extra day or so to talk about their next offer. So I believe your statement about being on "every night" is wrong.

Ok so let me change that. 9 out of the last 10 nights. The point is and was that the effort to end the war is underway in earnest. Occasionally parties are going to miss each other in passing.

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As for the negotiations they are being handled the way they are now in private to make sure each negotiation doesn't turn into a cluster**** like the first set did. I believe it was your side that complained about that. If you wanted to deal directly with us, nothing is stopping you from making that request. Which I have no issue with and understand your concerns. No one is "Spartaing" their way up the reps ladder. Good term by the way I chuckled :P Without giving away sensitive materials, there are some people who wanted a lot more than was originally asked. The reason it was upped from 15k, to 21k was because of the change from direct to indirect. Cash really is no issue for all our nations lets just be quite honest about that so paying us in tech indirectly really doesn't effect you that much.

As far as the disbandment claim, I based that off the inquiry about individual terms that was immediately followed by the question asking if they could go anywhere they wanted once they were out of the fight. So if I misinterpreted the request I do apologize but it was the opinion of the people in the room at the time that you guys intended to all surrender individually and then reform as a way to escape.

We have been fighting this war. And will continue to fight this war but I am a hippie at heart and always desire peace. You only got attacked by us because you attacked our allies. You can't kick a wolf and not expect the rest of the pack to come to his aid. If you didn't want to pay reps you shouldn't have started the war.

As I have stated, this isn't about continuing the war, we will fight as long as is needed. Personally I am more upset by the disrespect of the war declaration instead of you coming to us or C&G in private and telling us the offer was denied.

If at some point I choose to ask for peace I will give you the courtesy of asking you directly and not through a 3rd party. Just old school that way ;)

As for the inquiry into individual surrenders, I care about my guys and wanted to have guidelines for any who might not have had the resolve to see this to the end. You read too much into it :)


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If at some point I choose to ask for peace I will give you the courtesy of asking you directly and not through a 3rd party. Just old school that way ;)

As for the inquiry into individual surrenders, I care about my guys and wanted to have guidelines for any who might not have had the resolve to see this to the end. You read too much into it :)


My apologies for the misunderstanding on that part then.

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As for claims of "profiting" I'm ranked 5th in OSA for tech lost, which is just about 1.1K, but our total tech loses are considerably less than what we are asking in reps, add to that the serious loses we've suffered in infra and lost money and I just don't see how 7K of tech (OSA's share of the proposed reps) can be viewed as profit. Profit requires you to make more than you spend, and for OSA and Ronin that absolutely is not that case in this conflict.

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Yes, but why should TSO pay for your decision to treaty yourselves with MK and LOST and get involved in wars? They suffered losses too and you have nothing to back up your claims besides being on the "winning side" which translates on the good old "might makes right".

CnG on the other hand, were attacked pre-emptivelly and fully deserve reparations, it wasn't their choice to be involved in this part of the war. You made your choice when you signed the treaty with MK and LOST and now you want to make someone else pay for it.

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Schatt, Titus is longbowe. Ex founder of Valhalla, ex TOP grand hospitaller and hegemon of ViP.

I'm just curious why you think you guys deserve reps. I believe Eldar took more damage than you guys, and they didn't ask for reps. And don't get me started on GATO. but the question is, why are you guys so special?

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I don't know if Titus was in TOP when I was, but I don't remember any tears.

I was indeed, though I don't exactly understand what you mean.

BEazy, however, is right. I'm better know as Longbowe.

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For an alliance of 31 nations we have had at least 70 wars. So your facts again are skewed.

Sorry, but I saw the similarity in members and I have to say TORN is 31 members strong as well and we have had 344 wars total. :smug:

Forgive us preemptors with being somewhat unimpressed with <70. Just to be clear that is you're average of a little more than 2 per nation, and our average of a little more than 11 per nation. I think we are coming from two very different places with very different conceptions of what constitutes a lot of wars, simply as a function of having more targets and a hell of a lot more defensive wars. :P Btw, don't get me wrong, we love having that many wars, I'm just saying our judgments of magnitude are radically different given the facts.

I think perhaps that is what the disconnect stems from. TSO is pretty outraged because they are looking at their reps in the context of all the alliances they will have to pay off. They fought other alliances more, and the "injustice" comes from the fact that in the context of the larger war they see you as a relatively minor player (please don't take that to offense, I'm simply saying from a proportion of wars declared perspective) and yet you have asked for fully half of what CnG did.

Our members had the same problem with IAA. It is about justice after a smackdown. For all of us this was a smackdown, and you add insult to injury by demanding to recover proportionally more of your loses than the originally violated alliances, CnG. Our members have all taken much greater hits than yours, and yet you guys are asking for punitive reps even though you are not the one originally attacked. I say punitive (and i mean punishment here) because why else would the amount go up if it is indirect tech. If you are seeking reps for rebuilding, it does not matter where they come from. I think they are rejecting your right, as an unoffended alliance, to seek reps which are intended to keep them down.

I think there is probably room for negotiation, you guys just need to try and view their situation holistically rather than only focusing on your own gain.

Also, in before "we don't need to do anything" "they deserve punishment for attacking on an oA" and "they are in no position to dictate".

Edit: added stuff

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Sorry, but I saw the similarity in members and I have to say TORN is 31 members strong as well and we have had 344 wars total. :smug:

Forgive us preemptors with being somewhat unimpressed with <70. Just to be clear that is you're average of a little more than 2 per nation, and our average of a little more than 11 per nation. I think we are coming from two very different places with very different conceptions of what constitutes a lot of wars, simply as a function of having more targets and a hell of a lot more defensive wars. :P Btw, don't get me wrong, we love having that many wars, I'm just saying our judgments of magnitude are radically different given the facts.

You can't attack people in peace mode and for most of this war 70% of TSO has been at one time. And now most of them are out of our nations range. But if you find a way to hit nations in peace mode hit me up with a PM!!!! THANKS

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You can't attack people in peace mode and for most of this war 70% of TSO has been at one time. And now most of them are out of our nations range. But if you find a way to hit nations in peace mode hit me up with a PM!!!! THANKS

Cool story bro! I'll be sure to hit you up when I figure out how to bend the game mechanics.

I'm aware of the difficulty in targeting. I would imagine their slots being constantly filled was also an issue in getting off wars. My comparison wasn't to disparage you, though admittedly it was to brag a little. The point was, you guys likely did not take up proportionally very much of the wars they fought, therefore it is somewhat insulting to them that an alliance which did proportionally less fighting is asking for proportionally more reps as compared to the other alliances they fought more heavily. I am remarking on the differences of perception, not on checkmate's zeal for war.

Not everything is a slight against you dude. Don't be so quick to take things in the worst possible way.

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Cool story bro! I'll be sure to hit you up when I figure out how to bend the game mechanics.

I'm aware of the difficulty in targeting. I would imagine their slots being constantly filled was also an issue in getting off wars. My comparison wasn't to disparage you, though admittedly it was to brag a little. The point was, you guys likely did not take up proportionally very much of the wars they fought, therefore it is somewhat insulting to them that an alliance which did proportionally less fighting is asking for proportionally more reps as compared to the other alliances they fought more heavily. I am remarking on the differences of perception, not on checkmate's zeal for war.

Not everything is a slight against you dude. Don't be so quick to take things in the worst possible way.

We did a lot of the upper-tier damage. Just like I said it's hard to hit when most are not in range anymore. I watched how much damage our top guys did. ;)

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We did a lot of the upper-tier damage. Just like I said it's hard to hit when most are not in range anymore. I watched how much damage our top guys did. ;)

Oooh, nations with 4+ wars took more damage than you did? :o Do tell! ;D

No seriously, I have nothing against you guys, but if you want reparations you should not cry about a "feeble attempt at a counter attack ", but show us how to fight :D

Anyways, I'll continue having fun with you on the battlefield :D

<3 Nolissar

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Oooh, nations with 4+ wars took more damage than you did? :o Do tell! ;D

No seriously, I have nothing against you guys, but if you want reparations you should not cry about a "feeble attempt at a counter attack ", but show us how to fight :D

Anyways, I'll continue having fun with you on the battlefield :D

<3 Nolissar

There was no crying. This blog seriously came about as something to distract me from arguing healthcare.

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