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Green Muffins Up to No Good



Today, Green Muffins called a few people on skype. Asking them to join a "Secret Spy alliance." I do not believe he was doing it for his alliance. Out of his own stupidity, Green Muffins was just trying to spy on people. Now we all know that he probably could have got someone in your alliance to send him and his secret spy alliance to send you a picture of your "How to Buy infra guide" That every alliance has. My point is. Green Muffins of Athens is trying to spy on people, so keep an eye out. He may contact your members ect.

tldr; Green Muffins of Athens was trying to start a spying alliance

Thank You,



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Even though Green Muffins is a colossal idiot, this does seem a bit troubling. As my colleague has already said;

I hope Green Muffins will be appropriately reprimanded for this since we have already established that spying or attempting to spy is a very serious deal met with harsh consequences.

And the idiot parade continues.

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He has been handled. Don't worry about it. This issue is dead in our minds. I suggest Joss and his little friend Rey do the same.

I just call !@#$%^&* when I see it. Sorry.

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Are you REALLY this stupid? Or are you just pretending, because you dont want to give up the idiotic position you already took on this? No, you are COMPLETELY right..its EXACTLY the same thing TPF did. Minus the actual existence of the alliance, minus the government involvement in the alliance...and minus any actual intentions of said alliance existing. Yep..EXACTLY the same.

It was all planning. The only difference is that one is a joke (remember, terroristic threatening in a joking manner can still be prosecutable)

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As do we. Non Issue that has been handled by our government against our member. Sorry.

So TPF get rolls for planning Spying but Muffins gets told to quit it?

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As do we. Non Issue that has been handled by our government against our member. Sorry.

It effects far more than your internal policies when outsiders are invited to skype calls.

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Again, the phrase blithering idiot comes to mind. And I dont mean GM this time oddly enough.

You're the one whose logic is solely "I SWEAR TO GOD IT'S A JOKE"

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It effects far more than your internal policies when outsiders are invited to skype calls.

I can only assume that there is a part of "NON ISSUE" that you don't get. Basically, a non issue means that we told him to stop talking like an idiot. Not one of us..NOT ONE OF US...just to be clear... gave even 1 second of consideration to the fact that he was even one bit serious. So in the interest of being diplomatic, I will say to everyone spouting "zomg GM wants to spai" idiocy in this thread.... We did what needed to be done, you may now all carry on with your retardation.

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Are you REALLY this stupid? Or are you just pretending, because you dont want to give up the idiotic position you already took on this? No, you are COMPLETELY right..its EXACTLY the same thing TPF did. Minus the actual existence of the alliance, minus the government involvement in the alliance...and minus any actual intentions of said alliance existing. Yep..EXACTLY the same.

You're right. Minus the fact this is happening now, not eight months ago, minus the fact that this didn't occur during a time when you were losing a war, and well that's about it...

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So pointing out hypocrisy is stupid?

Why yes, yes you are being retardedly stupid over something retardedly more stupid than a racial epithet being hurled at Grub in your public channel. This incident is equal to or greater than that retardedness.

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You're right. Minus the fact this is happening now, not eight months ago, minus the fact that this didn't occur during a time when you were losing a war, and well that's about it...

Hey Mr. Damsky, wanna be part of my spy alliance? Come on Skype, we can discuss it.

C wut I did thar?

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I can only assume that there is a part of "NON ISSUE" that you don't get. Basically, a non issue means that we told him to stop talking like an idiot. Not one of us..NOT ONE OF US...just to be clear... gave even 1 second of consideration to the fact that he was even one bit serious. So in the interest of being diplomatic, I will say to everyone spouting "zomg GM wants to spai" idiocy in this thread.... We did what needed to be done, you may now all carry on with your retardation.

Ill give you a list of people whom where in this call: mhawk, Havok, Myself, Saltar, GreenMuffins, CptBlck, WickedJ and Silver Empress. When I join the call. After Saltar had been asked to join the alliance, I asked them if they where serious. They said yes. I then Quired Havok warning him. Those are a lot of Foriegners from Athens in the call. I believe only myself Havok and Saltar spoke to CptBlck and Green Muffins. This is a foriegn matter not an internal matter. And unless you are supporting the creation of a Spy alliance Rush, You cant say that their isn't anything wrong with this.

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Why yes, yes you are being retardedly stupid over something retardedly more stupid than a racial epithet being hurled at Grub in your public channel. This incident is equal to or greater than that retardedness.

Backtracking much? I didn't mean to fluster you so. Besides let's not make this about \m/ because it's not about \m/, as disappointing as that may sound to you.

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I can only assume that there is a part of "NON ISSUE" that you don't get. Basically, a non issue means that we told him to stop talking like an idiot. Not one of us..NOT ONE OF US...just to be clear... gave even 1 second of consideration to the fact that he was even one bit serious. So in the interest of being diplomatic, I will say to everyone spouting "zomg GM wants to spai" idiocy in this thread.... We did what needed to be done, you may now all carry on with your retardation.

That's nice, none of you thought he was being serious. It's all good then and we're all completely out of order for DARING to suggest that inviting people to spy should be seriously addressed.

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They can't win the argument so they have to resort to baseless ad hominem attacks.

There is absolutely no argument to be won. In the end, Joss knows it was just GM being GM. His "public service message" in this blog was for no other purpose than to lob at jab at GM because the 2 have had issues for a while now. And GM, not being the brightests bulb on the string, exacerbates the problem, and oft times makes it EASY to do this sort of thing, because he gives less than .0000001 seconds of thought to anything he says. EVERYONE who knows him, knows this. And I will say one more time...so it cannot be misunderstood... Marx...Damsky...Joss...ANYONE...who even for ONE second believed that this was "real"....is in need of a full time drool cup holder.

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Hey Mr. Damsky, wanna be part of my spy alliance? Come on Skype, we can discuss it.

C wut I did thar?

Your argument is crumbling underneath your feet. Don't fall from the penthouse to the 3rd floor!

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Ill give you a list of people whom where in this call: mhawk, Havok, Myself, Saltar, GreenMuffins, CptBlck, WickedJ and Silver Empress. When I join the call. After Saltar had been asked to join the alliance, I asked them if they where serious. They said yes. I then Quired Havok warning him. Those are a lot of Foriegners from Athens in the call. I believe only myself Havok and Saltar spoke to CptBlck and Green Muffins. This is a foriegn matter not an internal matter. And unless you are supporting the creation of a Spy alliance Rush, You cant say that their isn't anything wrong with this.

I dont care if Jesus Christ, God, Allah, and Almight Admin himself were in the call..GET IT...I dont care. Dont care who was on the grassy knoll...dont care if we landed on the moon or not... This conspiracy, is roughly as credible as those alluded to earlier. And yes...Joss...given your history... Im sure if he WERE serious..he would have told YOU. I mean..why wouldnt he...its such a loving relationship. The REALLY sad part about ALL of this... is YOU are better than this. At least, I once thought you were. Time, I suppose, to rethink that.

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Your argument is crumbling underneath your feet. Don't fall from the penthouse to the 3rd floor!

Which argument is that? The one that GM is never serious about anything? Nope..that argument is solid as a rock.

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There is absolutely no argument to be won. In the end, Joss knows it was just GM being GM. His "public service message" in this blog was for no other purpose than to lob at jab at GM because the 2 have had issues for a while now. And GM, not being the brightests bulb on the string, exacerbates the problem, and oft times makes it EASY to do this sort of thing, because he gives less than .0000001 seconds of thought to anything he says. EVERYONE who knows him, knows this. And I will say one more time...so it cannot be misunderstood... Marx...Damsky...Joss...ANYONE...who even for ONE second believed that this was "real"....is in need of a full time drool cup holder.

So if this was anyone else they would be ZI'd? In a week GM will forget that this even happend and probably do it in another month. Also, Who hasnt been annoyed by GM? You are basically are condoning Muffins actions Rush.


Joss <3

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Which argument is that? The one that GM is never serious about anything? Nope..that argument is solid as a rock.

The one where you were slinging ad hominems like a BOGO sale.

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