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February Notice


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Hello I am Ukradic Head of Foreign Affairs for CON

UTOPOS joined the CON under false pretenses and he has been told to drop the CON AA

KILLThemALL was paired with UTOPOS in one of our Mentor programs and he had not recieved the message that UTOPOS is no longer CON before the aid had been sent. That was the mix up with the Aid.

to Clarify

CON does not support UME We are a strong supporter of IRON

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UTOPOS .... has been told to drop the CON AA


To: GrandMahout From: An Ard Rí Date: 2/5/2009 5:14:31 PM

[...]If you wish to continue being a member of CON, it would be wise to explain yourself on our forums, www.the-con.org. Otherwise cease using our AA. You have 24 hours to respond.


With Contrite apologies and other information, you're confusing your utoposes here.


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UME understands that CON cannot support both us and IRON and demands that CON make a formal announcement with full government weight as to which way they are going to go. If they go with IRON we demand they finish paying us the funds we agreed upon on.

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UME understands that CON cannot support both us and IRON and demands that CON make a formal announcement with full government weight as to which way they are going to go. If they go with IRON we demand they finish paying us the funds we agreed upon on.

I have a question

if your ghosting IRON

and IRON has to pay the funds to UME

Don't you have to pay funds to yourself?

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UME understands that CON cannot support both us and IRON and demands that CON make a formal announcement with full government weight as to which way they are going to go. If they go with IRON we demand they finish paying us the funds we agreed upon on.

By we do you mean UME or the The Opposition Party within the New Mahout Order of the United Mahouts of Epicaricacy or The AntiOpposition Party within the New Mahout Order of the United Mahouts of Epicaricacy or just some parties, or all of the above.....oh no I've gone crosseyed.....

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