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Conference of North and Central American Affairs


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OOC: Official thread on the conference.  Obviously all those involved in current IC operation over former Mexican land and those making DoEs should be in here.  Also, you're all automatically here if you decide to attend.  




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MEXICO CITY, MEXICO - Today's top story is various delegations arriving in Mexico City today on how to proceed forward with the security of former Mexican territory after the recent collapse of the Mexican government.  Top officials from various North American nations as well as local Mexican officials and other North American independent groups have arrived at Benito Juarez International Airport amid a heavy security presence by Hudson Bay Federation Marines occupying parts of the city that has largely been without a sizable security presence for sometime.  The spread of various movements and wary officials from established nations have sparked the need of this meeting today in the heart of Mexico.



Private -


Chancellor Welks and Foreign Minister Rolan would arrive in Mexico City without much pomp and circumstance as their government Learjet touched down at the airport.  The small convoy of armored SUVs would whisk them to the National Place, also an area with significant presence of security, but obviously more formal suits than regular solider uniforms were present.  FSIA would be on hand to screen the room of bugs as well as screen all representatives of electronics before entering the meeting.  Secure communications back anyone's respective government would be handled by FSIA.


After a short meet and greet with all the delegates, Welks would begin.  "Ladies and gentlemen, I wish the circumstances of our meeting were different; however, the fall of Mexico has pressed our nation's hand along with others.  I hope our time here is productive and hopefully everyone here comes out with something they may like.  We'll begin once all those that were specifically invited are here to being and we'll discuss."

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A Lyran Commonwealth diplomat with his security team present would travel to the conference's location as the Archon felt that the subject being held at the conference could effect South America. As such the diplomat and his team would settle in at the conference after passing the basic screening and listen in to Chancellor Welks as he started the conference off. 

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Ellen, Carnegie, and a Kansas politico by the name of Arthur Sullivan arrived at the conference as the representatives of the Republic, a quartet of Elizabeth Stratton's best guarding the Learjet that brought them all. Making their way to the seat allotted to them by the organizers, the trio waited for the conference to start, notepads in hand, eyes darting about the room as they took stock of their compatriots.

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The Lyran Commonwealth diplomat would never actually set foot in the meeting in Mexico for very long as the plane with met with a squad of heavily armed Marines in armored vehicles with HMGs. They allowed the diplomat and his security team to stretch his legs near the plane as Federation Air Force personnel would refuel the plane and ordered it to depart with the diplomat inside.    An invitation to the Lyran Commonwealth was never given as the proper audiences were announced privately to the appropriate parties.  The conference had a specific focus and it didn't include South America at this time.


Diplomatic Cable
To: Lyran Commonwealth
From: Hudson Bay Embassy - Mexico City
You did not bring the cake that was required to attend.  Also, no, just no.
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From Faraway, a quartet, consisting out of Ephraim Halliwell, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cecilia Alcott, Duchess of Windsor and Lord Protector of the Realm, Dorothy Alcott, her sister, Governor-General of Sleepy Hollow and Commander of the Northern Army and Lady Hanobel, Commander of the Lake Saint Clair Army, would be sent, as representatives of Faraway's political elite and the Realm's interests. They were accompanied by a few Royal Guards in their red uniforms, with their black caps, who however patiently waited in front of the conference building, trusting that the Hudson Bay Federation was ensuring the safety of the conference. The feelings were mixed on what would be a satisfactory outcome, but to all of the four was clear, the conference was the best way to approach the issues that came with the political vacuum.

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Secretary McNutt and the delegation from the American Commonwealth arrived, consisting of several aides and senior diplomats and military personnel as well as some DSS agents, although overall security was left to the Hudson Bay Federation.  None knew what was in store at this conference but the hope was that some stability would result out of it to deal with the Mexican collapse.

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While the Native Mexican government had hoped for a quick recognition of status to begin properly begin their administrative efforts once more. They were not naive enough to believe it could be accomplished without the proper details of discussion among the powers arrayed with an interest in Mexican lands. It was no surprise to learn of the Hudson Bay initiating an international conference within the capital; and to a degree it was relieving to most of the delegated officials within the party who were more concerned with returning to their districts to restore the balance of powers needed. It was as such that former Presidential candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador would head the Mexican delegation sent to the conference across the city. Given he had nearly won two previous elections in the Nations better years he was considered a widely experienced and likable man within the country who would bring legitimacy to the fledgling Mexican regime taking shape.


Alongside him would be Anthony di Maria Bourbon, the great grandson of the former Monarch of New Spain Enrique Bourbon... widely known for disinheriting himself from his families great wealth in order to pursue a life in service to the government free of the long held bonds of his family name. He worked hard and rose to the position of District Attorney in the capital and was widely credited with the reduction of crime within the city and more importantly, culling the drug trade that used to plague the region. His contributions to the delegation were to provide a technical knowledge of the region as well as discussing means to coordinate relief throughout the nation alongside other domestic concerns.


Lastly, Patricio Inocencio Ramires would bring to bear the diplomatic prowess to bear as a nationally renowned scholar and diplomat within Mexico. Although he never officially served the former regime he often times acted as an adviser to previous administrations on various national security and foreign policy matters. However, with the nation in turmoil he found himself forced to abandon his position at University and answer his countries pleas for governing. He would provide knowledge to the team to asses and address whatever concerns the arriving delegations would bring to bear.


As the members of foreign governments and emerging ones began arriving into the conference room the native Mexican delegation would take their seats in the conference room and begin pouring over documents to get an idea what each of the groups were aiming to achieve at the conference. They would greet each delegation with a smile as the entered "Hola y bienvenidos a México mis amigos."

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The delegation from Florida would be lead by Alistair Moore, a former business man turned politician who since before the fall of Mexico, had been planning to discuss the terms of Independence for Florida, Alabama and Georgia. Conflicting claims from a dozen or so parties however had necessitated that he attend this conference in a bid to secure the Independence of the states. He had garnered majority support in all three of the states, but kept his campaign a low profile thing as to avoid becoming the target of potential assassins from competing claimants.


The rest of the small group came from Alabama and Georgia to present a united front for those concerned. With them, they held the results of a dozen unofficial polls taken by the people of the states which voted at around 70% in favour, for the formation of a unified, independent nation.


Taking their seats amongst the rulers of these nations was quite unnerving for him and a new experience, having only dealt with smaller, local politicians, he was woefully aware of how futile his request would be, if it would even be heard at all. He would wait for the conference to begin.

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Mexico City was arguably a proxy entity of Hudson Bay for the time being since the new Mexican government was just forming and was not quite able to provide for full security of the city.  While the full strength of Federation 2nd Marine Division was visibly present in Mexico City from where the meeting was, to major embassies and the airport.  15,000 Marines were tasked with various security issues including Port of Entry duty at the airport and military air traffic controllers controlled the main airport traffic.  Several blocks around the National Palace was blocked and security cordons were placed on every street.  Foot traffic was even checked and vetted with pat down searches.  Counter sniper teams were quite visible and in the background were several special operations teams on standby.



*Back in the meeting*


"While we wait for the Confederation of MidAmerica delegates arrive, let's begin this meeting shall we," began Welks.  "Since we have the new Mexican government delegates here, let's start with the formation and territorial claims of the new Mexican government. I apologize to the Mexican delegates for the large Federation troop presence; however, we're hoping that your proposal is reasonable with requesting the historic claim of Mexican territory.  I do wish to hear."


"I also welcome our delegates from Faraway and the American Commonwealth, a pleasure to see you here."


"And lastly, all the rest of the delegates from various areas seeking independence, we'll hear you out as well."

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The Mexican delegation was delighted that their issue would be at the forefront of the Conferences discussions, knowing that the conference could quickly fall apart once the more complicated issues north of the Rio Grande began to be discussed. As Chancellor Welks began speaking, the delegation would listen before Andres looked towards his colleagues and remarked "better we iron out our details before things get nasty in here." A few seconds would pass as Patricio rose out of his seat and began speaking.


"Mr. Welks, we are honored to be selected as the starting point of these discussions. While we're a bit weary of such a large presence of troops in our cities, we're also somewhat relieved as the sizable presence has kept the streets relatively calm. Albeit, we are looking forward to the day when Mexican troops can once more be charged with the task of securing our borders... until that time however, the Federations forces are appreciated. That being said, our claims are relatively simple. We only seek our homelands of Mexico and Cuba as sovereign territory... these lands being ones held by many years by Mexican hands. Additionally, we seek to restore the protectorate rights our nation once held over Southern American territories. As our nation still holds a number of economic interests in the area and it would create a bit of an economic shock to suddenly loose these lands... no doubt you'd all understand that such a shock could create a depression, or worse yet, another collapse of our government. " He would pause and quickly eye over the Northern American delegations before continuing. "Now with the variety of nations rising in North America, we feel it would be best to take a step back from the Northern American territories as a whole, and leave it to the rest of you to decide. We will not infringe on the rights of any Nations making claims north of the Rio Grande."


As he finished he would look back towards the Federation delegation and took note of Foreign Minister Rolan sitting calmly listening to him speak... as he retook his seat, he wondered if he'd made a positive impression on the delegates and more importantly, that their claims would be accepted.

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A special session of the Confederate Congress was called over the weekend to create the Department of Foreign Affairs. Congressman Collins of Houston was elected to be the first Secretary of State of the confederation. After he officially resigned his position as a legislator, Collins became the first person to receive a non-military appointment outside of the congress. After a long time of careful consideration and lengthy debate, Secretary of State Collins flew to Mexico City to meet with the other delegates and representatives of the new North American nations and the Hudson Bay Federation where he would come and take his place at the conference. Secretary Collins would apologize for coming late and then express his gratitude for being invited.

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Alistair Moore stood briefly and began to speak.

"Ladies, Gentlemen, my name is Alistair Moore, a civilian representative of the citizens residing in Florida, Alabama and Georgia. I come here today seeking to gain Independence in those states and to form a Republic with elections to be held the following weeks after a constitution is drafted and signed. With me i have several, recurring unofficial opinion polls taken by most people in the states of voting age which wish overwhelmingly to be part of a unified, independent nation state. It is my wish for you great powers of the Americas can deliberate and perhaps grant us our request."

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Mark Collins, the newly appointed Secretary of State of the confederation would stand when it was his turn to talk. The thirty-five year old buttoned his black blazer and straightened his red tie as he looked out to the diplomats and delegates around him. "My fellow representatives, I hail from the Confederation of MidAmerica - a confederation of twenty-one independent nations throughout the regions of Texas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma. While the separate governments throughout these regions do not agree on everything they did all unequivocally accept that they need to stick together even if they do not get along. After careful consideration and weeks of planning they came together and formed a congress to represent all of the nations which now has its seat in Austin. Our military is up and running, getting thousands of recruits by the day, and the economy is slowly getting back on track as we try to open up borders and keep our fellow citizens calm."


Mark gazed over the crowd and continued his speech as he seemed to look every delegate in the eye. "It is without doubt that the Hudson Bay Federation has done an irrefutably fantastic job of ensuring the stability of North America and because of that we are all in their debt. However, after being in their unique and specifically peaceful care the Confederation of MidAmerica is strong enough to stand on its feet and look the world in the eye with surety. Like my fellow representatives who spoke before me, those of whom I wish to recognize on behalf of my countrymen, I ask all of you and the Hudson Bay Federation for the recognition of the Confederation of MidAmerica. Thank you all, and I look forward to working with all of you in the near future."

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Secretary McNutt sat and listened to the representatives speak outlining their desires for independent nations.  Reflecting on each case as well as the briefing he had back in Washington D.C. regarding acceptable courses pertaining to the Commonwealth's national policy he stood up to speak.


"I'd like to say it is good to see us all come together to discuss the issues that have plagued this continent since the fall of the former Mexican government.  Reviewing the petition of the New Mexican government, we have no objections to their proposals.  Similarly we have no problems with the proposals of the representatives of the Confederation of MidAmerica.  As for our esteemed neighbors to the south east and on the Florida panhandle, we are glad to see the opportunity to already form a stable government in an area the Commonwealth has recently secured and we will offer what assistance we can to help get this process started".  Finishing, McNutt sat back down and awaited the decisions of the other nations.

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Arthur Sullivan stood up, adjusting his glasses before he began to speak. "My name is Arthur Sullivan, and my associates and I represent the Republic of American States, an entity encompassing the portions of Colorado and New Mexico east of the Divide, Kansas, Nebraska, Montana, Iowa, Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, Mississippi, North and South Dakota, Illinois and Indiana. There were a number of other states on that roster, however some have seen other movements arise in them, such as the citizens in Florida, Alabama and Georgia. We have parted amicably, and a Constitutional ratification is currently well underway in the remaining areas. The interim government has sent my colleagues and I to ask those gathered here for their recognition. We'd also like to thank the Federation for helping us police our lands while we are getting organized." he said, nodding towards the Federation's representative and sitting back down.

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After a small internal dispute in the Faraway delegation, regarding who was to speak, as both the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Commander of Operation Maize Field claimed to have the right to represent Faraway at the conference, Cecilia Alcott took it upon herself to talk for her country.


"The Faraway Realm sees no problems in a possible continuation of a Mexican Republic in the borders outlined by the Mexican representatives. In regards to their request for the former South american protectorate, Faraway cannot say it has a say in that matter, nor do we think this is within the scope of the conference. We would however recommend the Mexicans to work together with local governments, especially as it seems local governments partially made inroads into the unorganised area."


"In regards to the two Confederations, Faraway does not yet have a policy, but we trust in the ability of the American Commonwealth and the Hudson Bay Federation to judge correctly these movements. "


"In regards to the remaining area, Faraway currently holds the opinion that more time should be put into investigating this Republic of American States. Since the first proclamation of this movement, many splinter movements have formed and who knows how many more are to come. Additionally, we are currently a slight bit worried about recent events connected to the Republic of American States, which had a destabilising effect on the protectorates and seemed to be less cooperative and far more confrontational in nature. Should the foreign policy of any state resulting from these lands hold similar confrontational views, it may be a destabilising factor for all North and Central American politics. Thus, we would advocate for now, to have the lands remain protectorate space, partitioned between the Hudson Bay Federation, the American Commonwealth and the Faraway Realm for each to administer their part. We see this as the most stable solution for the continent."

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"The only 'destabilizing incident' to date in the RAS has been that of your own making, Faraway. Your restriction of our citizens' rights is concerning, to say the least. You are actively denying their right to self-determination for your own ends, and I would ask that you allow us the chance to govern ourselves before taking it upon yourselves to administer to us." Sullivan countered calmly, a most pleasant, non-confrontational expression upon his face. "If by 'incidents' in our country you refer to your own forces' forceful dissolution of any gathering of individuals for any purpose at all, then yes, there have been incidents. However, despite your interference, Wisconsin and Montana have both ratified the Constitution as of this time, as has Illinois." he finished, and turned to the rest of the room at large.


"We ask the rest of your careful consideration before blithely condemning us as Faraway seemingly has."

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Lady Hanobel simply shook her head. "These people are not your citizens. You are not even a state and we would recommend you to not refer to people living under our administration as your citizens. We refuse to acknowledge any claims you have on territory held by the Royal Faraway Army. Additionally, we do not think that any constitution of a non-state, is forcing us to do anything. It is but a scrap of paper, as long as your Republic acts the way it does. A state needs a defined territory, a defined population, the authority over these two and the ability to interact with other states as a sovereign entity. I'd like to ask you to point out how your movement can boast to have any of these, before laying claims to our protectorate space."


"Faraway would also like to point out, that a constitutional assembly equals not a general will to form this state and we would like to ask that, given the incredible amount of people concerned, the Republic first of all proves its claim of being representative of the people, by gathering at least one and a half million signatures from the protectorate. For an entity that actually is representative of the people, gathering this many signatures from the millions of inhabitants that actually live in the borders you lined out. Until then, have a good day."


Lady Hanobel sat down again, trying hard to not let a smug grin show on her face.

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Moore stood up once again.


"Whilst now more an observer than anything after our request was granted by the American Commonwealth, I believe that instead of shooting poisoned barbs at each other and your policies, you sit down and hammer out an agreement over the territory that is under dispute. It would benefit the people more than potential violence and civil disorder."

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Sullivan smiled pleasantly, and pulled from his jacket a datapad. "Very well then. It is just as well that we do, indeed, have such signatures. Due to the nature of our to-be election system, a direct e-democracy where a member of the nation can log in from their home or place of business to cast a ballot, petitions are also done in much the same way. As such, ladies and gentlemen, if it please you I would like to direct your attention to the Republican website, where I am about to post a petition for a declaration of national existence, asking each citizen "he said, emphasizing the word very softly,"interested in self-determination and belonging to a greater nation as a whole, to please log in and register their vote. In addition, "he said, punching up another screen on his pad, "I am broadcasting the request to local news agencies in three, two..." he said, before clearing his throat. "Ladies and Gentlemen of the territories that wish to be known as the Republic of American States, I am Arthur Sullivan, your interim Secretary of State. I come to you with a request - log in to your votenet accounts, and participate in the petition we need to gain recognition from our fellow nations. Thank you." he said, hitting the send button, and turning back to the rest of the room. "I daresay we shall start seeing the results of this in the next five minutes to the next hour. It is, after all, dinner time in the Republic."

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Foreign Minister Rolan grimly noted the escalated situation unfolding before the conference as he conferred with Welks in a ear whisper on the requests from Mexico.


"Silence, representatives.  Calm down the accusations before I eject both of you from the conference.  Stay on subject," firmly stated Welks.  "Mister Ramires, we have no objection from your humble requests and would like to invite your delegates behind closed doors with Minister Rolan here to finalize this mutual understanding."


Minister Rolan rose from his seat and motioned the Mexican delegation to an adjoining door where a drafted document formalizing the formation of the new Mexico would be signed. Afterwards, the Mexicans were allowed to leave or stay as they desired.   


EDIT: Due to breach of electronic etiquette during a private, sensitive meeting, FSIA agents did cull the intended transmission of a message by hiding all wireless broadcast emissions by spoofing the any hardware device to not receive a signal. Only authorized messages to one's government officials supplied by FSIA hardware was only allow, as mention before entering the meeting area.

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Sullivan stowed his datapad, careful not to disturb the plugin satellite transceiver while he did so. He frowned, wondering why his transmission had not gone through, and made his way to an FSIA agent to call the capital in Missouri.

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OOC: Don't try to get around it, the Federation Security Intelligence Agency was RP'd to check-in all electronics before entering.  Learn to read and please do not try to circumvent my version of the NSA, it will not end well.


IC: Welks would speak again, "Well now send Mexico and Central America is dealt with... may I said that our officials at the embassy streamlined today's process well beforehand.  It now comes to talk about the various partitions of the old Mexican protectorate.  My administration has agreed to the Pacific Coast partition by Cascadia, but obviously we have most of our work cut out east of the Continental Divide and the East Coast.


I would personally like to state my vision of things east of the Continental Divide at this time.  Our established partners with Faraway and the American Commonwealth are great partners of ours in this crisis that broke out after Mexico fell... and now, understandably have some reservations with movements in our established security zones.  Would I be wrong representatives from Faraway and the Commonwealth?"




Arthur Sullivan would be allowed on a FSIA approved device to communicate with officials back in Missouri.  It would be a basic laptop with email connectivity and access to some websites; however, access to any social media or media sites was particularly blocked.




In the room next door with the Mexican delegation, Minister Rolan showed them the agreement that Hudson Bay agreed upon with Mexican officials just sometime before the conference.


"Sorry for the delay gentlemen," spoke Rolan as he pulled out a shot of scotch, "Such are our formalities for getting things on paper and all.  While Faraway and the Commonwealth haven't projected their forces this far, we thought it to be fair to send some folks down to see how bad it was.  Thankfully, we like what we saw coming from the ashes."


"So, sign down here and we're good to go," continued Rolan, "Your welcome to stay for the rest of the conference if you wish; however, by all means, you're free to go.  We'll have our forces out by the end of the month."

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