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MoG[Corp] Headquarters, Tripoli, Libya - *first, a few moments of static, before a screen showing simply eyes* "I am Mogar, and today, March 14th marks the first day the people of our great nation can rest easily knowing they are safe under the watchful eye of MoG[Corp] security forces, without having to worry about being needlessly beaten or abused by an oppressive regime, people have celebrated all day today, and tonight I will be having a fireworks display to celebrate our victory over them, anyone still unemployed should go to their nearest MoG[Store] and fill out paperwork for a public works job, we will pay you simply to help improve our nation, every citizen of Mogatopia deserves a job and we will ensure anyone willing to work will be given a job. I intend to provide Mogatopia with massive public works projects over the next few months, help us help everyone, and together we will all reach a brighter future, I would like to thank you for your support in removing the previous regime, and I promise to provide everything I can for each and every one of you." *static*
:classified: as the cameraman gestured to let Mogar know he was off air, he turned to Ayano Makoto with a grin, "how was that for my first public address?" looking up from the paperwork in her hands, "not so bad, you'll have to get used to it pretty quickly, I dont want to have to be the face of MoG[Corp] forever!" she said with a wink.

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Outside of Tripoli, Mogatopia - Today, MoG[Corp] has begun construction on a complex of Water desalination plants, with intended output of 1,000,000 gallons per day per plant, with 3 currently planned. more than 100,000 unemployed Citizens have been given jobs constructing canals to bring water from these plants further into the nation, with the intent of adding thousands of acres of farmland, and allowing the population to have clean fresh water anywhere in the country.

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Tripoli, Libya, Mogatopia - MoG[Pharmaceuticals] has announced a new drug to be released today, called Soma, selling for roughly $1 per pill, this drug will make you feel less stressed and able to relax and feel painfree for 4 to 6 hours, you will also experience heightened creativity, and heightened feelings of happiness and sexuality, and overall enjoy your life far more than without taking the pill, supplies have already begun to be released to MoG[Stores] all over the country, and will be available for export shortly, contact MoG[Corp] headquarters to order today!
:Classified: the components that make Soma are as follows, THC extracted from Marijuana, Oxycodone, and a mild dose of MDMA as well as a 50 micrograms dose of Lithium, all blended together to make the perfect drug.

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Ras Adjir, Mogatopia - Refugees have begun to pour into Mogatopia out of Tunisia, MoG[Security] has been forced to close the border and Diplomats have attempted to contact Tunis, so far to no avail, MoG[Corp] has begun to process the refugees and will continue to try contacting Tunisia's government, stay with MoG[News] as this develops.

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Ghadames, Libya, Mogatopia - Today MoG[Water] has tested new cloud seeding techniques recently developed in conjunction with MoG[Corp]'s aqueduct and desalination plant project, currently 10% completed, rain has begun to fall here in Ghadames, with aircraft currently being outfitted to begin the program on a larger scale, along with ground based generators being constructed in areas with potential arability. MoG[Corp] has also begun sending survey teams into the deserts to locate more potential oil fields as well as new oases or underground water supplies to compliment existing water supplies.

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  • 1 month later...

MoG[Construction] has begun a massive brick and concrete building project to be constructed in every major city in the region, massive apartment complex projects will ensure cheap housing for the coming years as our population continues to grow, unemployed citizens are asked to come to any job site and fill out an application.

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MoG[Corp] celebrates international workers day by providing Soma for every single citizen currently residing on MoG[Corp] property, we are happy to promote the well being and happiness of the working class, since no nation would survive without their dedication to their jobs and willingness to provide for the rest of their society.

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  • 3 weeks later...

5 miles outside Ouargla, Algeria, Mogatopia - Construction has begun on large underground bunkers outside the city, similar projects have been started near every major city in Mogatopia, as well as a number in the less hospitable areas, each roughly the size of a small stadium about 60 feet underground, with reinforced steel doors to protect against potential bombing. Workers currently on the aquaduct project were reassigned to complete these bunkers.

Aquaducts - 56%
Drug Bunkers - 1%

MoG[Corp] has begun hoarding plants and seeds of Coca, Opium, and Marijuana plants, and is interested in purchasing any supplies of any of the mentioned plants from anyone.

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All drugs are entirely legal on MoG[Corp] property, as long as they are purchased from a designated vendor. Opiates have many positive uses besides turning it into Heroin, Marijuana is less harmful than even Tobacco, and Cocaine can be used as a topical painkiller, MoG[Corp] wonders why the United Kingdom is interested in our internal legal policies.

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[quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1306102438' post='2716737']
All drugs are entirely legal on MoG[Corp] property, as long as they are purchased from a designated vendor. Opiates have many positive uses besides turning it into Heroin, Marijuana is less harmful than even Tobacco, and Cocaine can be used as a topical painkiller, MoG[Corp] wonders why the United Kingdom is interested in our internal legal policies.

After just being attacked with weaponised opiate chemicals, we are perfectly within our rights to question your internal legal practises, especially when it can be called into question what possible covert uses your drugs have. For example your usage of LSD as a military strike weapon against targets in West Africa.

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The aerosolized LSD used upon the former Great Western Alliance was created internally on MoG[Corp] property, MoG[Corp] would like to know how a missile flying over the arctic would be related to a nation south of you, the United Kingdom has not attacked or threatened any nation which MoG[Corp] interests itself with, our only uses for drugs are to provide our citizens with whatever they desire.

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You dont need to launch a missile to be responsible for its payload. The materials used in the chemical payload could originate from Mogtopia.
We respectfully request the chance to sample all known opiates stockpiles in Mogtopia to see if it matches the agent used to attack Britain.

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The Ministry of Trade and Commerce had begun a review of MoG[Corp] after its division MoG[TV] was found to be violating the human rights of participants in the form of gladiator-derived programming.

As part of this ongoing review, several products of MoG[Pharmaceuticals] have been tested and found not to conform with regulations, and in addition, have been found to contain a number of banned substances. With the basis of these findings, MoG[Pharmaceuticals] has been banned in the Union of Arctica, and the Bureau of Internal Investigation has listed MoG[Corp] as a major international distributor of illicit drugs. Pursuant to this listing, in coming months the Bureau will be cooperating with the customs service and food and drug regulatory bodies to determine which other MoG[Corp] divisions are involved in the trafficking of illegal drugs, and whether other consumable products of MoG[Corp] conform to regulations.

As with the ban of MoG[TV], there is talk among government officials of banning the entire corporation from conducting business in the Union. As one Antananarivo congressman puts it: "So far, two of this company's divisions have been found to be violating our laws, and as everyone knows, they're involved in other illicit activities, such as providing narcotics to their own people and having the death sentence for crimes related to property - that shows you where their priorities lie. They get by with this by pretending to have sovereign status, when in reality they're a company outside of national jurisdiction, outside of the regulation of a government responsible for its citizens. Their only motive is profit. I have no doubt that, with the launching of a broader investigation, more of their divisions will be found to be in violation of this great country's laws. And when it finally comes to a vote to ban the entire company and expel its drug dealers and scam artists from the Union, I'll be right there to vote for it, because I care about the wellbeing of the population, that's why I run for office and that's what makes me different from the greedy industrialists at MoG[Corp]."

Another opinion is put forth by an Oceana congressman and ardent supporter of drug legalization legislation: "I have heard the statement put forth by one of my colleagues regarding MoG[Corp], and I tell you this man cannot be farther from the truth. MoG[Corp] provides ways to help their people, using established scientific means. Nobody is forcing them to take these pharmaceuticals. If they feel a little down, they can buy something to make them feel a little better. That's all. There's nothing wrong with that. But it seems the puritans among us can't handle that, so they've banned that division. We are all responsible adults, we don't need the state to nanny us. We should be able to buy MoG[Corp]'s products if we want to, because it's our choice how we should spend our money. If this travesty of justice makes its way all the way to the National Congress, I'll be the first to vote against it."

- Arctica News Service

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"While the Athenian Federation has a very liberal policy in regards to drugs where several kinds are legalized and their use even promoted a line needs to be drawn. With the recent wave of potentially dangerous and untested drugs coming from Mogatopia and the companies within we are forced to place restrictions on all trade where all drugs, used as medicine or not, will not be allowed into the Federation."

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1306104063' post='2716752']
You dont need to launch a missile to be responsible for its payload. The materials used in the chemical payload could originate from Mogtopia.
We respectfully request the chance to sample all known opiates stockpiles in Mogtopia to see if it matches the agent used to attack Britain.
"MoG[Corp] will allow inspectors from the United Kingdom to test our rather limited supplies of Opium plants to ensure we did not support or assist in any way the attacks upon your nation, We are a peaceful corporation and have no motives of militaristic actions against anyone at this time."

[quote name='Vedran' timestamp='1306106741' post='2716782']
"MoG[TV]'s program "the Arena" no longer relies on criminals for contestants, we get more than volunteers than we are able to use on a regular basis, the current waiting list is 1 year 10 months in order to compete in the Arena. MoG[Corp] would like to further state that we do not sell any drug internationally besides Soma, and have no intentions of expanding into providing illicit drugs in nations where they are not legal, we simply require the capabilities for our own internal needs, and perhaps to sell to nations where they are legal, most commonly Marijuana. Furthermore, We believe that the slanderous comments claiming we are simply drug peddlers and scam artists to be highly offensive, MoG[Corp] has a set of internal laws and there are numerous internal regulations to provide safe and sterile pharmaceuticals to our citizens and customers, why should people fear their government arresting them for what they wish to do in their own homes, it reminds us of puritan America of old, will the Arctican government begin regulating how their citizens are allowed to have sexual relations in their own homes? Corporations have done anything for cheaper and faster than government bureaucracies since the dawn of human history, why would we harm our own people when they are our largest customer base and our employees?"

[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1306108579' post='2716797']
"While the Athenian Federation has a very liberal policy in regards to drugs where several kinds are legalized and their use even promoted a line needs to be drawn. With the recent wave of potentially dangerous and untested drugs coming from Mogatopia and the companies within we are forced to place restrictions on all trade where all drugs, used as medicine or not, will not be allowed into the Federation."
MoG[Corp] would be willing to send samples of our products or allow inspectors from the Athenian Federation into our pharmaceutical laboratories and factories to ensure we keep the highest safety standards and sterile conditions possible for any pharmaceutical products created on MoG[Corp] property, we would not create a product that would be harmful or fatal, killing our own employees is a fast way to be in the red, and MoG[Corp] has no intentions of not being profitable.

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The United Kingdom [i]will[/i] be sending a team of inspectors to Mogtopia. However, until our inspectors are satisfide we will be placing full economic sanctions on Mogtopia and we feel it is correct to inform you that Parliament is discussing putting in place an aerial blockade of all Mogtopian aircraft and shipping attempting to export Mogtopian products.

[i]At Healthrow Airport, London[/i]

A team of over fifty inspectors from various fields boarded a jet bound for Mogtopia to begin the investigation.

The investigation can just be a passive background thing, dont have the time at the minute for a fully fledged RP.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1306191146' post='2717129']
The United Kingdom [i]will[/i] be sending a team of inspectors to Mogtopia. However, until our inspectors are satisfide we will be placing full economic sanctions on Mogtopia and we feel it is correct to inform you that Parliament is discussing putting in place an aerial blockade of all Mogtopian aircraft and shipping attempting to export Mogtopian products.

For an insignificant country which always argues that it does not trade with "hostile" countries, the Greater Korean Federation finds this laughable. We shall be trading with Mogatopia regardless of what small islanders think they can do.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1306192315' post='2717135']
For an insignificant country which always argues that it does not trade with "hostile" countries, the Greater Korean Federation finds this laughable. We shall be trading with Mogatopia regardless of what small islanders think they can do.

The UK wonders what on earth Korea is on about. Please show us documented proof of this paticular declaration because we certainly have none.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1306193357' post='2717141']
The UK wonders what on earth Korea is on about. Please show us documented proof of this paticular declaration because we certainly have none.

Your past actions against Ireland is one of the best examples.

OOC: Couldn't find IC evidence for now, but there are these two posts in the GM thread.

[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1297101959' post='2624207']
Runours how?
Two nations in a cold war with highly militarised Borders don't exactly go holidaying across the border.
I've never RPd my people going into Ireland and vice versa.
I have not even RPd trade with him.

[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1297248179' post='2626865']
As it happens it's only one particular case, Ireland.
All my ally's have soldiers based in Britain, and I trade with most of cnrp apart from yawoo\ Pravus\ sargun.

I probably did jump the gun on this one, but still, past actions explained through OOC should be enough.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1306194364' post='2717148']
Your past actions against Ireland is one of the best examples.

OOC: Couldn't find IC evidence for now, but there are these two posts in the GM thread.

I probably did jump the gun on this one, but still, past actions explained through OOC should be enough.


Out of character evidence isnt allowed to justify ICly actions without ICly public evidence.

Moreover if you did your research you would know I had an open borders policy with Ireland right up to a week before he left. It was him that didn't trade with me.

Thanks for playing.

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With the possibility that the western islanders might do some very stupid actions, Korean shipping to Mogatopia would have Daehan UDT/SEALs onboard, armed with AA missiles.

[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1306195106' post='2717155']

Out of character evidence isnt allowed to justify ICly actions without ICly public evidence.

Moreover if you did your research you would know I had an open borders policy with Ireland right up to a week before he left. It was him that didn't trade with me.

Thanks for playing.

OOC: Weren't you the one that first attacked Ireland, causing the nuke to fall on London? You had almost no relationship with Ireland after that, until sometime around March when there were some gifting of horse. You need to know your history more :P

Thank [b][i]you[/i][/b] for playing

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1306195744' post='2717163']
With the possibility that the western islanders might do some very stupid actions, Korean shipping to Mogatopia would have Daehan UDT/SEALs onboard, armed with AA missiles.

OOC: Weren't you the one that first attacked Ireland, causing the nuke to fall on London? You had almost no relationship with Ireland after that, until sometime around March when there were some gifting of horse. You need to know your history more :P

Thank [b][i]you[/i][/b] for playing

I would seriously suggest you go and do some reading Kankou. I had open Borders and free trade with him, he however, had his Borders closed. ICly your post has no merit or meaning because as far as canonicity is concerned, it never actually happened. Only time they were closed was directly after the war, and right before he left when I locked Britain down completely.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1306191146' post='2717129']
The United Kingdom [i]will[/i] be sending a team of inspectors to Mogtopia. However, until our inspectors are satisfide we will be placing full economic sanctions on Mogtopia and we feel it is correct to inform you that Parliament is discussing putting in place an aerial blockade of all Mogtopian aircraft and shipping attempting to export Mogtopian products.

With the current situation unfolding The PRA feels that while economic sanctions by your nation against Mogatopia, are indeed justifiable, it must be known that imposing an aerial blockade on Mogatopia is considered by The PRA as far beyond the lines of being a reasonable response at this time.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1306191146' post='2717129']
The United Kingdom [i]will[/i] be sending a team of inspectors to Mogtopia. However, until our inspectors are satisfide we will be placing full economic sanctions on Mogtopia and we feel it is correct to inform you that Parliament is discussing putting in place an aerial blockade of all Mogtopian aircraft and shipping attempting to export Mogtopian products.

"Although it is not our place to comment, we can't help but note that an aerial blockade, as well any form of blockade, would be effectively an act of war against a peaceful nation as well excessive interference in its internal affairs. Although the UK is free to do whatever it wishes, we would nevertheless encourage the UK not to undertake such a drastic action."

- Salvador Nava, Minister of Foreign Affairs

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