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The Royal Wedding that really counts

Zoot Zoot

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[i] Notre Dame Cathederal, Paris[/i]

Prince Harry and Jessica Bonaparte, heir to the throne of a now defunct Imperium of Canada were made husband and wife under Gods eyes and infront of the millions of people worldwide. Prince Harry and Princess Jessica, under the Royal Guard's protection and the Irish overwatch security lockdown left the Church and made their way to the Tulleries for the wedding reception's afterparty along with the hundreds of international VIP's and Royalty from the world over.

Once at the Tulleries, the two heirs to the British throne mingled with the crowds, moving person to person thanking them graciously for coming. Harry was a stranger to these sorts of events but the King and Queen made up for his lack of formality and social awareness.

Jessica wound her way around until she found a man she had grown very fond of during her long stay in India.
"Uncle Kerala! Uncle Kerala, I'm so glad you could make it, I have missed you dearly since we last saw eachother those years ago. I still have that teddy you gave me when I left" said said excitedly in fluent Hindi as she approached the Cochin Royal. She was deeply indebted to him for his hospitality when her and her mother were exiled when she was nought but a child. Being raised in India between five and twelve meant she had a basic under standing if the language, but had since taken advanced studies and lessons in the language, and now at eighteen she was fluent. It was at this point Harry appeared at her elbow, once more Jess launched into the eloquent language of the Cochin people.
"Uncle, this is my Husband, Prince Harry, he is very shy, it is his first public engagement so please forgive him if he seems reluctant to talk first"

Meanwhile at the other end of the Grand hall of the French Palace, King Alfred and Queen Elizabeth slowly made their way to King Dinsmore.
"Your Highness it is a pleasure to finally meet you in person. First of all thank you for this and allowing them to marry in Paris and handling security, if you send me a bill once everything is over I shall arrangement the payment for your troubles. Please, this is my wife Elizabeth. I trust Diomede is serving you well sure as I promised? It would shame me if she was not. The deer you sent have flourished in the northlands, the herds size has almost doubled."

Around the hall, Admirals, Generals, celebrities and family friends not to mention other Government officials introduced themselves and talked to delegations from Greece, Italy, Spain, Russia and Scotland. Alcohol flowed, music played and people danced and conversed. Prince William strode around the room until he found the Duchess of Austria, Maria.
"Greetings your Highness, may I have the pleasure of a dance?"

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The newly anointed Amir of the Timuridian Empire strode with his entourage amongst the guests, making sure to exchange pleasantries. Most of them talked with one another, enjoying the lively celebration.

"Ah, some of the finest wine in the world, from the southern vineyards of France," sighed Prince Andrey Davydov, smiling at his monarch.

"Indeed," responded Sham Timur, Amir of the Greater Timuridian Empire. He noted quietly, "I must say, the pomp of Western European society always seems to trump that of anywhere else. But, of course, it is what makes the stories magical; and it is rather impressive."

"Quite," replied Davydov, with a wide smile.

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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1299725177' post='2658189']
We were unaware that Samiya invented marriage.

[i]Samiya laughs at the ignorant statement.[/i]

"What does this even mean? We get married and were copied and now we invented it. Oh well more glory for us."

[i]Samiya continues to snicker.[/i]

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299725279' post='2658191']
"What does this even mean? We get married and were copied and now we invented it. Oh well more glory for us."

Good gods, this is the person running an entire nation?

May whatever nonexistent guy in the sky you believe in save your people, because with you in the lead the future isn't looking too good.

OOC: Sorry about that...I'm gonna stop spamming up your wedding thread >_>

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Only a week had passed since Maria had returned from her soiree with Sham Timur in Asia and his coronation when she was whisked away once more for another royal ceremony, this being the marriage of the two English royals in Notre-Dame. The Duchess of Austria found the situation quite odd, an English Prince marrying a Canadian Princess in French territory, it boggled her mind, but after the ceremony itself and the beauty of the Tulleries it didn't seem so strange once she looked the celebration through a few cocktail glasses. Everything made more sense after the first olive was in her mouth and of course there was never a moments peace at one of these parties. Just like the coronation of the Amir, people were gathered from all over the world, Scottish accents mixed with French, over those she heard sounds of Indian and perhaps somewhere even Chinese. It literally amazed her just how multi-cultural the world had become, she had grown up with it, but in between her conversation with a young man from Southern Italy, the thought nearly knocked her on her feet.

There were a lot of people at the celebration she knew as well and a few who earned the Duchess' trademark smirk. Valerio would be there, along with Sham, and she chuckled thinking to herself, that she had procured the looks of perhaps too many gentlemen in so short of a time. Perhaps, her Austrian beauty would end up getting her in trouble in the comings months or years, but until that time, Maria shrugged it off and continued with the conversation with the Italian. He was saying something terrible dull about the Catholic Church and while she should have been interested, her mind continued to fly somewhere into the clouds and then back into her martini glass.

It was the sudden tap on her shoulder that spun the Duchess around to find herself face to face with William, the Prince of England and him smiling back at her.

[i]"Greetings your Highness, may I have the pleasure of a dance?"[/i]

"Oh, my." Maria said having been caught completely off-guard. "Why it would be my pleasure, though forgive me for saying, I've been dancing most of my life, if you have something a bit more interesting, you'd have my full and undivided attention." She chuckled and let him take her hand, lifting her shoulders. "But for now, dancing would be a treat. Oh, and please, no need to be formal, call me Maria."

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299725279' post='2658191']
[i]Samiya laughs at the ignorant statement.[/i]

"What does this even mean? We get married and were copied and now we invented it. Oh well more glory for us."

[i]Samiya continues to snicker.[/i]

"The English started the invites before your nation even existed so I do believe they were first."


With the marriage being of English royalty both Monarchs had attended the event. Both Valerio and Ariadne were not uncommon to events like these so they felt quite comfortable however they both noticed there were quite some people who weren't.

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As the orchestra played a lively tune that could produce a waltz, the Amir was speaking quietly with Davydov, whose foot was tapping gently to the music. It had only been a week before that the crown of the Amir had been placed upon his head, and it seemed so long ago, between meetings and foreign visits, he hardly slept a night in his own bed at the Ashgabat Palace. He spotted a number of venerable guests from all over the world, both Athenian and British royalty, as well as foreign businessmen and powerful political figures, it was rather overwhelming, but the alcohol that invaded his bloodstream kept his head calm.

He spotted the Duchess of Austria across the room, and smiled to himself, only a week before they had been dancing a waltz similar to this in the garden of his palace. With that memory, a thought that had briefly crossed his mind then, reappeared, and his smile lessened slightly. He knew that his country would be approached by some countries for a reason, mainly hailing from the diplomatic table, to use his country for their own ends. He had promised when he took to the throne to protect his people, and he had made a personal promise to himself to leave himself room to maneuver diplomatically. If there was one thing he did not like in this world, it was the use of others as a shield or a sword against another, but it was something that was normal business by other countries.

He had found himself very enchanted by the Duchess' friendly and open nature during their audience, and he had granted her country a diplomatic agreement because of that lovely evening. While there was no mistaking, his eye had been caught by the Duchess, he had also reminded himself that some of the strongest bonds were those of a platonic friendship, a camaraderie of understanding and mutual benefit, of helping a friend when they were in need. As such, it is why his treaty had offered significant assistance to the Austrian State, while it probably did not benefit his state as much as it did the Austrians, it would open up a new market, as well as give his state the benefit of a defense partner in Europe. He reassured himself that he had found a friend that had similar traits, and now he was helping that friend, he just hoped it would not get him in over his head.

"She did something to you, didn't she?" asked Davydov, quietly, as he watched the Amir observe the British Prince William asking the Duchess of Austria for a dance.

"She reminded me that even Monarchs can dispose of formalities from time to time," responded Sham, his warm smile returning. "I am honored to call her a friend." He paused, and then chuckled, "And if that answers your question, you gossip monger, let us go and give our congratulations to the newlyweds."

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[quote]"Why it would be my pleasure, though forgive me for saying, I've been dancing most of my life, if you have something a bit more interesting, you'd have my full and undivided attention." She chuckled and let him take her hand, lifting her shoulders. "But for now, dancing would be a treat. Oh, and please, no need to be formal, call me Maria." [/quote]

William smiled as he raised her up gently and began to waltz with her. Her beauty was the talk of the British salons and the rings of high aristocracy in England.
"M'lady, a lady of your status and Grandeur deserves to be referred to by her title, however, if you insist, I shall call you Maria, but only of you call me Bill" he spoke into her ear as they moved slowly across the highly polished floors to the music. "So Maria, I am pleased you managed to attend the wedding, I know my brother isnt very social as you can see" he said, steering the Duchess around to see Harry behind him talking to Amir Sham. "But he and Jessica wanted a wedding befitting a member of the British Royalty, vain I know, but when his mind is set on something, or rather Jessicas, it usually happens". As the beat of the music increased the dance got ever so slightly faster, twirling Maria gracefully he pulled her close again and continued the formal dancing.
"Me, Harry, Jessica and perhaps several others will be going out tomorrow night for a meal... and then our to experience the nightlife of Paris if you wish to join us, failing that, Im going to the horse races at Ascot in the summer if you care to accompany me as my guest?"

Not far behind William and Maria, Harry had entered a discussion with the Amir Sham and Davydov.
"Thank you both for coming, it means alot to have not just friends and family, but to have such an oppertunity to create new friends and not seize it, would be a folly. Your support of Great Britain in West Africa was greatly received by my father the King, im sure he would tell you this himself had he not found the beer kegs." His words at first were stuttered out of nerves but he soon overcame it and dropped into the smooth, unbroken speech expected of the next in line.

Queen Elizabeth had drifted away from Alfred who was engaged in conversation with King Dinsmore and found herself near Empress Ariadne. She had never spoken to a Greek diplomat before, nevermind a member of the Imperial family. She walked over and offered her a glass of champagne.
"Your Highness, it is a pleasure to meet you, I am Queen Elizabeth, please call me Lizzy though, formalities for me at such events are not very useful, especially after a few drinks and some good songs. Now, please correct me If I am wrong youHighness, but I have been lead to believe you are a competitive drinker?" Lizzy winked mischieviously, the wine had pretty much gone to her head, but she remained cordial and polite, hardly slurring.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1299776924' post='2658623']
Not far behind William and Maria, Harry had entered a discussion with the Amir Sham and Davydov.
"Thank you both for coming, it means alot to have not just friends and family, but to have such an oppertunity to create new friends and not seize it, would be a folly. Your support of Great Britain in West Africa was greatly received by my father the King, im sure he would tell you this himself had he not found the beer kegs." His words at first were stuttered out of nerves but he soon overcame it and dropped into the smooth, unbroken speech expected of the next in line.

"Thank you for your kindness," responded Sham, bowing his head. "I am afraid that my forces did not have much part in the direct action, we were only readying to land when the Republique surrendered. Probably a move that saved lives, I daresay. My condolences to your own soldiers who will never feel the embrace of their families in this life," nodded Sham, bowing his head.

"I hear that the British are still in place at Abijan, is there any word on their return, or are they returning soon?" asked Davydov, looking at Sham, then at the Prince cordially.

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[quote name='TheShammySocialist' timestamp='1299777601' post='2658645']
"Thank you for your kindness," responded Sham, bowing his head. "I am afraid that my forces did not have much part in the direct action, we were only readying to land when the Republique surrendered. Probably a move that saved lives, I daresay. My condolences to your own soldiers who will never feel the embrace of their families in this life," nodded Sham, bowing his head.

"I hear that the British are still in place at Abijan, is there any word on their return, or are they returning soon?" asked Davydov, looking at Sham, then at the Prince cordially.

"Indeed more lives were saved, but your efforts none the less were a massive gesture of friendship. Thankyou for your condolances Sham. As for Abidjan, the last British Regiment left the continent around two weeks ago. Hopefully we wont be returning to Africa any time in the near or far future. That said, my military service is still in its infancy compared to my Father who was an Admiral before he took up the throne. Taught by Admiral Joona himself. Please help yourself to food and drink fellas."

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"Well that's quite the offer William," Maria smirked as they waltzed across the floor, his face close to her ears and her lips. She could smell his cologne, the sweet fragrance, mixed with just the right amount of alcohol to make her whole body gently melt into the dance itself. "I might want to take you up on both offers if you don't mind though, I've only been to Paris once and that was so long ago, during the French Empire. It kind of makes me sad at times, the way Europe has progressed, the swaths of large nations commanding corners and wide plains of the continent, while countries like yours and mine have to eke out the small existence on war-wasted territory."

She was spun around again, the room flashed before her and the other guests seemed like little more than blurs then she was brought back into the safety of William's arms and the waltz continued in its rhythmic step. "Though I hope the others won't mind if I do come along with you, I'd hate to be the third wheel to one of these social engagements, I'm not an awkward person, but I'm afraid I'm not well acquainted with English society, you'll have to show me the ropes when we go out. I'll also have to congratulate your brother and his wife of such a splendid party they've been able to throw." The Duchess said as she was twirled around once again.

As the dance began to come to an end and Maria's sight began to balance itself from the twirling, the hall had grown much more dense in the course of the dance. There were people everywhere now, crowding the areas around the dance floor, many who she knew and having just danced with the Prince, she couldn't help but blush when she saw them. Sham and Valerio especially, but her cutesy embarrassment was quickly forgotten by the sight of the Athenian Empress and Maria promised at that moment to stay clear away from her at all costs. She wanted to keep reminding herself that because she was positive the longer the party continued and her energy increasing, there was the chance of conflict and that was the last thing the Duchess wanted.

Turning back around Maria took William's hand and held it between her two petite, pale, hands. "You're a wonderful dancer William, it was a pleasure and I have the rest of my weekend lined up for me now as well. I appreciate that."

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1299776924' post='2658623']
Queen Elizabeth had drifted away from Alfred who was engaged in conversation with King Dinsmore and found herself near Empress Ariadne. She had never spoken to a Greek diplomat before, nevermind a member of the Imperial family. She walked over and offered her a glass of champagne.
"Your Highness, it is a pleasure to meet you, I am Queen Elizabeth, please call me Lizzy though, formalities for me at such events are not very useful, especially after a few drinks and some good songs. Now, please correct me If I am wrong youHighness, but I have been lead to believe you are a competitive drinker?" Lizzy winked mischieviously, the wine had pretty much gone to her head, but she remained cordial and polite, hardly slurring.

While Ariadne normally wouldn't do drinking games the few drinks she had already had and the environment convinced her to agree. "Gladly your highness" she said with a smile taking another glass.

[quote name='Sarah Tintagyl' timestamp='1299779369' post='2658692']
"Well that's quite the offer William," Maria smirked as they waltzed across the floor, his face close to her ears and her lips. She could smell his cologne, the sweet fragrance, mixed with just the right amount of alcohol to make her whole body gently melt into the dance itself. "I might want to take you up on both offers if you don't mind though, I've only been to Paris once and that was so long ago, during the French Empire. It kind of makes me sad at times, the way Europe has progressed, the swaths of large nations commanding corners and wide plains of the continent, while countries like yours and mine have to eke out the small existence on war-wasted territory."

She was spun around again, the room flashed before her and the other guests seemed like little more than blurs then she was brought back into the safety of William's arms and the waltz continued in its rhythmic step. "Though I hope the others won't mind if I do come along with you, I'd hate to be the third wheel to one of these social engagements, I'm not an awkward person, but I'm afraid I'm not well acquainted with English society, you'll have to show me the ropes when we go out. I'll also have to congratulate your brother and his wife of such a splendid party they've been able to throw." The Duchess said as she was twirled around once again.

As the dance began to come to an end and Maria's sight began to balance itself from the twirling, the hall had grown much more dense in the course of the dance. There were people everywhere now, crowding the areas around the dance floor, many who she knew and having just danced with the Prince, she couldn't help but blush when she saw them. Sham and Valerio especially, but her cutesy embarrassment was quickly forgotten by the sight of the Athenian Empress and Maria promised at that moment to stay clear away from her at all costs. She wanted to keep reminding herself that because she was positive the longer the party continued and her energy increasing, there was the chance of conflict and that was the last thing the Duchess wanted.

Turning back around Maria took William's hand and held it between her two petite, pale, hands. "You're a wonderful dancer William, it was a pleasure and I have the rest of my weekend lined up for me now as well. I appreciate that."

Valerio had been watching from a distance, the room had quite some handsome women however his eyes never moved away from Maria. As the dance had ended and Valerio would walk towards the Prince and tap him on the shoulder. "Your highness, would you mind if I borrowed the Duchess from you for a dance?" He said as controlled as he could not showing how he truly felt at all. The fact he didn't have alcohol yet made him even more able to control his mood.

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William spoke back into the Duchess's ear quietly as they moved silently around the hall, the music playing lazily into his ears and the gentle rythem coursing through his veins. "Maria, it would be my pleasure if you came out on both occasions, I myself have not toured paris since I was a student in my gap year. Man that was a good week..." William drifted off for a moment into his own mind before coming back to the dance.
"As for English society, Maria, this wont be as... amicable as this party here. I am to understand that my brother and Jessica are going to give the security detail the slip and go to a foam party or something. I am far too old for such nonsense. Ill be going to the meal and finding a karioke bar, I must apologise if its not as exciting as I made it out to be, but theres just something about watching drunks sing songs that makes me smile, then again, more than once Ive been on the stage myself". Twirling Maria once more before she took his hands and spoke.

[i]"You're a wonderful dancer William, it was a pleasure and I have the rest of my weekend lined up for me now as well. I appreciate that." [/i]
"No M'Lady, the pleasure was all mine. We shall be meeting at the Eiffle Tower tomorrow at 7.30pm, I shall see you then" replied William, smiling warmly as he turned around, almost walking directly into the Emperor of the Western Federation.

"Watch where you going old bea... Oh, I'm terribly sorry your Imperial Highness, I didnt see you there, caught me quite by surprise." Stuttered William, the shock of almost walking into an Emperor or knocking him over or doing anything that could jepardise the relationship between Athens and England pumped him full of adrenaline.

[i] "Your highness, would you mind if I borrowed the Duchess from you for a dance?" [/i]

"Yes, yes of course Sire, she is a wonderful dancer. I've got to go" he said as calmly as his nerves would allow before he quickly made his way to get himself a stiff drink.

Lizzy kept bringing over shots of sambuka, glasses of wine and two yard glasses for a downing race later. The Queen was quite sloshed to say the least.
"Fancy another shot your Highness?"

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Having had more than any man should consume in one sitting, President Pegg had fallen asleep in his seat. His wife had already taken the liberty of drawing a beard and mustache on his face, as well as a well known part of male anatomy on his forehead.

She walked up the the prince, dwarfing him.

[i]"I would like to congratulate you, your highness. I apologise for my husband, he tends to out do himself at events such as these. He would most likely send his congratulations were he not asleep. Might I say you have a beautiful wife, you are a very lucky man indeed as is she a very lucky woman. Might I ask where you intend to take your honeymoon?"[/i]

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1299956215' post='2661677']
"Yes, yes of course Sire, she is a wonderful dancer. I've got to go" he said as calmly as his nerves would allow before he quickly made his way to get himself a stiff drink.[/quote]

When the prince left Valerio had to chuckle a bit. "Well Duchess it is a pleasure seeing you again" He said extending a hand.

[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1299956215' post='2661677']
Lizzy kept bringing over shots of sambuka, glasses of wine and two yard glasses for a downing race later. The Queen was quite sloshed to say the least.
"Fancy another shot your Highness?"

Ariadne hadn't really felt much effects of the alcohol yet and smiled at the offer. "Bring it your highness" she replied.

Edited by Centurius
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