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[quote name='Sigrun Vapneir' timestamp='1298570185' post='2643941']Are you literally arguing that rp is a danger to mental health, but only if you do it right?[/quote]
It's almost as though you read that one post of mine that you originally quoted before and just stopped right there.

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lol, no, pretending to be someone else is not inherently a sign of mental weakness. I mean a lot of actors are crazy, but most lead normal lives.

Now if you're going to be like Lance Henriksen that might be going too far... but I doubt any CN player has done the stuff Lance does to get in character. Somehow.

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[quote name='Sigrun Vapneir' timestamp='1298568662' post='2643917']
Actually it is very healthy, psychologically, to be able to empathise with and portray those who are different from oneself.

Just sayin... :awesome:
I'm going to have to say that both you and Voytek are right here. RP in the terms that we're used to can be extremely healthy and fun, but it can also be very detrimental. Many actors in the real world have thrown themselves into their roles and produced great success, both on and off the stage (see Daniel Day Lewis in [i]Gangs of New York[/i]).

At the same time, however, there's a risk that one takes when participating in roleplay, and that is getting too lost in one's own character, like Voytek was alluding to earlier in this thread. A perfect and unfortunate example is Heath Ledger's performance in [i]The Dark Knight[/i]. A wonderful job of character acting, but at an extreme cost - the actor's life.

I'm not trying to imply that Maelstrom Vortex's IC posts are going to end up with his suicide, I'm merely saying there are two sides to the coin here.

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[quote name='Balbo' timestamp='1298665855' post='2644907']
I'm going to have to say that both you and Voytek are right here. RP in the terms that we're used to can be extremely healthy and fun, but it can also be very detrimental. Many actors in the real world have thrown themselves into their roles and produced great success, both on and off the stage (see Daniel Day Lewis in [i]Gangs of New York[/i]).

At the same time, however, there's a risk that one takes when participating in roleplay, and that is getting too lost in one's own character, like Voytek was alluding to earlier in this thread. A perfect and unfortunate example is Heath Ledger's performance in [i]The Dark Knight[/i]. A wonderful job of character acting, but at an extreme cost - the actor's life.

I'm not trying to imply that Maelstrom Vortex's IC posts are going to end up with his suicide, I'm merely saying there are two sides to the coin here.

I have no delusions of being my character. He is a product of self, not a part of self. I have a great respect for everyone in doom house, particularly those arguing with me ICly. For example, I am not pretending to eat MK spai right now.. even though this chicken patty is so delicious.. I doubt it's that delicious. Worry not, you shall not lose thy drama from me any time soon. I will continue to drive Centurius bonkers for a long long time.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1298670879' post='2644959']
Uh, Heath Ledger's death is tragic, but it's not because of the role of the Joker in the Dark Knight. It's because he was a drug addict in real life, not a particular role he played in a film.
I was under the impression that while he may have had a drug problem, his descent into causing his own demise was amplified by his dedication to the Joker. If this is not the case, then forgive me - I don't mean to start a debate on the circumstances of Heath Ledger's death.

I standby my original point, that the lack of separation between heavy roleplaying and real life can have negative consequences, but it really depends on the person.

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Heath Ledger's death wasn't from him not being able to disassociate his Joker persona from his real life persona. He mixed OTC drugs for symptoms.

Also, Haflinger, he wasn't a drug addict for all we knew, it was just a lethal combination of drugs. It was ruled an accident and not an overdose.

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