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Fear ~tHe LeGiOn~

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[color="#0000FF"]Listen (I don't know why, someone just said to include it):[/color]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrnEKq2Yy7U


[color="#0000FF"]There comes a time when the world must tremble before an awesome military power. This is not that time. We are the Legion, for right now we are relatively few. We are here to build our nations peacefully, and to shy away from any and all conflict. We are united in this fact. Whereas you all are here for blood and war, we just want to enjoy peace and friendship and love. Not because we're naturally likable people. Truth be told, if you like us you really need to get your head check. We shy away from war because we are simply clumsy and awkward at it. It just isn't our thing. But here we are. The Legion.

Let the world laugh.[/color]

[quote][color="#0000FF"]Article I: Admission and Membership


Over qualified members will not be accepted. The Legion is not looking for quality


A. Members are required to join the pink team. It is the only color fitting for an alliance of the Legion's caliber.

B. While membership in other alliances is not prohibited, if you're in the Legion you most likely are not in any other alliance. I have no idea why any alliance would want a Legioner.

C. All Legioners are granted free speech and the privilege to make a fool of themselves before the entire world.

Article II: The Structure of the Legion

The Imperator

A. The Imperator is the leader of the Legion. No leadership skill are needed. In fact, they are discouraged. The Imperator shall be the first to enter peace mode at the sight of war. If the Imperator is unable to enter peace mode, a surrender will be negotiated immediately.
B. The Imperator shall be elected monthly. The elections shall always be rigged to favor His Holiness Rebel Virginia.
C. Party hard.


A. Second in Command. He's sort of like the Vice President. He will be appointed by the Imperator.
B. The duties of the Proconsul include waiting for something bad to happen to the Imperator.


A. The Consulate includes the Minsters of Foreign Affairs, Internal Affairs, Defense, Finance, and Trade.
B. The Consulate will be elected monthly.
C. Nobody should care about these guys. Only Rebel Virginia matters.

Article III: Treaties

A. The government of the Legion has the power to sign treaties.
B. A treaty with the Legion is worth nothing. You probably should not sign one.

Article IV: War

A. The government of the Legion has the power to declare war.
B. If a treaty demands we go to war, members will be obliged to vote on going to war. They may vote yes, but hopefully they don't. If they do vote yes, a recount will be held. The Legion will stall for as long as possible.
C. The Legion is not a military alliance. Should we go to war prepare to be unimpressed.

Article V: Ethics

What are ethics?[/color][/quote]

[color="#0000FF"]We can be found in #nso or at [url="http://z3.invisionfree.com/failalliance/index.php?act=idx"]~tHe LeGiOn~[/url].

We're also pink.[/color]

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1298704434' post='2645303']
The Legion does not take kindly to your threats. Prepare to meet one of our representatives who will ensure it does not result in war.

Sadly, I don't play TE. But if I did, I might war you guys.

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[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1298704434' post='2645303']
The Legion does not take kindly to your threats. Prepare to meet one of our representatives who will ensure it does not result in war.

What if I want to threaten you and ensure it does result in war?

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[quote name='Dibbun' timestamp='1298785436' post='2645869']
What if I want to threaten you and ensure it does result in war?
Well, if we could not find a way out of it, then per our charter: C. The Legion is not a military alliance. Should we go to war prepare to be unimpressed.

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